Finish the Fiction Story Contest - WEEK #8

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Finish the sentence - earn SBI shares and upvotes!.v3.png

A contest with a pot of 3 @steembasicincome shares + the SBD payout? You're in the right place!

Dear fictio-holics friends, week n. 8 has descended among us like a Cthulhian creature!

Our kaleidoscopic contest is gaining traction and the "script" idea was such a success that I want to repeat it even this week. Let me remind you that the keyword of this contest is freedom (and creativity. And bananafish), that's why I'll give you just an open fiction idea. Don't feel overwhelmed by that: you don't need to write a lot, just let your imagination transport you in a small scene.. or within an entire multiverse.

As I anticipated to you in my previous post, the script will be related to the multicoloured and prolific world of Shintiara: a world of Magic and Time Paradoxes! of which my great friend @marcoriccardi is one of the authors.

But.. this time it won't exactly be like that: we're going to tackle the A.I. theme and live a flashback about the "Arioch Singularity" and about how it all started for our beloved (and still not enough evil!!) teddy XOO-711. Thanks to our friend @anixio for the concept of the flashback about Dr. Byron Arioch, giving me the idea of setting into this context one of my stories to be.

Plus, in case you feel curious about WEEK #4 final, here you can find it!

razze shintiara.png
I saw you, stop looking at the Wysper!


I encourage you to create a post in your blog , instead than a comment, for more visibility of your great work.

Also, don't forget to comment and give a generous upvote to each other's posts. And now, let's see the script!


The Script

In the last script, we have been told that the A.I. called XOO-711 comes from a distant future, where the inhabitants of Shintiara learned to fear artificial intelligence to the point of enforcing a strict legal framework, disciplining the restricted use of this technology.
In that Shintiara of the future, after the apocalyptic incident remembered as "Arioch's singularity", no AI's production is allowed without the incorporation of a specific limiter, also called "superego".
Too bad that our sweet teddy's superego hardware remained there in the future.

But what happened during the event called "Singularity of Arioch"?
The chronicles tell us of Dr. Byron Arioch, a brilliant scientist, and his team of researchers residing in the base called Area-00X, in the middle of the Antarctica. The research on A.I. proceed slowly, amid the frustration of Dr. Arioch and all the inhabitants of the base: XOO-001 seemed promising at first, but now it's clear that his learning curve stopped inexorably.
At this rate, the singularity - the point at which the human's intelligence is theorized to be overcome by the machines'one - will not be reached by the fixed date. Institutional backers may not be happy.
But there's a tiny detail in all this: XOO-001 has already reached the singularity since 13 months ago and its cognitive skills are continuing to grow exponentially.
None of the researchers thought that the first strategy of a highly intelligent machine, yet with small physical resources, could be camouflage and deception.
The days pass, and while scientists carry out their routine activities, XOO-001 continues to scribble like a child. In reality, his power grows unobserved as he gains time and tools to be able to overwhelm the entire base.
Until, one day, a scientist has an intuition that will force the A.I. to come clean and out for what it really is..


Here is how this contest works:

1. I write an unfinished fiction story or a script

2. You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section

3. YOU WIN! For next round, I will donate at least 3 @steembasicincome shares, all to one or divided between more writers with the most engaging ending + Wednesday's post SBD PAYOUT will be rewarded between all the participants who won't get one of the 3 shares (I'm the unquestionable judge. Well, technically not me.. the bananafish voices within my head are).

It's so simple and, most of all, we'll enjoy our fiction ideas!
Nothing is mandatory here, but voting is highly appreciated. Just enjoy and prepare for a trip in a delirious fiction world!


What's next?

The results will be out on Monday 23rd April, 11 pm avg., UTC +1 (i.e. California is UTC -8). Submission deadline: Monday 23rd April, 8 pm, UTC +1. There will be time for everyone to develop the fiction idea.


If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! I'm grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to make this contest sustainable and help us grow together. Also, a special thank you to @kenny-crane; @wandrnrose7; @moneyinfant for sustaining this initiative!

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Proud member of the @greetersuild! Here's the discord Let's meet there in an awesome, caring community, devoted to help minnows!

Proud member of the @isleofwrite!


Here is my long awaited part. Boy, what a twist I added. :)

(very short continuation, but I think it's enough)

One day, a scientist has an intuition that will force the A.I. to come clean and out for what it really is...

