in #comic7 years ago

What happens to a person when they are consumed by STEEMIT, and live, eat, and breathe STEEM 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

They become a 24/7 STEEMHead, viewing every detail of their life through the lens of how it can be applied to steemit.

This is a story from the life of one such individual, a 24/7 STEEMHead.



The comic that you have just seen is based on a true story, and I believe accurately reflects my attitude over the previous months. On steemit, as in life, there may be many ups and downs, and plenty of things that are way beyond out control. However, our attitude and outlook should be under our control. In each of the previous situations, and in so many more, I was happy to have this opportunity and I took advantage of the potential. Now, it is paying off big-time.

Also, for those of you who pay attention to detail, the first one to reply with the username of the steemian featured on my desk top will win 5 STEEM.

To read the other posts in this series, click the links below:

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with




Here is the post that I made :

In the comment section I was awarded this "MOHAWK OF BOOM ACHIEVEMENT AWARD!"

I now keep it on my desk as a constant reminder of what true greatness really looks like.

Did I somehow send that 'Wow...." comment to myself, rather than you? I yiii yii, you'd think after 7 months I'd know what the heck I'm doing. (It shows up in my 'Replies'.)

Good, so you did get it. Didn't want you to miss my "thank you very much for the STEEM" comment, due to operator error. I greatly appreciate it Have a nice day.

Lol, yeah, I got it.

Wow, thank you for the STEEM award. Very nice. And I must say, what an honor it must have been to receive the Mohawk Of Boom Achievement Award. I can see why you keep that on your desk as an inspiration. There are no substitutes for the Meester, that's for sure. Plus, you made a pretty large sacrifice to get there. How long did it take for the Second Best Haircut On Steemit to grow back?

It took a while, but I think it is time to go "BACK TO THE BOOM!"

I think so. It's a look like no other. Sorry I missed this thread when it first came out, but glad you've resurrected it. Very funny and a great photo. I love the BabyBoom photo on the wall. I'm assuming that's from the Meester's house, but maybe your addition?

Original photo was Boom at home. My head went over his, and his head went over the baby's.

Very creative, as usual, and very very funny. Thanks for the chuckle.

You're welcome!

This is a great time to comment as well. ;)

That one was worth 36 cents!

Smart guy! I am just posting my comment agreeing to the comment of yours.

Cool, thanks! :D

( Don’t waste your time online, invest it with )
I agree fully with you
Thanks for sharing
Have a nice weekend

Glad to hear it! I love investing my time here, big return!

Here is the best place to invest my time
write.. comment, sharing with other and Learning because
a lot of our community have a big talent and post a very good content
and as you said ,big return...

I have STOPPED Facebooking and Tweeting. Boy, I was an addict before. I admit.

Now I see how I was giving away my content and time for free to those platforms.

Not anymore, sir. Not. Anymore.

If I had started, I would have stopped too.

UPVOTED and I wish I could do it many times.

I was just talking to @businesswri and we were discussing how consistency is the key on this platform.

And I have found greater joy in connecting with you and everyone else.

For you, perhaps, I am just another dude.

For us? You are an inspiration. And to know you consistently post and come up with something far more creative makes me come back to the platform.

Recently posted a challenge on my blog that I will be writing regularly and engaging further. Regardless of the rewards. And this post just nails that fact:

This, truly, is a great time to be posting! :)

Eventually someONE will notice YOU!

Thank you for your support! You were the first to resteem my posts. :')

That too thrice!

Cannot ever forgot and glad to connect. :)

It's what I do!

Showing off what I feel my FOLLOWERS would want to see, especially NEWCOMERS!!!

Just my 3cents worth...being Frank


You should check out my new advice video that I am posting in the morning. I use the payout on this post below as an example...

Yep! 9 months ago. Just above 50 cents. One has to wonder your secret to discipline? What drives you?

Friends don't let friends not steemit....

WOW! Now that is a slogan!

Haha :) I love it! Hopefully I can copy and past myself into this comic in a few months :D

That sounds great! Please do!

You seem to have talent to come up with special names! :P

It is special, but if you click on it!

It is REAL!

LOL! No joke.

Wish my dadwrites and momwrites were real, too! :P


That was the HINT HINT if you showed them that comment!

Post, post, post, post, post,post, post, and post.
Thanks for the advice.

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