Bucket List Challenge: Dreams Fulfilled & Dreams to Come (Therapy Thursday)

in #bucketlist6 years ago (edited)


Thanks to @simgirl and @snook this challenge caught my eye the other day and I realized once I started writing about it, that this was a PERFECT post for my "Therapy Thursday"

10 Things I want to do before I die:


As someone who has spent the majority of my adulthood (26 years) as a stay at home mom, I have already accomplished a LOT of things that I grew up wanting to do. I tend to be the type of person who gets inspired to DO something, who has a big dream... and then I DO IT. These are some things that used to be on my bucket list, that I've already done"


  1. Be a mom (this was my MAIN goal in life for as long as I can remember!)

  2. Get married (find my soul mate and all that) <3

    Thumb-10waysHESAYSIloveyou.png thumb-meet-my-husband.png

  3. Act on stage

  4. Write a script, direct, etc.

  5. Write and publish a book (self published)


  6. Travel to other countries (and more than just a vacation, I wanted to LIVE other places... and we did. On a boat!)

  7. Homeschool my kids (growing up I wanted to be a teacher, later that shifted to homeschooling my own children)



Then... well, I found myself STUCK

Once my kids got older and needed me less on a daily basis, the trauma that this caused me was REAL. I started freaking out a bit more each year, wondering, "WHAT NOW?" I've spent so many years pouring myself into my stay at home mom self. I did PLENTY of things for ME as well, but none of it ever required me to bring in an income. I was doing things for us, as a family. My goals and dreams segued perfectly into parenthood, especially since I was a homeschool mom.


Most of my dreams just fit into that lifestyle and I was lucky enough to have an amazing husband who supported me in ALL of it.

Now I'm on year... who even knows, of feeling like I don't know what my purpose is now. I don't know what my goals are. I don't even know what I WANT to do with my life anymore, much less what I want to do to generate an income (well, I'd LOVE to make money just writing, but we'll see!)

Starting to write this list made me realize that even without needing to make an income to help us out financially (but it would help us out tremendously so we aren't barely eeking by, I'm not even sure what my DREAMS are anymore. No wonder I'm at such a loss!

I AM A DREAMER. That is who I am. I dream about doing things... and then I do them. I jump in with bot feet and immerse myself in the experience. Now I find myself floundering to even think of 'dreams' even if they aren't realistic. What has happened to me?

I am determined to think of things I want for the rest of my life. I know I want to create, but what? I know that I want to spend time and stay close to my kids. I know that I want to stay married and find a happiness in this next stage of being a couple (without little ones around!) I know that I want to create, to feel fulfilled and happy... so now I just need to set some goals or even just write out some dreams. I need something new to work towards, visualize, imagine... something to drive that DESIRE in me again. I need to find this new me that isn't a "Stay at Home, Homeschooling Mom" and move onto bigger, brighter and more awesome things, rather than staying in this stagnant state of not knowing and having no goals.

Things I still want to do

ONE. Write a book Not just self published, but even just self publishing an adult (by this I do mean a 'grown up' novel, but ALSO a more 'erotica type') novel that was even remotely suceessful would suit me just fine. I don't need a 'legit' publisher to feel like I've succeeded.

TWO. Make an income from my creative side (Probably writing?) Hopefully steemit will take me on this trip!

THREE. Travel in Europe for a few months at least. Backpacking, road tripping, whatever. NOT just a 'vacation' but a real living type of experience. Much like our experience on living on the road and traveling through the US for a few years, but in Europe.)

FOUR. Visit California and basically the whole West Coast. When we lived on the road traveling the US, we never quite made it all the way to the West Coast and I regret that!

FIVE. Buy a big plot of land and live close by my kids and grandkids I wrote about this in my Ten Truths and a Lie Reveal and it is definitely a dream of mine. If money were no object, I'd be on that right the hell now!

SIX. Learn an instrument and Sing in Public Regularly This can be in the form of Open Mic nights or coffeehouse gigs. I'm not terribly picky, but I want to reignite my passion for music and singing. I also want to sing with my daughter @abyni because she's awesome.


SEVEN. Get a lot more tattoos. Yeah, I'm reaching now, because I don't have any SPECIFIC tattoos I want right now, I know that after getting a mother-daughter tattoo with Paris aka @loliboofae that Abyni wants us to get matching/coordinated tattoos when she turns 18 later this year. I love tattoos and if they didn't cost so much, I'd probably already have so many more!


