Information Finding Championship Season 1: Round 12 ( Science for Steem contest: Power of Water)

in #informationfinding6 years ago (edited)


It can be holy, a blessing and even a weapon of warfare.


Growing up in Florida I was surrounded by it. The water in the aquifers beneath my feet, the saltwater in the beaches, the crystal clear water of the springs and the brackish water of Crystal River that flowed in from the Gulf of Mexico.

When people talk about water they see

  • lack of options
  • wastefulness
  • and even doomsday scenarios.

I see opportunity. Just need to

  • Take Chances.
  • Make mistakes.
  • Get Messy.

If the last year in crypto has taught me anything its that human beings like to think outside the box if it means they can shake the market and affect the world for good.

So I am proposing a STEEM prize to the person that invents/designs a new WORKING way to harness electricity from water. The prize grows as more submissions come in.

May even get sponsors if we feel this will showcase the beauty of the Steem blockchain trying to change the world.

I have grappeled with this idea for years.

Florida has the Gulf Stream to the southeast, the strongest current on earth why don't we tap into it?

We KNOW hot air rises and when water cools it falls back down. Why don't we use that simplistic scientific law to generate a two way feedback systen to generate electricity?

Water is currently used by solar towers to some effect.

Could we not do this on a smaller scale for someone to power up their own home?


It is literally using the mechanism of hot air rises. Something you can learn from Miss Frizzle! You can change the world dear reader.

So Steemit. Water is wet but did you know it could change the world? As the world races forward with the advancement of technology and electricity demmands. We need our ideas to evolve with it. Let's go back to basics and make water cool again.

The technology that inspired me to do this contest. I am going to toss a few of my ideas I had but couldn't get to work. Maybe they can inspire you.

Let's science stuff!


Excellent post! I love the idea of pairing STEEM with an invention that could help protect our planet. Technologies co-evolving to help create a better world! Also your feedback system is beautifully simplistic. You've got my vote for Round 12!

Thanks sleuth :)

Another awesome entry swolesome! As I was saying the other day.. I think you may be the one to give kryptocek and bashadow a run for their money! I had a feeling after your first entry, and this one is pretty epic too! Well done.

The idea for a reward for someone to come up with the best idea to harness electricity from water is an awesome idea! I highly approve and I hope we could get more people on board for something like that.

PLUS.. I was unaware of the technology involved in the YouTube video you included.. That looks absolutely fascinating! I don't think I totally understand it yet and I need to watch the video again, but.. That looks like a super promising form of technology! I wonder why it isn't more widespread? Is it super new? You'd still think more people would be trying to work with such kinds of tech!

Anyways.. Thanks for another awesome entry! Looking forward to seeing more from you in the future too. :D

I do not know if it is a new technology. But its not widespread to my knowledge.

Innovative write up and thoughts

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