"My Secret Place..." - Daily Word #76

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

Where do you go to, to get away from it all?
Where do you run to, in times of need?
Who do you turn to, when you are down and out?


Today I was early for my meeting in the City, and I felt as though my spirit needed to be recharged. So I left the busy streets, and found my way into a church. I stepped in, sat down in one of the many pews and began to just being in His Presence. I can't even remember how long it was.

It was beautiful. It was certainly refreshing. It was as though the Lord Himself was with me in the quiet of the moment.
He just seemed to know everything that I was going through and made me feel He personally heard my cries and petitions. After a while, I just sat there and blessed Him for ALL that He is to me and my life.

Have you ever felt like you need to just step away from all of the busyness and just get to a place of peace. A Secret Place where you can run to, a place of refuge, a place of rest. This was the place the Lord Jesus Himself went to when he needed to be with the Father. Do you have a place like that?

In your busyness, you can turn to Him. In your trials, you can rely on Him. In your pain, you can hold on to Him.

In Psalm 27:5 (NIV) you can read this...

"For in the day of trouble, He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent, and set me high upon a rock." Source

I encourage you this day, to seek Him while He may be found. He truly wants to be with you. He desires to shower you with His Love and His Fullness of His Presence. He wishes to fellowship with His Creation, His Children.

"My Secret Place" (below) is a touching song written at City Harvest Church... I pray you will be Blessed.

Will you come as you are today, and enter to Your Secret Place with Him?

Blessings & Shalom.



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