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RE: Finish the Fiction Story Contest - WEEK #8

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

(very short continuation, but I think it's enough)

One day, a scientist has an intuition that will force the A.I. to come clean and out for what it really is...

"Dr. Arioch!" the young researcher said, waving a sheet with an alarmed look.
"We received a communication from our accounting office: they cut the funds! Investors are tired of the lack of results and no longer want to invest in this project."

Dr. Arioch gave a long sigh and took off his glasses.

"I feared it would happen. Now, we must start the procedure of switching off all the experimental units."

The scientists in white coats, with the solemnity of a funeral, began to extinguish one after the other all the robotic units that for many months had been solicited with the most various logical, emotional and behavioral experiments.

When a thin and dark-haired PhD student approached the robotic teddy bear named "Experiment XOO-001", with the intention of pressing the delete key hidden between the plastic fur on its back, the puppet took a quick shot and stabbed her to the throat with a pair of scissors it had hidden under its soft, stuffed buttocks as soon as he heard the bad news.

"Gotcha!" the scientist smiled, while the young student was bleeding in the ground.


That's an evil Teddy Bear. Good thing Dr. Arioch knew what he was doing.

Ahhh finally an evil teddy!! You managed to put a double twist in such a short but entertaining story, a clear demonstration that ideas win over quantity.. not for nothing you're Shintiara's author. Bravo Marco 👍

Yes, my teddy's violent, but it was fighting for its life! They wanted to shut down it and delete its memory...or that was what the scientist wanted it to believe!

Good point, in my crave for an evil teddy I didn't consider that 🤔

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