My Main Reason For Staying On Steemit

This is Day Six of @ dragosroua’s #challenge30days writing challenge. For more info on the challenge, Click Here. Today’s prompt is “What Is Your Main Reason For Staying On Steemit??

Feeling Lost In The Crowd?

There are many reasons why people can be on Steemit.

  • Money
  • Exchange of information
  • Social interaction
  • Passing time
  • Getting their thoughts out
  • Meeting new people

My Reason

For me, this is an easy one for me: The friendships.

I’ve met a lot of people on Steemit and although I’ve never met any of them in person, I still consider some of them my friends. They are people who I expect to see on here every day. If they’re not on every day, then I start to wonder where they went. They do the same for me. I took a short sabbatical a while ago and started getting Discord messages from friends asking if I was ok. That's the sort of thing that makes you feel valued by people.

As @themanwithnoname, you would think that most people don’t know my name on Steemit, and mostly that would be true. However, there are a few people who do know at least parts of who I really am. I was even fortunate enough to have one kind person write me a letter of recommendation based on their observations/interactions with me.

Even if I don’t choose to reveal all the details about myself, I try to be real with who I am and people pick up on that. I try to be authentic and genuine with my comments and interactions, so even if I don’t get something quite right, my intention is to have meaningful connections with people. Some people pick up on that and we tend to have a great time bantering back and forth.

Life Without Friends

If all of my regulars quit Steemit and I had to start going through this all again without them, I don’t know that I would stick around. Honestly, I would probably hang onto the account, either out of laziness or the more socially acceptable “long-term investment holding” strategy. I’d probably come back around to it at some point, but it’s the friendships and connections that I’ve made here that make Steemit special and make me come back.

I was going to do specific shout outs to some of the people, but I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, so I’ll just say that quite a few people around these parts who have made a huge impact on my Steemit experience. I will say that I spend a majority of my time interacting with @lynncoyle1 and @glenalbrethsen on any number of blogs. Sometimes it's our own, but we've been known to have a 20 comment conversation on someone else's blog before realizing that we had taken the conversation way off topic. That's how I know I'm having a good time!

- Why do you stay on Steemit?

- Who are your favorite people to chat with?"

Previous Writing Contest Entries

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I am glad that you choose to stay on steemit! I stay on steemit because it's a great outlet for my photography​ and meeting people!

Yes, I have good times here. There are so many awesome people (yourself included) that it's fun to catch up with friends and see what people are doing. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the support. :D

So, you shout out to @lynncoyle1 and I and then somehow we both manage to miss this for three days.

Sorry, dude. No excuses, but I'm here now and ready to start another 20 comment conversation. :)

Okay, I haven't been counting to know how long our conversations go on. And now that you throw a number out there, I'm kind of scared to actually find out if we've ever gotten that far. We'd be well off the page and into a couple of others by then, I would think.

I'd hate to start over again, too. That would not be fun. I hope we all can hang around for a long time. Now that I've said that, the jinx factor will kick in and everyone will just disappear. Like the Mayans, and other people. The mystery of history.

No worries. I know I miss a fair number of your posts. Despite the fact that I always seem to be commenting, I don't spend all my time on here. I try to hit as many as I can, so totally understand.

I think we've hit the 20 comment mark a few times. Normally it slows down around 10, but I don't think 20 would be out of the question. I normally switch to busy for viewing the conversation at that point. Steemit does that thing where they only show 8 comments, so then you have to click through the "more" buttons to find it. I still think it's dumb that when you click the link on the Ginabot message that it gets confused and won't take you right to the comment. Comments are considered posts, so it should take you directly to the post. Just as clicking on a post shouldn't take you to the person's profile. No, go right to the post.

Hopefully people won't just disappear. That being said, I'm going to start looking at other options for multi-posting when I get done with my travels. We talk about "those who started at Steemit back in the good old days." Well, those good old days are still the present for some of the other sites. Might not be a bad idea to get out there and see if something sticks. I don't think I could support multiple sites though, so I'd have to have content that could be applicable in many locations. No more articles on Steemit. Ha ha.

At this moment I do not know why I stay. I can not say it is for the money and also I did not make friends over here. I think I like posting and reading. Plus I am.still not able to understand everything people talk about and that sucks. I do not understand many words that are used and I have a lack of time and a lousy internet connection. This means discord is frequently hard to load for me so again less contact. So I read, try to understand, watch and it might be that is my addicting if it comes to Steemit.

I'm sorry to hear it's so tough for you. I know it takes time to find the spot where you fit, your niche, if you will. I started by commenting a lot on other people's blogs. I would make sure to read the whole post and try to find some comments that I could make that were relevant to the post. Over time they recognized me as a regular and they started commenting on my comments and giving me votes. Soon they started coming to my blog. It takes time, but it can be addicting. It can also burn you out, so it's important to take breaks as needed. Hopefully the daily reading, learning, and discovering will help you to understand more over time and it will be more fun! Thank you for reading and for commenting. :)

I do it as you describe now. I assume I will find my way in time. There is so much to read and figure out and I am simply running out of time. I wonder how many hours you invest in Steemit daily. The good news is I love reading and puzzles LOL

I do invest way too many hours per day on Steemit. I need to find a way to balance things out more. Then again, many people spend hours and hours per day watching tv which makes them zero money, so if I'm spending it on Steemit where it is earning money, then it can't be too bad.

well crafted post, well to me i join steemit to network and make good friends and also to build my writing skills and to know more about crypto currencies

It seems like you're doing well. Hopefully you're able to continue improving and then use those skills to get a better job with more pay! :)

I'm glad to hear you've made so many good friends here! It's funny how that happens despite the lack of personal information we share.

I was going to do specific shout outs to some of the people, but I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings

I almost did a shoutout on my post for this challenge too, but decided not to because I felt the same way! LOL

Yeah, it's strange how chance encounters can open your world to such great friendships. It makes me try to be present in the moments because I don't know when another great friend could come along.

I almost did a shoutout on my post for this challenge too, but decided not to because I felt the same way! LOL

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was worried about that. I could have tried to list everyone, but they know who they are. And you can probably tell from my comments and replies. :)

Very true sir,,more friend are waiting for us in steemians,,great job!

Yes, there are! Thanks for stopping by. :)

Your always welcome sir

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