Finish the Fiction Story Contest - WEEK #9

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Finish the sentence - earn SBI shares and upvotes!.v3.png

A contest with a pot of 3 @steembasicincome shares + the SBD payout, where everyone will win? You're in the right place!

Dear fictio-holics friends, week # 9 has descended among us like a gift from our chaotic buddy Nyarlathotep!

This week, our whimsical contest presents two novelties I'm sure you'll appreciate:

  • @brisby supported us with a 1 SBD donation, which will be added to the pot for all the members! A thank you to our squirredelic friend!

  • This time, the script comes from @marcoriccardi, Shintiara's author and indeed a prolific mind! That's how I like it, this contest is decentralised, non hierarchic, aiming to build, through the power of our creativity, an active community of friends where everyone is important.

  • This is not new but let me point it out: in this place creativity and original, enjoyable to read ideas are rewarded with @steembasicincome shares. At the same time, relax, have fun and you know that you don't need to write a lot (unless your taken by the river of your own narration). A good idea is worth more than many words!

  • Interaction and upvotes/comments between participants are highly encouraged! As always, I recommend you to post your good work within your blog for giving it some deserved visibility (but you also can put it in the comment section).

Also this week the script will be related to the multicoloured and prolific world of Shintiara: a world of Magic and Time Paradoxes!. If you prefer to go back to other formats or want to purpose your own script, every your idea for the contest is very welcome!

Shintiara Map.jpg
Who doesn't love a good map? Can you spot the mysterious city of Damarthy?


The Script

Damarthy is the paradoxical remnant of a gigantic megalopolis from Shintiara’s future. It is perhaps the greatest singularity of the whole planet.
A well-known saying in Shintiara goes: “If you don’t know what time you’re in, you certainly know where you are: Damarthy, the most ancient city of the future.”

The few that have overcome the difficulties of the intricate Canyons of Wind tell of a vast city with enormous glass buildings and inhabited by rough, primitive men.
These natives most likely live in the shelter of futuristic metal superstructures, the origins of which they don’t comprehend, which they nonetheless exploit to make simple tools and weapons by detaching fragments from them.

Mighty redwoods claim their living space, erupting from cracked cement and rising upwards as if in challenge to the artificial constructions.
This great vertical forest that invades every part of the city is home to different types of wild animals that contend for territory with the native populations.

There are some who swear that a mysterious sect of hyperhumans hides in the ruins, people who have evolved their bodies so unnaturally that they have completely changed into machines, but in the process they have lost their souls…


Here is how this contest works:

1. I write an unfinished fiction story or a script.

2. You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section.

3. YOU WIN! For next round, I will donate at least 3 @steembasicincome shares, all to one or divided between more writers with the most engaging ending + 1 SBD and Wednesday's post SBD PAYOUT will be rewarded between all the participants who won't get one of the 3 shares (I'm the unquestionable judge. Well, technically not me.. the bananafish voices within my head are).

It's so simple and, most of all, we'll enjoy our fiction ideas!
Nothing is mandatory here, just enjoy and prepare for a trip in a delirious fiction world!


What's next?

The results will be out on Monday 30th April, 11 pm avg., UTC +1 (i.e. California is UTC -8). Submission deadline: Monday 30th April, 8 pm, UTC +1. There will be time for everyone to develop the fiction idea.

If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! I'm grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to make this contest sustainable and help us grow together. Also, a special thank you to @kenny-crane; @wandrnrose7; @brisby and @greetersguild for sustaining this initiative!

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Proud member of the @greetersuild! Here's the discord Let's meet there in an awesome, caring community, devoted to help minnows!

Proud member of the @isleofwrite!


I'm not a gamer, but this sounds like something straight out of Borges, and I am a fan of his writing. Fascinating how worlds, fictional and non-fictional, overlap, sometimes without an awareness of the relationship. I'm going to read again and try to get into the world you've created. Maybe a spark will light, and maybe not. Interesting exercise, in any event.