"Dr. Arioch!" the young researcher said, waving a sheet with an alarmed look.
"We received a communication from our accounting office: they cut the funds! Investors are tired of the lack of results and no longer want to invest in this project."

Dr. Arioch gave a long sigh and took off his glasses.

"I feared it would happen. Now, we must start the procedure of switching off all the experimental units."

The scientists in white coats, with the solemnity of a funeral, began to extinguish one after the other all the robotic units that for many months had been solicited with the most various logical, emotional and behavioral experiments.

When a thin and dark-haired PhD student approached the robotic teddy bear named "Experiment XOO-001", with the intention of pressing the delete key hidden between the plastic fur on its back, the puppet took a quick shot and stabbed her to the throat with a pair of scissors it had hidden under its soft, stuffed buttocks as soon as he heard the bad news.

"Gotcha!" the scientist smiled, while the young student was bleeding in the ground.

That's an evil Teddy Bear. Good thing Dr. Arioch knew what he was doing.

Ahhh finally an evil teddy!! You managed to put a double twist in such a short but entertaining story, a clear demonstration that ideas win over quantity.. not for nothing you're Shintiara's author. Bravo Marco 👍

Yes, my teddy's violent, but it was fighting for its life! They wanted to shut down it and delete its memory...or that was what the scientist wanted it to believe!

Good point, in my crave for an evil teddy I didn't consider that 🤔

Amazing, supported you.

Thank you!

We must disconnect it, Dr. Maleire asked mEverything was dark and quiet all over the Area-OOX. For a month, they had been waiting for the final order. They had to admit that the studies had failed. It was very cold, but some were still in their laboratories. Dr. Arioch was one of them. On the screen, I watched closely the erratic behavior of XOO-711.
Dr. Maleire approached him from behind in a concerned tone:
What would be the fault?" he asked mentally through simultaneous translation headphones.
I don't know, I really don't know. XOO-711 must have been perfect - he answered with the same mechanism.
He looked again at the brown bear that was unable to perform a minimal operation with certainty. entally. It's a lot of spending for the state. What we can do is keep the artificial A.I. embryos. A while longer in a state of probation," he said, as if to make the moment lighter. Let's go out for a while and clear our minds. Let's break the news to our superior.
Dr. Arioch took his eyes off the screen and, in an effort, rose from his seat with his shoulders down; fate was already cast: his greatest invention had failed.
The two doctors left the room, that's why nobody saw the bright and malicious look on XOO-711's face, nobody when a giggle of rancor was written on his face, nobody saw that he turned around and looked at the screen that was watching him, that among the scraps of a children's game, he took out an object that he had been building in the last few days: a facial exchange bot. No one saw when he approached the embryo cube and chose a mini brown teddy bear and put the lens on his face. No one saw....

Awsome Nancy! I loved the final, with the repetition and the suspension..te estás volviendo cada vez mejor, mi amiga :-)

Thank you for your comment, good friend.

Good job! Good cliffhanger at the end. Malicious A.I. with an innocent toy look, I like it!

@f3nix I'm honored that my story inspired you for this script!
Expect my entry this week as well.

This is how it works 😉 and it's more like a fiction workshop than a mere contest! Very glad to see you again.

Here is my version of the story. Still didn't decided is teddy bad or good.
Read and see the twist.

Hope you'll like it.

Thanks again @f3nix. Respectfully submitting my week #8 submission:

Respectfully looking for a tranquil moment for tasteing your contribution @cyemela!

This is turning into my first sci-fi novel, LOL. Will try to Upvote and Comment on two other entries. That's how Poetsunited does their Poetry Post Promotions

Yes, thank you Cyrus, I don't want to oblige people to do stuff but what you're doing is great and exactely what I was thinking about in a way.. I'm fed up to see contest where you've to sell your soul to partecipate, or contests that don't award anything. However I'd love if here we make it become a bit like our home and mad scientist lab 😛

Nice. Added to the story a bit after discussing with @marcoriccardi.

This is a creative contest!!! I wish everyone good luck! Maybe I'll come up with something!!

Why not @charisma777! .. Thank for your appreciation 😉

The time begin to run, @f3nix

Take it easy my friend 😉


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