My Favorite Morning Drink

This is Day Ten of @ dragosroua’s #challenge30days writing challenge. For more info on the challenge, Click Here. Today’s prompt is “What’s Your Favorite Morning Drink? Why?”

As many of you know, I have hired someone to ghost write for me as it’s difficult to time travel from the 1800’s Southwest USA in order to write a blog post. Sometimes the writer gets confused and writes about his own life, but since I’m here on business, I figured I’d give him the day off. He seems too stuck in his own life and not really into my character right now. That’s not helpful when he’s supposed to be portraying me. Anyhow, in case you were wondering, this is about @themanwithnoname, not the ghostwriter.

I like my coffee with a hint of wood smoke
Source: Pexels

That's right, I'm a coffee man. I take my coffee black, but it's just not as good if it doesn't have a little smokey taste to it from the campfire that heats the water. Where I come from, there's only one roast and it's dark. We don't put sugar in it because that's expensive and unnecessary. I normally only drink one cup, but if I have a slow morning, I like to drink a second cup.

We don't have a lot of tea and I drink enough water throughout that day that I prefer the coffee to help me wake up. To be fair, the cold morning air helps a lot with that. A nice dip in a river also helps, but I try to wait for a nice, quiet town so I can get a warm bath. The icy river water isn't good for the old joints.

There you have it! Simple reasons, but impactful none the less.

Note: Someone asked if I like espresso. It hasn't quite been invented yet, but it's coming soon and I'll give it a try when I can. It might take a while for the technology to get from Italy to the US. Thanks for asking though. :)

- If you drink coffee, where was the BEST cup that you ever drank? (Date, location, type of coffee, and the reason(s) it was the best)

Previous Writing Contest Entries

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Love how you moved in and out of character here haha Of course themanwithnoname likes his coffee smoky and black!

My favorite cup of coffee ever was years ago, when I took a group of art students to Italy for a Spring Break trip. We were in Venice and it was unseasonably cold. The kids were off doing their thing and another teacher and myself were wandering the streets when it started to rain. We ducked into this little cafe, two-tables-and-a-coffee-bar little. There were a few handsome Italian men at the coffee bar, and Sylvia and I ordered espresso. It was strong, black and hot (the coffee, not the men:). We were told to add sugar, which I never do, but when in Rome ( Venice actually ;), and it was the most magical drink I have ever had. To this day, every cup of coffee I have had has paled in comparison to that one little cup in Venice!

I probably need to work on that. It might get too confusing for people. I probably should have created my own account under another pseudonym so I could post my own stuff and then only do The Man With No Name's stuff on this account. Oh, well.

Yep, black and smokey coffee! :)

Wow, that's a great story! You should write it out as a post. Thanks for the clarification on the "strong, black, and hot." I was confused for a moment. ;) I could see how after that experience other coffees just wouldn't taste as good.

I like trying to figure out whose shoes you're standing in when you do a post :)

I often feel like some of my comments might make a good post, but once they're out of me, I kind of lose interest in it :)

I never really know who's shoes I'll be in until I start typing.

I get what you mean about losing interest. It could be an amazing story, but once you've already done the work, you just want to move on to something else.

Stick with your spontaneity then; I think it's working for you thus far :)

That's it exactly!

Here on business, eh? Aside from the necessary energy and yet to be invented physics of time travel, just what are the economics? I know it's not the easiest thing to do, from what you say, but you've done it a couple of times now over the last couple of months, so you must be doing well in order to afford it, or maybe you've stumbled upon a natural tear in the spacetime continuum?

At any rate, we expect nothing less from @themanwithnoname than smoky black coffee. I wonder how much water you actually get to drink, since potable water isn't necessarily in abundance where you are from. I would imagine it gets a little gritty, unless you're pulling it directly from the stream. Then you've got to watch out for those nasty microbes nature's creatures like to leave behind.

So, anyway, thanks for stopping in. We'll have to get on your ghostwriter for slacking off. Obviously, you must be okay now from your latest adventure. That's good to know. We'd hate to have horse having to fend totally for himself, though it does appear he has the wherewithal to do it. :)

Let's just say that once you time travel and sort of get things set up, you need to visit from time to time (ha ha) just to check on things. I have certain things set up here that I want to make sure keep running smoothly. Don't worry about the cost. Remember, I can time travel. ;)

The streams where I normally ride aren't as bad as most of the water in my area. The pollution isn't as bad and the land is less disturbed. If you find a nice mountain spring, that's about the clearest, cleanest water you can get. Boiling it also helps. It takes a while on a wood fire, but you can get it there. I like to cook a pot of it with dinner so that in the morning it's ready to pack up and take with me.

My pleasure. I like stopping in to chat with you kind folks. Don't give him too hard a time. Somehow I think he's not quite right in the head. ;)

It depends on which timeline you're referring to. See, in some of them I'm ok, and in others I'm not. In still others, I'm dead, and in even stranger ones, I was never born. Time travel really mucks things up. Ha ha. I have yet to meet myself though, so I'm doing something right! Although, trust me, every time I see myself in the mirror I startle. Then when I realize it's me I can calm down, but for a second each time I almost have a heart attack.

My favorite cup of coffee, was on the first morning of a camping trip in the Adirondacks in upstate New York last September. I managed to make my first official pot of coffee over a fire in a percolator. It was delicious and was drank in an awesomely serene nature setting.

Well, you know that's how I like mine, although my view is normally 1800s Southwest, but I hear NY is nice too! :) Thanks for sharing.

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