Hi and welcome! Here we throw the dices of our creativity and sometimes chaos plays entertaining tricks to our minds' paths. Why don't you throw the dices with us? Fiction or not fiction, someone might argue that there's not such a difference between the two :-)

Thank you for the comment!

this sounds like something straight out of Borges

This sounds like one of the best compliments Shintiara have received! Borges is one of the fathers of the "magic realism" genre, and among the authors that have inspired us to write Shintiara there's another master of this genre: Alejandro Jodorowsky, expecially with his comics drawn by Moebius and the famous "Metabaron Universe".

I love Borges! I tried to make a solo show out of The Garden of Forking Paths in college. It was a bit esoteric, though. I might be able to do better now.

Folks, over here this week's participation. A little late...

The sun had stopped shining after some solar winds that had occurred millions of years earlier. The grandeur of the redwoods that emerged from the ground overlapped the large dark towers and seemed unthinkable after the ecological destruction. After maximum deforestation, oxygen had been converted to oxygen. Some towers were covered with an insulating moss that protected them from the changing climate of the inhospitable Damarthy. The most powerful were recognized because they were covered by transparent crystals that provided liquid oxygen to all their residents. All the other towers were exposed to the natural damage that occurred day by day in that darkened city.
Damarthy's citizens, large, yellow-blooded men, were slow, hairless, and insensitive to the different climatic changes. Their skin, although very thin, had become a kind of dry leather without any sensitivity, which made them insolidary and gregarious beings. Most of them were perched on the branches of large trees trying to get closer to oxygen. That's why, when Dashael found that from one of the great craters that emerged from the asphalt, a life-giving gas was gushing out, he kept it a secret. Silence at the discovery kept him waiting in expectation on one of the great sequoias nearby. He decided to stay there forever waiting for some miracle.
What Dashael never knew is that in the center of Shintiara, a group of small beings provided the roots of the red trees with blood and oxygen that they themselves stole from those beings who vegetated in the branches of the redwoods.

Creepy but beautiful! I like the twisted ecosystem you invented for Damarthy! 😱👏👏👏

Thanks to you for commenting and being part of this game, @marcoriccardi. Un abrazo

This throws a dark shade on the city and the creeping creatures lurking within its most hidden ravines. Bueno Nancy, tu estilo imaginativo siempre es reconocible!

Great job and welcome to our group of friends! ✌️

Great! This contest is very loose and aims to create just one ending.. and have fun by interacting and reading each other! But I appreciate your continuation. On monday I will give the results ✌️

Sounds interesting.... I have resteemed this.. and will also participate.. 8) cheers.. god knows I need the SBI

Hello again.
Sorry for waiting this long :)
Here is my entry as well!
Hope you'll like it!

Hello dude! If it's like the others I'm sure I will.

It's a little longer because I got carried away. Hope it won't be too long for the readers.

Lol, no worries about the length. They are probably getting used to that, from reading mine. :) That is insane that the HH's jumped in the paradox

For me is like sipping an aged rhum with some dark chocolate! btw guys i've to find a something special for the 1000 followers in week #10 post..

I love dark chocolate. And it is good for you, in moderation I'm sure, lol. Ok, time for me to get my Shintiara on.

Surprise us! 😁

Just finished designing a picture for it. Will have it up shortly. :)

You want to leave Shintiara realm for next week or keep it in, but spice it a little bit more than usual? :)

I think this is up to @improv, since he's going to write week #10 and I'm very excited for that. I'll give a bonus to followers for that 1K (who are these weirdos, apart us? :-P) but probably better doing a post on itself!

I posted this here:

One of those who says this is called Doug, and this is the story of why...

Welcome to the contest my friend, it's nice to have you here! We're settling the stories in Marco's rpg..I know you are/were a gamer. Who knows, maybe there will be a way to use the steem/sp/sbd for role playing.. 🤔

Oooo! I do love gaming! In fact, I'm taking a brief break from designing the story I'll be leading in a couple weeks to do my Steemit-time for the day.

How was the fiesta Bruni? I saw you found me in steemit chat but now I use discord 😎✌️

Welcome back to our brave storyteller @figuringoutsrn and his sparkling stories!

Thanks again @f3nix. The story continues. Seen people do this with 5 Minute Free Write:

Hey Cyrus! Your episode 3 has come.. I'm curious to read it but as usual I want to taste it with calm like a good rhum (not during my lunch break)✌️

Welcome back Giddy! I teleport to your blog to read it!

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