"Go Beyond" Challenge #2 - with @evecab

in #challenge6 years ago (edited)

"Go Beyond" Challenge #2

We are 3 weeks in 2018. Many have set their resolution or goals for this year, while some might not. Personally, I never make New Years resolutions. I think of them nothing more than setting personal goals. To me it makes no difference when I set them at the start of the year or half way. To be honest I think the idea is quite dull, it's like Valentine's day when people are supposed to show their affection for their lover.

When we set goals or resolutions, we are not content with something in our current situation. There is something we would like to change. We would like to do better. We would like to be a better version of ourselves. We want to Go Beyond our current limitations. I believe all of us that joined Steemit, have done this in a kind of way.

For this challenge the theme will be:



Winners of the previous week


50% of the total post rewards will be divided among these 3. Converted into STEEM each will receive 3.27 STEEM.

The Challenge

  • For the second edition of this challenge write about a moment when you had achieved one of your goals. What was your goal? How long did it take you to achieve it? And how did it make you feel?

  • New users (max 6 months old) who have written a decent comment will be curated by me, to be featured in @curie or @ocd.

  • 3 people with the best comments will receive 50% of the total rewards of this post in STEEM.

  • Two contestants will be chosen by me and @evecab, the last one will be decided by the most votes.

  • Everyone can vote by commenting "vote" below the comments.

  • Votes can be casts multiple times, but only one each comment.

NOTE: We hold the right to make votes unvalid if we have the suspicion of them being cast by empty accounts

Winners will be announced on the 28th of January

Good Luck! 😊



Thank you all for participating. Challenge #3 will be announced soon!

I remember one time in school during my first semester exams in my first year in the university, I had problems with understanding what I read. I'd read a book 2 or 3 times and still find it hard to recollect what I read. I'd feel really bad and unhappy because it would affect my grades and make it seem as if I did not read at all. I decided to pray about it and it seem as if they were not been answered, I watched some YouTube videos and did a little research and I learnt some methods of how to remember stuff. I started to see changes and my grades started to improve, I felt really proud of my self and happy, though I still have issues remembering but I can say I have improved a great deal and I am in my fourth year now.

Nice work brah! Love your determination.

You really have grown as an individual and I must say I am proud of you. Thank you for sharing this bit of your story and development. It has really helped more than you can imagine. 👏👏

I'm glad it's better now.


Back then in school, i was one of the student union leaders and there was a project i set out achieve. I wanted to organize a conference for students where they would be exposed to realities of entrepreneurship and career development and how to excel in them. The project actually got approved and when it was time to release funds for execution, a lot of things went wrong.

I had already begun, i didn't have the money to go foward and my reputation wouldn't let me go backwards, i was blank for days and it was one of the most challenging periods of my life. I wished i didn't start.

I started reaching out to people, asking questions, reading on project management and i got a lot of ideas. In the end, the conference pulled through, i had a couple of volunteers and the students had received quality education.
After the conference, i felt relieved, i switched from off my phone and treated myself to a good sleep.

I was proud of my self and I'm working towards organizing more conferences.


Congrats dear....you are inspiring. Vote

Vote .....way to go girlie

You are an inspiration vhe and u know it.
Keep burning bright.


Organizing rarely goes as planned. It's good that you didn't give up :)

Thank you for sharing @vheobong, I enjoyed reading this.

Thanks for reading too

Hello @futurethinker and @evecab and thanks for the opportunity again, my goal 8 years ago was definitely graduating from college, in 2010 I started studying a title to be an administrator, at that time I was working to pay my expenses so I had to study at night , I woke up every day at 5:00 a.m. and came home at 11pm, a pretty grueling routine.

It was a little dramatic for me those five years, I had no car so it took more than two hours to get home, many times I was a victim of robbery and many dramas Hahahaha
when I finally approve all my academic assignments I was so anxious for the big day to arrive "the Graduation ".

The day of my graduation, I do not know if I am nothing else that has happened, but I was possessed by a "neurotic bride" literally, the nerves ate me, the dress I had chosen and I did not like, and makeup and was desperate...It was very late, the act was at 10am, we took a taxi and finally went to the theater,had not even started -.- my nerves calmed down until finally we entered the theater for the delivery of my certificate.

At that time I could not stop crying, I kept looking at my mother who was so proud... definitely that has been the most gratifying goal I've achieved so far.

Hi @futurethinker and @evecab, thanks for this opportunity and act of good leader you are!

What a fantastic challenge to express how far you've come to defeat your fear and attain your goal....

I finished my secondary school at a very tender age, but couldn't proceed further due to lack of fund from my parents, but it has always been my dream to further my education but the lack of fund restricted me at this point.

I watched most of my mates gaining admission into the university the year we graduated and several years after, it was so painful that i wasn't born with a silver spoon, so i had to settle for what's within my parents reach.

