Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Inner demons....)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Thanks to everyone who contributed to their "Least Favourite Food". I think there were a good half of them that I would also not touch... however, there were a couple of cheese likers... I'm afraid that the world has some very delusional people!

This answer from @khufu gets a bonus SBI prize!

Anything from McDonalds or Hungry Jacks.
Those two corporations have really lowered the bar for the quality of junk food in this country. There was a time you could go to almost any fish and chip shop and get a really good hamburger but these days a lot of them have conceded defeat and their hamburgers are crap.

The thing I hate the most about McDonalds is their predatory marketing tactics where they infect young minds before the age of reason. With that in mind I implanted my own propaganda to counter the brainwashing from that stupid fucking clown. I told my kids that Ronald wipes his arse on the buns and they were genuinely scared to eat there until they were over ten years old and they still don't trust Ronald.

If I was ever driving in the car and the kids were making a ruckus I'd threaten to take them to McDonalds and they'd go silent instantly. My propaganda trumped that stupid bozo with the red hair and ridiculous shoes.

Who wants their food endorsed by a clown anyway?

This week, I'm asking about the thoughts that your "Inner Demon" might be whispering to you. Generally (I hope), we tend to be good people... however, there is the occasion where we have a little demon suggesting humourous/nasty/evil things. Some of which we might take action upon... and others, probably best NOT to!

The thing that triggered this thought was that a few weeks ago, my older daughter (who is the most well behaved girl and is totally in love with her little sister) said: "Sometimes I want to do something mean to my little sister.... ". She was upset that she would think such things, but she never (I think...) acts on it...

My Question

  1. What are things that your "Inner Demon" tells you to do? Do you do it sometimes? Or not?

My sample answer


When I was much younger... I believed that it was right for people to be the subject of "Involuntary Equitable Re-distribution" of another person's wealth. Now, with age, I don't think that is the right way... especially for an individual to decide upon, however, as a society I do think that that is an important part of binding society (progressive taxation). Also, if it is done by an individual (Robin Hood style), then it is really a system that is open and prone to corruption....

... I love to tease other musicians (in rehearsal and also in performance). There are some musicians who like to have everything settled before a performance, however, I can't think of anything more boring! So, sometimes (more often....), if we agree on a certain character or affect (and if I am in a leading position)... I like to twist and change direction... of course, if the musicians are good and I am clear in transmitting my intent (generally yes...), they will be able to follow!

... I can't stand people who swerve around and change lanes to try and get ahead! So, sometimes, the thought comes to me to purposely box them in so the get stuck behind a slower car after overtaking me with no way to get out! I don't follow up on this... it's too dangerous!


  1. Upvote is not required, but appreciated!
  2. Resteem is NOT necessary!
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!
  6. PLEASE PLEASE Don’t upvote (or bidbot) your OWN comment. I can’t stop you doing it, but it seems to mess up the distribution of the Bounty for everyone else. If you upvote your own comment, I will consider it an invalid entry when doing the draw.

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a author starting out on your fresh new Steemit account, Steemit can be a daunting and lonely place to be. OFten, it can feel like you are posting into an abyss with no one listening and with no ability to grow out of the situation. A share of Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but over time cumulative support to your account to help grow you out of your initial wilderness!

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people). OF course, this is not simply an altruistic move, as the sponsor of a Steem Basic Income share also gets a share, so it is a great way to help others whilst helping yourself!

Last week's winners

The last post paid out 0.007 SBD and 2.412 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 3 shares.

The winners by random draw are:




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Hmm my inner demon? Another good question and I guess it as to come from my childhood as I had some tough times with some bad people in family who basically tried to plant the thought that I was not good enough to do anything and so during problematic times that demon may appear and tell me to give up on whatever it is I'am trying to do at the time.

This is an idea that I'm really trying to dodge with my own kids (not that I had it...). I really want them to try and learn, but it can easy to get discouraged and then to stop trying... Although, it also needs to be balanced against the 'everyone is winner' attitude as well...

Completely agree with you @bengy but as you probably already know it's no easy task when it comes to kids plus they are all individuals but they must also be prepared for "real life" it's not a smooth ride.

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

My Inner Demon is pretty bad. I grew up in bad places meet a lot of bad people left all that behind. So it is tamer now. But I think about every day becoming a thief of some kind. I have enough knowledge to steal a lot and at times with how much my country takes from me I want to. But then I remember I am a dad now can't play those games. I have to follow rules at least for now. I am glad that while my mind works out these things I never do them.

It is an interesting demon you have, something very familiar to me! But yes, the responsibility of being a parent means that you can't take those risks...

Yup at least till their older haha

Posted using Partiko iOS

Steal from the rich and give to the poor! In a corrupt world, only outlaws have honor.

