Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 12

in #contest6 years ago

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

Hey everyone!
This is our second "catch up" round.
A catch up round is designed to encourage new players to get into the game and also to help those who haven't won a round yet as well, so only level zeros who have not won a round yet can enter this round.

If you are new to the IFC, it's kind of like the UFC but instead of physical fighting it's a mental competition and the grand prize is 150 steem, also this will end on July 18 2018, so there's still plenty of time to get involved and we would like it if more people did get involved.

Plus you get to earn the steem associated with each particular challenge round you win minus the 25% for curation. If you are interested in competing in the challenge more information can be found below around the bottom of the post near the discord link where there's a link to more information and rules about the contest. But for now.. Onto the contest.

The subject of this round will be... "Water".
Water is one of the most important resources in the world, and.. It could be our downfall if we don't appreciate and understand it better. Many places in the world don't have enough clean usable drinking water and many experts predict it's going to get worse and worse, even in the industrialized world.

Some call drinking water a new form "gold" because it's so valuable and some conspiracy theorists might even predict a sort of "Mad Max" future.. There are government plans in place for this already. And yet.. It seems like the people of the world continue to waste water in extreme amounts, how can we help restore balance to the equation so we don't ruin things for future generations? If it's not too late already..?

The best answers to this question is what I'm looking for this round, HOWEVER.. If that's not your forte, you can submit any kind of art or anything really in relation to the subject of "water".. We want to try to allow as many people to participate as possible and not limit creativity too much, so.. Really.. It's up to you what you want to enter but the subject is water and I personally would like to see some solutions for the future concern of usable drinking water for the masses.

Before we continue I'd like to announce that we have received our newest piece of artwork for the competition!

This is a picture of @kryptocek and his girlfriend @josefinemk on their virtual farm in this game world of the IFC we have all created. I don't want pictures to be awarded easily. I want them to really mean something, and.. kryptocek in my opinion well earned his place in the IFC history by completing perhaps the most important quest in the entire competition in regards to the future of the competition itself during our "find a sponsor" round.

He found @ats-david who has offered to upvote some of the rounds with a decent amount and so far I think it has helped greatly! Now the players are making a significant amount more on the individual rounds and I think it draws more people into play as well.

I can't really stress how important I think this is with the way the eco system works on steemit, to have a sponsor like ats-david helping is.. Extremely helpful and I think will do a lot of justice to the idea behind this game and the community that is forming around it as well.

Another quick mention about Kryptocek, I think he named our world in a sense? I never officially named the world even though someone said I should, and I think kryptocek has been calling the world Digita in his role playing kind of posts if I remember correctly? (correct me if I'm wrong) And I think that sounds like a good! Digita is a cool name for the world, I think we can go with that. :)

Additionally I wanted to say real quick that someone said we should do another "find a sponsor" round in the not too distant future, I think it might have even been kryptocek... And I was thinking about it.. And.. We have a good first prize, the second and third are much better now too.. The individual rounds are mostly covered.. And sure it would be great if all of those were even higher and maybe in time they will be, but.. Which area needs help the most..?

To me it was easy when I really thought about it.. The judges! And I had planned a round for the judges before I even officially started the contest, but now.. In light of the success with the "find a sponsor" round, and the "find more players" round... I think the challenge next week will be to find sponsor to help the judges out.

To put it in more context, I'm only paying the judges 1 steem right now.. And it's a lot of work!! It really is.
They pretty much all offered to do it for free which is awesome of them and a major reason I picked them to be judges in the first place, BUT.. I think we should pay them more if we can! So the next challenge after this one will be to find a sponsor to help the judges.

I think they really do a great job, and have worked a lot and asked for nothing in return and make a measly 1 steem for like 6 months of judging.. I think it would be great if we could reward them more for their important part in the IFC competition! So keep a look out for that challenge next week! I think that will be a really important one too!

And now a moment for our sponsors! Our main sponsor is @ats-david and if you appreciate this contest or just his efforts in general you may want to look into voting for him as a witness at @ats-witness, he does a lot of other cool things for the community as well!

I'd also like to thank @theguruasia who has pledged at least 20 steem to the second and third place prizes and he said he may even donate more.

And @nxtblg who has been regularly resteeming and upvoting our challenges which has been a big help!

Plus one other person who has been helping a lot who deserves some credit is @soundlegion who has also been upvoting the contests regularly.

If there's anyone I missed who is regularly and often helping the contest and if you would like credit please let me know and I'll give you a mention as well! I think it's important to mention the sponsors.