EIGHT. Create Traditions with my kids for Holidays I feel like with my struggles with depression, especially around the holidays, that the few traditions we did have... just kind of faded away. Currently we don't really do ANYTHING for holidays at all. We barely acknowledge them at all. I would love to resurrect our Easter clue hunt that we used to do (for the grandkids, at least) and think of something more... US for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I don't have any ideas as to what that would be. It's a little difficult I suppose because I'm really fortunate in that our family all gets together once a week already for games and dinner. That kind of makes 'getting together for games and dinner' for a holiday kind of non-special. Maybe we need to find a fancy way to do things or something. I'm not sure.


NINE. Find a New Marriage. Now this one isn't what it sounds like. I still want to stay married to @serapium but as I've said above, now that the kids are gone AND he doesn't have to work 60+ hours a week all the time, we're kind of floundering as well. It's like neither of us know what to do with ourselves and it sucks. Our marriage just kind of feels like it's on hold or something and I hate it. I'm ready to find our "thing" and get on it.



TEN. Be That Old Woman that Doesn't Follow the Rules. This one won't be hard, but I guess basically the fact of the matter is that I never want to change the essential part of me that doesn't care about what you're "Supposed to do" or what you're 'allowed' to wear/be/act like' at any certain age. I want to continue to live in homes with cartoons painted on the walls and be flamboyant when I'm in the mood. I want to be the crazy old grandma who doesn't give a shit about the rules and shows the younger generation that you just go out and do your thing. It doesn't matter if people like it or not, as long as you're following your own dreams.

One more I suppose I should put acting in/making a film on here, because that has been one of my dreams for as long as I can remember... however, this past year, that dream fizzled and died in a BIG way. For the first time in my life, I can't even seem to grasp a tiny part of that dream and I'm not sure why. I have acted in a short film and it was awesome. I have taken classes and been an extra on sets many times. This last class I took, though, seems to have just dragged that dream right out of me and kicked it into the dirt. I'm not really sure what happened, but when I think about working in film, in any capacity at the moment, it just makes me think, "EW. NO." and that is very very strange.

BUT for as long as that was a dream in my life, I figure it might come back some day, so I'm putting it on my list.

There you have it! I challenge you to give this a try! It is good to figure out what you want in life and what you want to strive for, even if it's just one thing at a time. I still feel a little lost, but in writing this, I also realize that my passion for writing has been SO ignited that I can't imagine NOT following through with those dreams of mine. I'm working towards it every single day and that means something. Just writing this post out has made me feel a little better.


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Click the icons to read some of my other posts!

Storytime Saturday: Psychological Thriller


Sunday Funnies: Letters from a Boat Cat


Mommy Monday: Puppet Making Series, Part One


Try Something NEW Tuesday: Learning the Ukulele


Weightloss Wednesday: ONE YEAR!!! Progress and Meal Plans





I love this. Right there with you. Lots of traveling, and I totally want to be the crazy old lady. Almost every day now at some point I think, I just want to be a sea witch.

Ooooh, Sea Witch is an option? I didn't think of that! :)

Absolutely. I have this lovely fantasy of living in a little hut by the sea. When my kids and grandkids come to visit, they will be required to spread odd and slightly disturbing rumors about me among the villagers. I'm excited about it.

That is a wonderful bucket list!!!! You still have plenty of time to create the life you want! I hope you find the motivation to write your books! Thanks for sharing!

I'm working on it... slowly but surely! Thank you for the support!

I love your goals because they are realistic and actionable. I hope you get to achieve them all.

Thank you! It helps me to see it in writing.

Good luck with your goals @byn! :-)

Thank you very much! :) I'll take all the luck I can get!

Be That Old Woman that Doesn't Follow the Rules.

I love that!

I was just going to say this! @byn, I want to be that old lady too :D

@foxyspirit great minds think alike!

Thanks... I have a good start already. I'm getting old and I've never really followed the rules. I just have to stick with it! :) Thanks for the comment!

@foxyspirit great minds think alike!

Oh this sounds like an amazing challenge and your list looks amazing. I also always wanted to be a mom and I definetly want to be the whacky old lady one day hahaha. Sounds like you've got some good dreams here and I hope you have fun turning them into a reality xxx.