I started a vocational training as barber as i believe that should help me in getting some money to assist myself in pushing my education forward. This all started well until i graduated from my training and i found out that things weren't so easy as i pictured from the onset.

Worked for some big guys in the business for some years and i got to found out that the money am getting from this can only sustain my daily needs and i found it so difficult to save for my dream which is to further my education.

However, God willing, i met a customer at one of the barbing shop i worked which i start working for technically as housemaid, did this for some years until he finally get me an office assistance job on the Island, Lagos.

With this job, i knew i finally got the chance to save enough to further my education, though i was earning 25,000 per month but this was so much for me as this was the first time i will be earning that big.

I worked for four years with them and was able ti save enough, obtain jamb form and thankfully passed and the same year obtain post utme form (an exam taken for admission seekers in a university). Successfully, i passed this and was offered admission in the university of Ilorin to study marketing.

This whole goal took me nothing less than eight years to achieve. I could remember the day i got the admission message on my phone, it was a the first Friday of December and honestly i almost shed tears as a result of over excitement. Right now, am in my third year in school.

NB : No matter how long, do not give up on your drean

Never give up! Thank you for sharing this bro.

Thanks for sharing your story! Definitely never give up!


Hi @futurethinker and @evecab, Thank you for this opportunity that you’ve given us to share what have we become for the past years, to share the lesson that we learned and I hope that you and other audience can learn something from my experience.

I was working as Assistant Store Manager in other city (Makati City, Philippines) last 2015. And the city is divided into 3 districts by our company, Starbucks Coffee. In my district, there were 10 Assistant Store Managers are working in different stores, including me. Being a District Coffee Master that conducts coffee seminars at least 3x a month in different stores, I was well-known by my peers. Receiving several awards, such Partner of the Quarter at least thrice in a year and even receiving an award of Partner of the Year, it shows that I was quite doing good in my position. I’ve was appointed as well of being the District Marketing Specialist back then. Having this roles, you cannot say that I am busy but bussier. Lol. I have a lot of loads.

What I feel back then is that I am Superman, I have a lot of achievements and roles among my peers and hearing my name everywhere in the district, even outside ours. I can say to myself that I AM THE BEST, no one can do what I can do, I deserves a promotion. Then the day comes that my District Manager told me, through my Store Manager that I was shortlisted to in the next position. Which I am happy about. This is my dream, this is what I worked for, I am the best, I deserve this.

As a prerequisite, I should present my SWOT business analysis to our Area Manager, which I failed. I felt sorry for myself, and as part of the action plan, for me to be more familiarize with business action planning, I was transferred to another district. Not just another district, but another city (Taguig City).

I told to myself, that it is ok. Since I am the best among my peers in my former district, there’s nothing that I should be worried. I did things more than any of my peers have done in my district, so in another district.

Then my first in my new district came, after a week, I met my co-assistant store managers and new District Manager. I remember I was very conceited that day, as I always mention all my achievements and roles back in my old district, which I was proud as all of them have not experience yet what I experience.

But lo and behold! I was surprised of the things that they can do, they are all very familiar with business analysis, they are all doing profit and loss reports, they are all been doing the reports that I failed to present to my Area Manager, They are all been doing it for more than a year already. While I was just introduced to this reports a couple of months past, and still hasn’t understand everything.

From that moment, I realized to myself that I don’t deserve yet a promotion as I don’t even understand the core of our job, our business. While these people are more diligent when it comes to doing our reports. They know every corner of our profit and losses. They could explain it in details.

These people deserves the promotions more than I do. So, I told to my new District Manager that if she pleased, I don’t want to have any presentation yet, that I want to stay with her district more and learn these things that I didn’t know, that I should be knowledgeable of.

From that moment, I started asking for lectures from my peers. Asking for their help, for me to understand more about the core of our business. I learned from them, one by one, since each of them are getting the promotions that I always wanted. They are all became ahead of me. So what? I still need to learn things.

Until today, as of the very moment of this writing. Sitting in the Store Manager position for almost 2 years now, the position that I dreamed and worked for. I am still learning things, learning through the help of my peers and even from my subordinates. Never conceited anymore, humble and never again lift my own chair nor bragged what I have accomplished.

And most of all, more friends.

Thank you for sharing your experience bro. Indeed it is a lengthy post but a worth reading one! Sometimes those experiences can make us reflect on the things that we are lacking. It may be hurtful but it really depends on how the person's attitude is. Once all of the things are in placed and you know all of those stuff that needs to be learned for sure you will get that post! Rooting for your success! and you have my "vote"

I love your entry @davinsh! It's great that you've realized your shortcomings and that you are the necessary steps to eradicate them =) That's a great achievement! Keep learning and being humble, and you'll get very far!

I could go all day discussing my goals in life but here is the best goal I have achieved which give me self improvement.