The rules are..

You must create your own blog post on your page in regards to the challenge with a title mentioning the specific contest, IE something like.. "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 12 entry" and then link it here on this page in the comments below. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. We will do another round to see who wins.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the winner will gain the steem, level up and have a point to go towards their long term win. (minus the 25% for curation)

Also.. For anyone interested I want to remind you that we now have a discord channel set up which should make a lot of this easier and more organized! If you'd like to chat or get more diverse and efficient information on the IFC, you can join us at this link.

If you are new and want to know more about how the contest works in general, this link may help that explains the Information Finding Championship in more detail.

Just in case anyone is confused.. To clarify again in regards to the rules.


1. Twelfth challenge starts now and is a challenge revolving around the subject of water. (see below for acceptable content entries) 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 12 entry" 4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 5. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. Any kind of information or artwork related to water
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
  3. We also encourage Role Playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram


Hi @apolymask

Am glad to come across this. I really appreciate your effort to have touched the area that is causing damages to the lives of many in the societies most especially the masses. Many have been sent to their early graves due to consumption of bad water. I will definitely love to join this contest.

Thanks once again. keep the fire burning and keep helping the societies.

Regards @funkylove

Hey there @funkylove I'm glad to hear that you appreciate the effort. :) I think it's an important issue in the world and needs WAY more attention than it gets. So whatever little part I can do, I will do.
Hopefully in time I can do more! But.. It is what it is and I'm limited right now as well. Though I do have a voice and a social media platform I can use to bring attention to said issues and I think that's important for me to do.

And yes.. It is sad how many people have suffered because of the way we have not respected "mother nature" and the earth so to speak, we are desperately in need of people finding a better balance with nature!

Would be happy to have you join the contest! Please let me know if you have any questions, I'll do my best to help you figure things out in regards to the rules and how it all works and everything! :)

Thanks for your response @apolymask

I really commend your effort for your love for mother nature and the humanity as a whole.
My major concern on the contest here is about the artwork. Guess is not compulsory?

You're welcome. Thanks for yours as well and your interest.

I'm a little uncertain about your question?
Artwork is not compulsory, you could just enter text. It's really up to you how much you want to enter, the limit is your imagination in regards to the subject.

I hope that answers your question, if not please feel free to try to ask me again and maybe ask in another way using different words cause I'm not totally sure I understood the question.
Cheers! :)

AWESOME! So much to comment on but I have my post to work on as well as trying to share this contest and ideas to help it grow! Digitá is correct! It's just my RPG world for this challenge so feel free to call it something else if you prefer! It was just what came to mind! Hopefully I can think of a way to find another sponsor too! :)

Good to know about Digita! I like that name. And that's cool you're trying to share and help it grow and also that would be pretty epic if you found another sponsor! :) That's awesome to hear. Perhaps one day people in the future if this grows more people will sing the songs of kryptocek! The humble farmer who changed this digital world so much for the better. :D

I have doubled my efforts this week and managed to submit two entries to the IFC:

Although this is a bit late, but the theme of round 12 has some connection with the contest that was sponsored by earthnation so it would be interesting to invite them to see if they might be interested in collaborating in the future as well:

Oh? That's interesting.. Thanks! Will check it out. :)

Glad to see that was a catch-up round, some how or another I got behind on post I was supposed to and wanted to do. Slowly ever so slowly it seems I am catching up. At least I have a few days or more to think about round 11.

I can relate! I'm finding it difficult to keep up with creating the challenges. Heh. Though I feel like this is an important idea worthy of my time and sacrifice so I'm doing my best to not only keep it going, but keep it growing. :) Thanks for being such a regular and great part of all this! Happy to have you, and.. Good luck with your next entry and onwards into the competition!

Where to start I guess, With what needs to be done pre-water freedom or just on the freedom of water.
Water is a key point to the right to life and control over drinking water should be avoided at any cost and never be permitted to happen. Though it is happening, we are been accustomed to paying for our water with increasing regulatory measures. You can see it clearer if you take a step back from the life we live and look upon your own life as an observer, (getting a bit long in the tooth and waffling).

First thing needed to be addressed would be the supply of water. this supply is in abundance even if it is not pollutant free or unfit for consuming. For the majority of the water available, this should not prevent a problem, and if done correctly can have an global effect on what can be grown where, these things already happen by big corp for profit with disregard for the environment. this will add to the costs of tax payers in clean up's.

