Finish the Fiction Story Contest - WEEK #6 WINNERS!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Finish the sentence - earn SBI shares and upvotes!.v2.png

It's week n. 6 of the Finish The Fiction Story Contest and also this time we gave life to amazing stories together!
I have to admit that you tried me hard due to the depth of all your contributions.
Yesterday I've attended a renowned gaming-con in Modena, Italy, called "Play".


That strange creature sitting at the head of the table with an awkward smirk on his chupacabra's snout is my friend @marcoriccardi in action! He's one of the skilled authors of the Shintiara role playing's game. A truly engaging concept of which I will talk this Wednesday and in which the next story will be settled!

When I review your works I think that they deserve more than just the space of a comment, so I'd suggest you to make a post out of them within your blog. You can quote the contest, take my first part and add your second one.

The single prompt solution in place of the comment allows more interaction, as some works are definitely worthy fiction stories and I feel that they might deserve our upvote and comment and even the attention of the steemit community!

Aaannd week #6 winners are..

week 6-page-001.jpg

As promised, the SBD payout of Wednesday's post has been divided between the writers that this time didn't get the SBI share. Be proud for your great stories and thank you for your contributions and..

.. see you all next Wednesday with another story and a rich pot of 3 @steembasicincome shares + the SBD payout!

And now, you know what? It's better hour for retiring in my crypt and play with this great card game I found at the con.."Gloom", a vampire like me could not wish for better.

I also inserted in the pic my human leather Necronomicon.. cute, isn't it?


For those that want to join the fun, here is how this contest works:

1. I write an unfinished fiction story

2. You finish it with a comment in the comment section or your own post

3. YOU WIN! For next round, I will donate at least 3 @steembasicincome shares, all to one or divided between more writers with the most engaging ending + Wednesday's post SBD PAYOUT will be rewarded between all the participants who won't get one of the 3 shares (I'm the unquestionable judge. Well, technically not me.. the bananafish voices within my head are).

It's so simple and, most of all, we'll enjoy our fiction ideas!
Nothing is mandatory here, but voting is highly appreciated. Just enjoy and prepare for a trip into my delirious fiction world!


What's next?

I will run 1 round of this contest next Wednesday 11th April, UTC+1. The result will be out on Monday 16th April, 11 pm avg., UTC +1 (i.e. California is UTC -8). Submission deadline: Monday 16th April, 8 pm, UTC +1. There will be time for everyone to develop the fiction idea.


If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! I'm grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Please keep it up as I'm just a minnow like you with enthusiasm and passion for writing and making friends :-D

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My dear @f3nix, I am grateful to you and to this contest which has become a vice. Thanks for your support and your creativity. I hold you tight

Congrats Nancy, keep writing! :-)

Felicitaciones Nancy!! It's a good vice and free from overdose risks! I look forward for your great ideas ..See you tomorrow with a surprise ☺️

jajaja, Es cierto. No es nocivo ese vicio. Estaré atenta. Otra vez gracias, @f3nix. :)

De nada mi amiga! Hasta pronto!

Thank you very much and congratulations to you too, @giddyupngo. :)

week #7 just landed, brave storyteller!

Well done everyone, great contest @f3nix.... I promise I am going to enter soon, just haven't found the time yet...

Hi dude! Feel free to give a peek tomorrow, three hours from now, and have fun with us! Week #7 edition will be a bit less demanding.

Cool, I'll do that for sure... How long does it run for, 1 week? Cheers

Contest on Wednesday, results the next Monday.. so everyone can take their time 👍

week #7 just landed, brave storyteller!

Sorry dude!! I missed it again... I was away on holidays with no Steemit for 4 days.. I feel like that kid at school saying the dog ate my homework!! ;o)

No steemit for 4 days is a blessing.. I'm already at the point I need rehab! hope the holiday was regenerating man ✌️ no need to say sorry at all.

Congratulations to all the winners!
I wish I was not late, but I was! My ending for the story has come just now. No chance to run for the prize, but I really enjoyed the challenge and the story @f3nix made up. I was very inspired in writing my ending.

The main reason why I was so late is well explained in the post. I was busy from Tuesday to Sunday with the Modena Play game con. I will talk about it, and about Shintiara of course, in one of my next posts. Being a slow, old, turtle-chupacabra, this may require some days...

Thank you everybody, and thank you @f3nix!

Don't forget that you're not only a chupacabra but also a mix with Nixon.. (the Dunwich horror strikes again!).
Shintiara is so incredibly original.. the fiction addiction club can't wait for playing with it 😜

Officially hooked on this writing excercise. Going to start creating a blog post every week and will put the link in the comment section. Best!

week #7 just landed, brave storyteller!

Thank you, seriously. I believe in creativity and in solidarity. If this thing can bring us both, plus fun, plus ideas for our own blogs..well.. why not? I hope this can become an ongoing fiction workshop and we can make it work all together my friend!

Congratulations to all of the winners! Each week brings out so much more creativity and it's great to see Everyone really getting into the spirit!
Grazi, F3nix, including the photo from the con! I hope Marco had a great turnout for his game! The "Gloom" cards look very cool and I'll be checking them out ( but not till I get to play Shintiara). ;)

Thank you Lady Brisbelia! Tomorrow feel free to join us in a wild ride within the surprising world of Shintiara! I have great ideas for this group and reading each other is always the best reward. Gloom.. the final total game for lazy vampires like us, the only one in which for winning you've to inflict sorrow to your characters bwahaha ..I'll tell you about it✌️😎

week #7 just landed, brave storyteller!

Thanks @f3nix, I appreciate your comments. :-)

Hey Giddy! You deserved more, I think you understood that I understood (lol) the amount of work you put on your part.. see you tomorrow my friend, it's always great to read you! 😉

week #7 just landed, brave storyteller!

Thank you again for your generosity, you know I'm only good for 5 minutes. 😂 See ya Wednesday. I'll upvote you later today, I'm still under 90%. All this fabulous content on Steemit is eating up my VP. know I'm only good for 5 minutes

Shall we ask your wife's opinion about this Bruni? ;-P

You rock and don't worry about the upvote my friend (i'm chronically under 90% lol), the best reward is to see you here with us!

Shall we ask your wife's opinion about this Bruni? ;-P

Maybe I'll get one of those one day, but I have to make sure I have all the guns, gold, and silver first. 😂

Hahaha I feel you man!

week #7 just landed, brave storyteller!

Yay, I am excited my name made it on the list. It was fun doing it, and I probably could have written more, but that "is a story for another day," hehehe. I look forward to this next one, and I will "try" to keep it shorter. Congrats to all the other winners also. Woot woot.

week #7 just landed, brave storyteller!

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

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