ColorChallenge – GreenThursday: Green Spiral Energy Flow

Good Morning Steemit,

Happy #GreenThursday to everyone!

It's so great to be part of this awesome community. And I am so grateful to post some new stuff every single day. It may be a flower picture, a story, a poem, a video, a recipe, or some other valuable or enjoyable post, never mind! It's so amazing being able to do that every single day.

Today on #GreenThursday I have green plant for you, of which I even don't know the name. But I know it emanates amazing, powerful energies.

When I was shooting the poppy photos and video, I found this plant at the side of the street.

Do you see how the spiral, vortexial, scalar energies are thriving upwards?! And do you notice the Fibonacci spiral?!

It's amazing to find these sacred structures in nature.

I love that!

Thanks for passing by!

Thanks @kalemandra for hosting this lovely challenge!

Take care!

Stay Steemed!

Love, Unity & Abundance


These are my latest posts:

Lotus-Meditation - Always be in a conscious state of mind!
DCooperation introduction for you awesome guys – This is Me, Myself and I (Vlog #20)
DIY: Healthy Tooth powder with chalk, bentonit, turmeric and Triphala (Vlog #19) :: Zahnpulver selber herstellen [EN/DE]
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment – The Everyman III: Day 9: Feeling nasty and tired (Vlog #18) :: Tag 9: Extrem Müde! [EN/DE]
Mondayred Meditation – Poppies in the wind: Simply Red, Simply Be :: Mohnblumen im Wind: Einfach Sein [EN/DE]
Being present and fully aware in every moment :: Laber nicht rum, mach's einfach – Jeden Moment in vollen Zügen genießen (Vlog #17)
#Mondayred – Poppy blues (reds) on a windy field :: Mohnblumen-Blues auf einem windigen Feld
Ein ganz normaler Morgen am See (Kranich #5) – Die unermessliche Fülle in jedem Moment spüren :: A normal morning at the lake (crane #5) – Feeling abundance in every moment
To boldly go where no one has gone before :: Laber nicht rum, mach's einfach! – Mach Dinge, die du noch nie vorher gemacht hast!
Nachtrag (Vlog #15) – Polyphasisch: Müde ist man nur in der Umstellungsphase
Tag 6 Warum Polyphasisch schlafen? Und wie du im gestressten Alltag Energie tanken kannst (Vlog #15)
3 Tips how to get up in the morning and get out of your comfort zone :: 3 Tipps wie du am Morgen in die Gänge kommst (Vlog #14) – Laber nicht rum, mach's einfach

Thanks to everyone who supports my work in terms of following, upvoting and resteeming! Much appreciation!


Awesome, Steemit to the moon!

"Ground control to Major Steem!"

This is my first night I have been scrolling through others blogs and let me say it is so refreshing to see someone who has similar interests and joys in this crazy world! Definetly will be following, keep up the wonder✨

Wow, what a comment! Crazy worlds needs crazy people, like you and me! Thank you for those kind wor(l)ds!
Love, Unity & Abundance

I definitely DO love seeing Fibonacci show itself. This is actually (basically) what my first post was about! Sure are some amazing plants out there, all beautifully created and designed in their own way(s)! Thanks for sharing your find. 🙂

Thanks for acknowledging it!

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