Thank you! I know I'll do SOMETHING... it's a little odd for me not to have some obsessive, seething passion taking me over. :/

It's great to still have goals. Never not have them!!! You have completed a lot of things already. I dream to have a family myself one day, and I feel inspired. I don't even have an official bucket list myself yet, but maybe I should start! <3

You should! It's good to put the visual solidly in your mind. I am definitely feeling more adrift than I have in the past, but I figure maybe my mind is just focusing on getting mentally healthy right now and that is a good thing, too!

Mhmm, personal health—including mental health comes first and foremost! I apologize for my extremely late reply. You do what you need to do, and as cliche as it sounds, let your heart guide you!~

This was a great piece in getting to know you, byn. Loved it. Did I misread in that you wanted to write an adult book, of the erotic kind?! Point it to me when you’re done! Lol

Now, I totally loved all your other goals, and yeah, go be that crazy old grandma that tells it how it is and dances to her own unique song!

Nope, you didn't misread! I have a lot of "erotic" stories in my brain that I need to finish getting down on paper. At the moment, I have a lot of shorter stories and I just need to get my shit together and really buckle down and finish one into a full length story!

Fabulous, byn! These days I openly tell people I love romance novels because I tire of the stigma around something that makes me happy. A well written and love-driven erotica falls into that category. Look forward to hearing more about your goal to finishing a full length novel!

I love romance novels, especially historical romance or time travel romance! I'm sure I will update here as I make progress :)

it's hard to rethink your life when things change and you are not ready for it but I don't think anyone is every ready for it or there would be a book....... about how you all of a sudden find yourself lost in your own home and look at your Hubby and think.............

Who the F are you and why are you in my house? and maybe if I just walk around you I'll figure out what I'm to do with you now that you are home and all my attention is not on raising kids..........

and we have to look at the window and make sure the kids are safe while we get 2 minutes of fun time together..........

Oh wait! That's my life LOLLLLLLLLL

Yours is the one wrapped in bubble's that have sparkles in it right? and you dance around all day singing the sound of music and walk in the rain holding hands with your hubby?

yeah, knew that was you I drove by the other day and might have splashed some mud on........


sorry......its 3:27 am and I'm a tad loopy! and just got done reading @scribblingramma's marriage post that is so very true and has to do with men and M&m's :D you HAVE to go read it!!!!!!!!!! she is spot on!

so really I blame this whole comment on her......... cuz I'm wonderful and nice that way and thoughtful and my husband just walked in and gave me maple syrup and I totally lost my train of thought.........

but I'm going to post this any way to you know I'm human too :D

Oh and hugs BIG HUGE ones too ! Loved your 11 things <3

Thank you for the support and understanding, as always. Nothing has taken me by surprise so much as the fact that I didn't have many "want to's" that I haven't already done.

Traveling sounds good to me, but at the same time, I'm such a homebody, I could probably go 6 months without ever leaving my house. My husband is used to the kids giving me so much entertainment/interaction that he's gotten spoiled. Now I'm like, "TALK TO ME!" and he's stil the same as ever, replying with, "What do you want to talk about?"

I guess I spent too many years believing that once he didn't HAVE to work 80 hours a week, then we'd suddenly find things to do together. As it is, I'm realizing we still don't have the same interests, and if I don't have a project that I am passionate about, he doesn't seem to have one, either. He's spent too many years just supporting mine, I guess.

I don't know. It's obviously far more complex than I could cover in a comment or a post... or maybe a novel!

well, I think, a novel about the 2 of you and what you are going through written TOGETHER
might, just might, be the best thing for BOTH of you.

just a suggestion my beautiful friend <3 Many hugs

Gah, I wish I was as good at writing down cohesive 'real life' thoughts as I am at fiction. Maybe I need to start a "real life daily writing prompt" to inspire myself!

well this would be the YOU and HIM working TOGETHER as you said he supports YOU.......


So HE gives you the prompts!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

This is such a wonderful bucket list, @byn, I love it! And I can relate with so many points on it (on both sides) :)
It's sort of rekindled my desire to backpack through Europe...I think that got side-tracked and it shouldn't have and you reminded me of it. thank you <3

You're most welcome! It's something that always just sits there in my peripheral vision. I hope that I get some sort of traveling in Europe done. I have a feeling that going there would really inspire my 'historical-time travel romance writer side. That means it would help with TWO things on the list at once! I really need to do it then, right?

Definitely must <3 Besides, it's an amazing experience (from the places I have been to). I highly recommend going to anywhere in Italy, as it's a lovely place :D

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