Would be nice if you could do that but the rich are ruthless better be careful.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I guess worker solidarity is the only answer, the only power stronger than individual greed!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes that is true. Good way to look at it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

My inner demon is a drug addict. And he can be very convincing at times. So it's hard to stand up to him from time to time. So every once in a while I fail to resist and give in...

Oh, that is a serious demon... Best of luck resisting that one! It takes a lot of willpower!

Tell me about it... :0(

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

My inner demon is a pretty cool guy. The problem is that my inner demon has his own inner demon and that guy is a jerk who always wants us to throw salami. I like to eat salami, so it's extra upsetting to both myself and the person getting smacked in the face with it. My inner demon tells me "5 second rule, we can still eat it", but then the inner inner demon just has us toss it at someone else and laugh hysterically mwahaha!!!

Lol! That is jerk! But oh so much more fun!

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

Most people know me as a super straight-laced kind of guy. I follow the rules, I use good manners, I do not become upset, and I apologize for anything that upsets or inconveniences others. When I drive on the road, I accelerate slowly, I brake slowly, and I leave lots of space around my vehicle to prevent accidents.

However, when I'm driving alone, I curse like a sailor.

"Oh #@$&! Dumbass is in a hurry! Moron! Dimwit, this isn't a race track. Holy $#%&ing Christ! Just had to move to the left lane didn't ya? Part of your master plan to cut off three lanes of traffic to drop a load at Starbucks? Congratulations #@&$hole! Good idea Genius! Text and drive, and put all our lives at risk! That way your fancy Lexus attorneys can rob us for a bonus insurance settlement, and I'm screwed! Use the crosswalk Dumbass, there's two of them 30 feet away. Don't wave me through! The law says you have the right-a-way Idiot at the crosswalk, and I don't want a ticket! Oh my god, the light's green, move! Honk your horn, he's probably deaf too! Holy Jesus, this isn't the Special Olympics Parade, he has a red light, mine is green, and I'm being held up for this @#$&. That's right bring you family, friends, and children. Teach them all to be an inconsiderate #@@, and they can infect future generations with the same mutant moron genes. Have a nice day in Hell!"

Lol, this is exactly like my wife! She is super polite and will put herself out for others... But she is a cranky driver! She drives safely, but she does mouth off!

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

Whoo, this is a much more involved question. I like it.

I would have to say that something my inner demons tell me to do all the time is feel guilty. There are many things I do that aren't perfectly adhered to the moral and environmental standards I'd like to hold myself to. While I know this isn't the worst thing, and that individual actions aren't much compared to the actions of multinational corporations, that inner voice is furious with me, and tries to make me think of the damage I've caused. It's very hard to not acknowledge this, as I'm aware of the accuracy, but it's not helpful for me to blame myself for things that ultimately don't amount to much difference. I struggle with this regularly, and find some days it quite darkens my mental health. But, I'm working on it. On the plus side, this inner demon helps keep me on the straight and narrow, so I'm not too opposed to it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, so your inner demon is quite virtuous! Or is that a wolf in sheep's clothing?

It's hard to say. Sometimes it feels helpful, other times it just makes things a lot harder.

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

When you pick up anything/money,
Do you will send them to police station?
I had pack up a few hundred yuan in small school and had sent it for teachers.
When I grow up, I haven’t pick up any money, so I don’t know if I’m pick up gold now, will or will not send it for police?
Today's news
There are scavengers in our country who have picked up 20 gold in the abandoned wooden cabinets.
Value 34,000 USD
She handed the police
The following link is a news source

Wow... I'm not sure if I would do the right thing... I'm impressed that this person did it!

my childs saw this news
childs said :
if I find it and I Do not think to have it , I can send him, why I will to send it to police?

The times are different
In my time, the pupils gave them to the teacher when they found something.
Nowadays, children all are think shoud swallowed this things.

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

My inner demon? wow thats a good question... im sure i have one but its been a while since i didnt feel something similar... Well i think that could be the felling to hurth people very hard cause of in mind they deservided...

Hopefully you don't listen to him!

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

My inner demon wants to slaughter people who play music too loud when I can hear it. Not only do I have a slight hearing loss, but it really gets on my nerves, besides being rude. Classical music is not meant to be earsplitting. Often, I have to leave a social event. Next up are rockers and rappers with their heavy, extremely irritating beats. Rappers get a special pre-execution torture for using their voices as percussion, instead of chanting or doing patter.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm with you on this! Especially in public places... what annoys me even more is that the people that play their music on out loud on public transport have shitty shitty phone speakers. It doesn't even sound good quality!

Tommy music is also worthy of execution, except for my daughter. Just think, sound engineers spent decades to produce flat frequency responses to exactly reproduce the sound as produced. Thanks to playing music on smartphones, young people prefer tinny sound. :-(

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners and the new SBI Contest (Advice to your younger self...) can be found here:

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