100 Days of Poetry Challenge Update [Day 22]
100 Days of Poetry Challenge
-----Update [Day 22]-----
Winners of Days 13–16 announced!(Week 2 winners as well)
Hi! Happy Wednesday! Welcome to the update of our challenge of 100 days for Day 22. Day 22 will officially start at 6 PM GMT on March 28. Remember to stay within a few hours of this deadline when posting, if you can. (For example, you have a few more hours to keep posting for Day 21.)
If you are on a different day, then you must have taken some skip days at some point. ALWAYS title your posts the day of the contest, not the number of your entry. So if it's your 19th poem but it's day 22, title your post for day 22.
Changes to challenge operation & reminders
The biggest change to the challenge is the shifting of the poetry class to 1 hour earlier. Now it will run from 5–7 PM GMT. The main reason is to accommodate people who recently shifted times for daylight savings time. Also, there is a major update coming soon about how people that want to join the challenge late can participate. Look out for that information either late today or tomorrow. I also plan on shifting some people up in category and some down in category after Day 25, because we will be ¼ of the way through!
Daily & Weekly Winners
Day 13–16 winners are announced! To make it cleaner with several days, here are the winners arranged in a table. Below I'll list the weekly winners for Week 2 (8-14.)
Week 2
Days (8-14)Beginner — @whack.science
"Invisible breath"Intermediate — @josediccus
"Ugonma"Advanced — @mamadini
"Blood beads"Class
Today's class will be on the topic of "reaching a little further" in our poetry. Shout out to @yahialababidi for mentioning this concept several classes ago. It has to do with sitting with the feelings & concepts of a piece before immediately writing them down in the most obvious way. It helps us maneuver around clichés and find unique avenues of expression. Please come take part during 5–7 PM GMT in our Steem schools live class: https://discord.gg/yZvYjfM. We hear new people introduce themselves in the first 20 minutes, then the lecture period of class begins. At the end for 30-45 minutes we share each other's poetry. Hope to see you there!
Workshops / Special Events
No workshops or events are currently announced. If you are interested in holding one in the future, please let me know! We are interested in organizing an international poetry reading event where we can hear people recite poetry in their mother tongues. It is fascinating for us even when we can't speak the languages! The tones, rhythms, and cadences do much to inform us of the meaning on an intuitive level. Let me know if you are interested in reading your non-English poetry at an event like this or know someone who might be!
Thank you so much to everyone involved in this challenge, including all the moderators of the Steem schools forum. You all do much work to ensure the smooth operation of our group. Special thanks to @flysky, @nikolina, @d4rkflow, @dobartim, @whack.science, @ajremy, @carmalain7, @acousticsteveo, @hopehuggs, & @himswheta for helping out in various manners on this project. Also a huge thank you to everyone who regularly attends class and helps build our community from a grassroots level. Much love!
Thank you for your donations!
1.@hopehuggs (50 SBD)
2.@girlbeforemirror (20 SBD)
3.@yahialababidi (15.017 STEEM)
4.@violetmed (15 SBD)
5.@carmalain7 (11.11 SBD)
6.@madushanka (10 SBD)
7.@moeknows (5.44 SBD)
8.@taliakerch (5 SBD)
9.@josediccus (5 STEEM)
10.@whack.science (3.14 SBD)
11.@corderosiete (2 SBD)
12.@johnrenald (1 SBD)
13.@nicholas83 (1 SBD)
14.@flysky (1 SBD)
15.@naquoya (1 SBD)
16.@zeleiracordero (1 SBD)
17.@mineopoly (1 STEEM)
18.@realnairda (0.5 SBD)
19.@emekasegun (0.2 SBD)
20.@setiagunawan (0.1 SBD)
21.@nasrol (0.1 SBD)
22.@rexdickson (0.1 SBD)
23.@zulacut (0.1 SBD)
Sum of all donations
127.79 SBD
21.017 STEEM
out of
1500 SBD total prizes
Donations go towards the daily (9 SBD), weekly (15 SBD) & overall (TBD) prizes for this challenge. They are highly appreciated because otherwise, the rewards are coming directly from my own earnings/savings. To donate, you can send to our dedicated account @steemitpoetry, or directly to me, @d-pend. I am keeping track of them all in a spreadsheet. Please let me know if you feel your donation was somehow missed. Thanks again!!
Writing & images
By @d-pend
Join the Steemit schoolDiscord here: https://discord.gg/yZvYjfM
Become part of the movement!
I heard you are teaching poetry from the steemit school discord and now I see you mention it, im hoping to join in soon, unfortunately, I'm a bit busy at the moment I am taking some wood restoration classes for work wish I could be in your class instead lol, anyway hopefully I can join soon. Keep up the good work you are truly an inspiration
I have so much love for this challenge! Thank you for the recognition as there are so many goodies each day.
In gratitude.
The best feeling I get these days is to wake up and realise I've got a poem to write... Am really developing my prowess as a poet.
Thank you @d-pend for this contest and to all the donors and contributors, I'm personally grateful for your efforts.
What a cool idea!!! Oh man I wish I would be an english native speaker :-/
It's good to know that my little remark will be developed further :) Thanks, Daniel, for your attention and best of luck with today's class.
Congratulations, too, to all the winners, above--I'm watching these announcements with interest, especially repeat winners, to better understand the taste of judges, and discover new voices on this platform.
I'm totally convinced this is the best thing happening on the internet right now..
Thank you all so much for making this our reality right now :)
Love you all!!
With Love
Hart Floe Poet
Excellent contest going so far thanks for sharing and congrats to everyone
Amazing to be the week 2 winner it's a really fantastic feeling,
It's been a really amazing journey, the poetic journey hasn't been really easy and it has certainly been far from perfect.
@d-pend I didn't envisage this project poetry would really be an amazing journey,
I'm glad and happy for all The guys who come over to my blog to critic and analyse my poem I'm really grateful.
I'm speechless, and thank you for the week winner award, I'm so proud.
First of all congratulations to all the winners who are contributed alot to this contest through their wonderful poetry, Great job done guys :)
A big shout out to all these wonderful souls who are always at the supportive end to make this contest even more simple for the folks.
@flysky, @nikolina, @d4rkflow, @dobartim, @whack.science, @ajremy, @carmalain7, @acousticsteveo, @hopehuggs, & @himswheta
Massive respect for you two Greats @d-pend & @yahialababidi who inspired me write poetry in a language other than my native language.
Stay Blessed Guys :)
It feels so good finally getting to be a winner in this awesome contest. It has been very intense soo far. I never thought I was gonna be a winner. I joined for the sole aim of improving my poetry skills and consistency.
Thank you @d-pend for organising such great contest. And thanks for the reward. Congratulations to every other winner.
Steemit school is all about winning. We win together!!