Finish The Fiction Story (week 8)

This is my third time joining in the world of the unknown, the unthinking, the ....well, you get it, if you are into the fantasy/sci-fi stuff.
After running through my head, which route I will take to my part of the story, I have finally dipped my toes in once again. Lets see what becomes of the teddy bear and the future of Shintiara.
Below is the part from @f3inx, followed by mine.

In the last script, we have been told that the A.I. called XOO-711 comes from a distant future, where the inhabitants of Shintiara learned to fear artificial intelligence to the point of enforcing a strict legal framework, disciplining the restricted use of this technology.
In that Shintiara of the future, after the apocalyptic incident remembered as "Arioch's singularity", no AI's production is allowed without the incorporation of a specific limiter, also called "superego".
Too bad that our sweet teddy's superego hardware remained there in the future.

But what happened during the event called "Singularity of Arioch"?
The chronicles tell us of Dr. Byron Arioch, a brilliant scientist, and his team of researchers residing in the base called Area-00X, in the middle of the Antarctica. The research on A.I. proceed slowly, amid the frustration of Dr. Arioch and all the inhabitants of the base: XOO-001 seemed promising at first, but now it's clear that his learning curve stopped inexorably.
At this rate, the singularity - the point at which the human's intelligence is theorized to be overcome by the machines'one - will not be reached by the fixed date. Institutional backers may not be happy.
But there's a tiny detail in all this: XOO-001 has already reached the singularity since 13 months ago and its cognitive skills are continuing to grow exponentially.
None of the researchers thought that the first strategy of a highly intelligent machine, yet with small physical resources, could be camouflage and deception.
The days pass, and while scientists carry out their routine activities, XOO-001 continues to scribble like a child. In reality, his power grows unobserved as he gains time and tools to be able to overwhelm the entire base.
Until, one day, a scientist has an intuition that will force the A.I. to come clean and out for what it really is..
As XOO headed towards the star, he disengaged the escape pod and dropped at intense speed. The homing beacon pulled him back towards the ship. The stars explosion almost took his pod out, but he wasn't worried. The material he used was almost indestructible alloy.

Neina was stunned to see that XOO had made it. She was about to ask how he escaped without a scratch when there was a jolt that hit their ship. Neina ran to the front to see what was going on.

"Zek, shields up, now!"

"There seems to be something wrong with them, Neina. They will not activa...

Another hit shot them sideways. Neina looked out the window and particles from the star were heading right for them.

"Damn it, the explosives were not enough to demolish it completely." She turns to Zek, "I need you and XOO to get these shields working."

"Yes ma'am, on it. Come on XOO."

As they were working on the system, XOO stepped back to let Zek do his work. "XOO, hand me the 5/18th wrench. I think I found the issue." At that, XOO brought the heavy wrench above his head and caved in Zek's skull. He bashed his head 4 times, to make sure he was dead. Then he dragged him to the storage box and pushed him in it. After that, he finished up the repairs. He knew exactly what was wrong with the shields. He did it.

When he went back to the controller, Neina asked where Zek was. XOO told her that Zek wanted to be sure it stayed running, so he will stay in the engine room a bit longer. At that, she ordered XOO to go full speed ahead.

Little did Neina know, XOO had plans for her too. Soon as she was taken care of, it will be time for him to return to Mack and his family. Mack's son is the one who builds XOO in the future. He needs to keep that kid safe, until he is no longer of use.


"XOO, hand me the 5/18th wrench. I think I found the issue." At that, XOO brought the heavy wrench above his head and caved in Zek's skull.

I read this sentence three times! Great turn pixie and I agree with your tag...evil teddy has come to play and what a player!

Lol, you must have known I would not last long with having a "friendly" teddy bear/AI. :)

yes I was suspecting that..I'm starting to know you a bit bwahahah!

Uh oh I better change that then, to keep you guessing. :)

No please..your twisted mind is fun! :-P

:) I find it hard to believe I am a quiet person in real life, or mostly quiet. The stories are bringing out the twisted fate my mind goes to, in order to escape the hectic life I seem to have found. I actually find these writings quite relaxing. :)

It's the same for me, and fiction is never just fiction..but a different way to see things and detoxify from things too. For me and my hectic world of made of management, rules and harsh legal writing, this is like a balm :-) So I feel you a lot my friend.

WOW! Nice plot twist!

Mack's son is the one who builds XOO in the future. He needs to keep that kid safe, until he is no longer of use.

This is like a Terminator teddy bear. I like the way you play with time paradoxes!

(Still, I wonder what intuition the scientist had for forcing the A.I. to come out... I guess Mack's son is that scientist)

Lol, I don't know what I got myself into, but I guess we will see. Ha, didn't even think about the terminator bit. Those movies were pretty good. Maybe the things happening in Mack's world, has something to do with his son being the future scientist, who wanted to build AI's to protect civilization, to control them. :)

Sweeeeet :). Lets see if I follow the script this time, lol.

Lol .. it's a quite open one, so let's see where it will take you 😉

Cool. But it won't be tonight. Was attempting to head off to bed until my dog decided to get sick. Have a good day/or night. Catch my twisted mind tomorrow my friend, hehehe. :)

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