At this point I would like to stress This should not be permitted to be done by any individual or corporate industry for the purpose of profit. It should be done however with the motives of profit in mind, so profits may be used to develop expand and have a positive result toward a established entitlement to a standard of life, Water just been one part of a requirement for life.

8% own 50% of land, when the 1% owns 51% they have control of the planet by majority vote. This is the place we are heading too. With bigger and bigger take over's buy outs of large corporations, and the tax payer bailouts, all lead to enable a greater debt onto each of us. This is regardless of your location.

To begin a reverse in the control finances hold over us, we must work toward a lower cost to a high standard of living. The essentials to this are the basic needs Energy, Water, Shelter, Food, Materials (for clothing or stuff I am not thinking about) Possibly even, a high standard of life that you are entitled to where you do not have to gain employment to survive. Though this would be the basics of life, should the person be an artist of sorts, then amenities also are opened up for these to maximise their potential. How many great artists have never been heard seen or known, as they have had to work to support themselves or family. And the cost of living is rising faster then you may imagine, Soon a Mortgage will be taken out over a period of 3 generations. this is a joke.

Energy, We should establish an renewable energy firm. this can provide power at a lower cost to that of burning fuel, reinvestment of profits go toward the expansion of the grid with storage and more energy receptors.

I have a previous post touching on the set up of a Energy company and the returns available from, I based this return on a 10% per yr return, which I believe is achievable. More so if cooperation from labour sources can be reached.

Water seem logical to myself as a place to go. This can be done easily with the use of sea water and distilling. Now do not laugh at me here, this is quite possibly genius lol. But this could also if done on a large scale reduce the rising water level globally. It only takes 1 drop to reduce this level, we may have to evaporate 10 trillion google drops to make difference, But every number started with 1. for a project like this though, we would also need to farm, Some additives would be needed for the water to be good as drinking water, through the evaporation process some natural chemicals are lost, these can be replenished with plants like aloe vera as a suggestion. but all bio and eco friendly.

Basically, The future of the water the next generations is in our hands, and if we do not as a community of people begin to work together and have large corporations with massive legal teams to fight our fight we will lose, We need a company representing the interests of people. This can only happen if we do it , do it together. Let us build a future for everyone, Where the right to life means you can have a life, without been enslaved to work for rewards which do not cover your costs.

Thanks for your entry. I agree with a good amount of what you said, though some things not as much.. Like.. No one has a right to any resource, we have a right to defend ourselves and speak freely and essentially anything we can inherently and naturally do, resources are not things we inherently own or possess, we all DESERVE things like water and food and a good life, but deserving something and having a right to it are very different.

For example, resources are finite and scarce and worth something, so if you try to guarantee everyone has this, you are using force as opposed to diplomacy to achieve these things, and using the force of government in my opinion is not the answer. Education of the people and voluntary change and society I think is the direction we should head in.

Either way, I appreciate the entry and I think you put a good amount of thought and effort into it and I thank you for entering the contest. :) However, you are suppose to make your own blog post, and then link it here, I won't disqualify your entry, but if you decide to enter any future rounds I suggest you try to do it the proper way as per the rules say.

I was trying to use agreement to achieve the goals, and the use of force is more resistance. At no time do I suggest a government be in control of any resource for life. I do suggest to use the powers gained by such, to be used to oppose governments and other entities whose sole goal would be to own it all.

Thanks for clarifying! When I hear people say that resources are a human right, I usually tend to think they want government to enforce that, but if you're doing it in a diplomatic and voluntary way, I think that's admirable!

Thanks to @plushzilla for suggesting I submit this post.
Thanks to @apolymask for the contest.

I humbly submit a link to my article.

Awesome! We got a wizard entering the contest! :) I look forward to checking out your article and I hope you do well in the competition! We could use more wizards around here and in the world in general! ._.

I even know how to spell Abracadabra!!! 😎
😋 How rare is that?!?!?

Haha, that's cool. But have you ever looked up the etymology of the word? :)

Also.. I'm not sure if plushzilla told you, but another round just started today and it has a reward of at least 25 steem! So you may want to enter in that round as well? I'll include the link below for you.

that would be so cool.

It is really cool, you should come and play! There are some awesome rewards coming soon!!!

Pretty certain that sohan guy is a bot, there was a time I flagged them, but.. It's not really worth it anymore most of the time, I'd rather keep my voting power to reward people with.

Water resource must be consumed wisely. great message by drawer. :-)

Here is my entry for round 12. Am i doing this right?

Yep! You got it now. :) Thanks @swolesome

Reading instructions for 11 now.

Thank you for your Digital castle.

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