Ever since childhood (round about 12 years old if I am not mistaken) I already have this feeling of being unloved, having anxieties, low self-esteem, having difficulties trusting people, loneliness, a feeling of being alone and all the negativity combined. I shrug it off at first, but little did I know it evolved into something else. In the morning I am all smiles and even crack jokes to people at school. But at the moment I am home, I lock myself in my room. My nights are composed of crying. It got worse as time goes by; ending my life has been always so tempting and pain was an addiction.

I remember when I was in highschool, I attempted to jump from the highest floor of our school building. But it seems like God doesn't want me to die. Everyday I try hard to look for my purpose and wondering why I am still alive. Everyday is a wish to find bliss, but no matter how hard I try my brain is not cooperating. I suffered severe depression and it has been a tough journey. My goal is to eliminate the addiction to pain and the temptation to kill myself.

I seek help and I was given a medicine. I also went through series of therapy. I couldn't afford to continue it without my parents help but I don't want to tell them what I am going through, afraid to be a burden to anyone, so I have to stop. But one day I was introduced into a community, a church, and did not know that I can have an inexpensive therapy. I got engaged at church and it made me feel better. Though there were still attacks but it lessen.

I found a way to divert my thoughts and I found God. Little by little I found myself opening up to people, my parents and siblings. I also used my skills in music and singing as a medium. God and the people he placed in my life isnthe answer for me to achieve my goal.

It has been 13 painful years and here I am still breathing. I no longer have thoughts of death and everyday is treated as a gift of hope. That is one of the best goals I have achieved which caused me self improvement.

The battle scars on my skin is a reminder of how I survived. I feel so accomplished and driven to pass on my story and how I got well to the people who is going through the same illness or any struggles like I had. I felt as if I found my purpose through it. It is difficult to recall, but in my mission to be a beacon of hope to others, I would be more than glad to share it, in the hope of reaching those who have broken souls too. Who knows, I might help them with their goals too.

What a beautiful goal @hundredlbsbeauty. I must admit I sometimes had suicidal thoughts when I was a teen. But it never lasted long luckily.

Thank you for sharing :)

Good thing that it stopped early. Mine has a multiple relapse depending on the situation but so far I am good and well. :)

thanks for sharing this story!!!!I'm glad you don't have these thoughts anymore and that you found something that helped you!

No worries. :) definitely glad that I've been better now.

Hi @futurethinker anf @evecab ! Thankbyou for this challenge . This is an opportunity for everyone.

This moment happened way back 2016.
I have two goals that year but the most important was to get my license in teaching . It is very important for me because it will define my future someday.

It was last week of September for the results of the Professional Board Examination for Teachers was scheduled to be released. To be honest I didn't expect too much, because I didn't review at all and what I'm really expecting was I'll fail that exam.

When it was already 28 of September, Me and my boyfriend immediately went to the internet café to search the list of the names who passed the exam. My hands were really shaking that time and I'm really nervous. I searched for my name and boom! I found it there! There my tears began falling from my eyes. I thought I wouldn't make it, but I did and thanks to Almighty God! My boyfriend hugged me and congratulated me. After realising that I did passed the exam ,what I did was jump and jump. I called my mother and my sister and told them the goodnews! They were really happy as I am and I know that they are proud of me. Goal achieved!

Remembering that day makes me cry and makes me feel that I'm blessed. I passed the board exam and take note its take one! Finally ,I'm a Licensed Professional Teacher! Thanks to God!

I am not an expert blogger nor a writer but still i want to to contribute to the community part of me that can be helpul to everyone...since i was a student iam setting goals for myself..study hard to achieve good grades and to graduate ,do not waste time doing things that hinders your goal...i need to graduate that is my.mindset bacause i ve seen the difficulties of my father working abroad just to suppport us in our study , we are 4 in the family studying that time ..so still monetary support is quietdifficult ..there are times that i did'nt eat lunch ..when my peers ask me to join their company for lunch iam always saying " its okay im not yet hungry" , even the books that i need to buy .just to save money , i photo copied the most needed book and others just spend reading it at school library...i always bear in mind that all these sacrifices will be worth in time..i deprive myself of having a happy hour with co students ,like watching movie sometime and bonding with them .not because i do'nt want to be friends with them but because i want to spend my time studying and save a little amount i have to help my parents...but that is not the only challenge in me , my father died when iam about my last semester of my college days..i do' nt know what to think that time .i felt broken that time..so what ' s next .my elder sister decided to work and let me fulfill my dreams,..so now i can humbly say that i passed those struggles in life " i am now an engineer " . .i made it despite all those challenges in life which made me who iam now.

wow that's a touching story, @reginecruz! I'm sure your dad would be extremely proud of you, and also kudos to your sister for helping you achieve this goal!

Thank you far sharing. What a dedication you had!

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