One Year Weightloss Journey! PROGRESS & Meal Planning Ideas

in #health6 years ago


Well, I’ve hit ONE YEAR of consistently fasciablasting. I have never done anything consistently for one year before, so this is pretty phenomenal. I mean, really, it’s shocking to me that I kept up with something that long!!!

I’m about to hit the One Year mark since I stopped drinking alcohol AND One Year since I started counting calories (both later this month).

I’m astounded at the differences that I made (more importantly that I STUCK WITH!!!) and how it has affected my mental/emotional self as well. I must reiterate, I have never stuck with anything this long and it boggles my mind that I have finally accomplished something and been CONSISTENT about it for an entire year!


I've quit drinking as long as 6 months before, but other than that, the alcohol was a nightly habit. I've also quit before and seen NO weightloss at all, even though I expected those calories to count for more than they did! I know that quitting helped with the bloat and all that. I contribute my results with the combination of everything, but it was definitely the fasciablaster that FINALLY helped me start seeing results. The thing is, we're all such different human beings, I know that some people start using the exact same tool and don't see the results I did. I'm just SO THANKFUL that I finally found something to start me on a healthier journey. I feel so much better physically, mentally, etc.

At any rate, now that I’ve accomplished THAT, I want to make more goals! More healthy Habits to start on!



For my second year, I want to continue with what I've started and build upon that. I STILL need to get my fitness self in check. Hopefully the return of decent weather will help me get out of my funk as well as help me get inspired to move more.

I want to continue counting calories and doing intermittent fasting (that I started doing around July 2017) AND the fasciablasting.

I ALSO want to MAKE TIME to workout every day, even just a little bit.

I am going to add in a few extended fasts as well, nothing big, just some 36 and maybe 48 hour fasts occasionally. This month I'm challenging myself to do at least one 36 hour fast each week. I'd like to start on the next phase of getting solidly below the 180 mark where I've been sitting for a bit and get down to 170 and then my goal weight is probably around 160.

Once I get down to 170, I imagine that I'm going to have to start being more careful about macros and exercise if I want to see changes. I'll check back in with those things at the beginning of next month.


My favorite way to workout is heavy lifting, but since I need to figure out at home workouts for that, I want to at least start doing a little cardio at the moment, and for that... there is nothing more FUN than The Fitness Marshall:


I think I want to start some sort of self challenge that is measurable for getting back into fitness. I'm thinking things like:
Since having the flu and being nearly bedridden for well over a week, these are my current stats:

  • Pushups (I can currently do 5 on my toes)
  • Chin Ups (I can currently do ONE with effort)
  • Plank (I can currently only hold for 30 seconds)
  • Other Ideas that aren't steady state cardio?
    At the end of the month, I'll see how many I can do. I may even update each week if I make any progress


At any rate, my MAIN goal this month, besides the fasting is to get back in the routine of meal planning and prepping more regularly. BOTH for health reasons AND for BUDGET reasons!

Here are some favorite recipes, plans and websites that I love to use for meal planning. Mostly super simple, easy to fix recipes that my family likes to eat as well.

Meal Planning!

I used to do a LOT of meal planning, since we were raising 5 kids on one income (that was usually a VERY small income) so it was pretty much necessary to keep everyone fed. Now it’s just Patrick @serapium and @abyni most of the time, so I’ve had to adjust a bit.

These are sites/recipes I’ve used before when making meal plans for 1-3 people:

Some of my favorite sites for recipes to prep are:
I am NOT strict paleo or strict anything, lower carb with plenty of protein works best for me. I am going to try and stick with that more this year, but I am not giving up my fruits, especially now that spring is here!
5 Low Carb Freezer Meals
Paleo Made Painless 7 Freezer Meals
More Meal Ideas
25 Healthy Lunches

This is the current meal plan that I am going forward with the next few weeks:

The ziplock bags are chopped veggies (potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, onions and more carrots drizzled with a little EVOO and some Italian herbs and garlic salt)


I also have bagged cubed, roasted chicken, divided into servings. It would be easier to roast and bag everything, but I prefer fresh roasted veggies and I am not on a time crunch, so I do it this way. When we're ready to eat, we'll get out our bags of veggies, roast them, add the chicken and viola! Healthy meal.

I have a meal replacement shake most days with added protein. My FAVORITE smoothie at the moment is the Healthy Mint Chocolate Chip one

2 over medium Eggs + cottage cheese (sometimes with hashbrowns if I go out, because the combo all mixed together is my favorite)

Some other prepped entree(s): *I generally choose one or two entree type recipes to make ahead and prep them one day a week. Then I can rotate them or whatever.
(This week) Roasted Chicken and Veggies
Tuna on a lettuce wrap
Chicken (prep-freezer-crockpot meal) w/peas
Refried bean dip w/corn tortilla chips
Carnita's (prep-freezer-crockpot meal) in mini peppers
Fajitas (prep-freezer-crockpot meal) on lettuce wraps
Roasted chicken w/Sweet potatoes

**When I use lettuce wraps, the rest of the family uses regular flour tortillas and usually adds a bunch of cheese.


Snacks (I choose a couple to keep on hand)

  • Triple Zero yogurt with frozen blueberries and a little granola for crunch (granola isn't low carb, but I work it in calorie wise because I LOVE it)
  • Apples with almond butter
  • Frozen grapes (OMG DELICIOUS)
  • Celery (I actually love celery, especially with PB)
  • Almonds
  • Another shake w/ added frozen berries, with less meal replacement powder.
  • Egg salad/boiled eggs

I am SO ready for SPRING TIME FOODS! I love fresh fruits and vegetables so much. We have a local health food/grocery store (where both of my sons work now, actually) that has fantastic deals on things every week, so I stock up when I can.




Congrats!!! That is a huge achievement!!

Thank you thank you! I feel good!

It seems promising. Let me give it a try.

Wow, @byn! This is surely some amazing news to share with everyone here on Steemit! I gotta push myself towards healthier me too :)

Thanks! Even small steps will move you forward to better health. Oh man, I sound like a cheesy inspirational meme there! :)

HAHAHAA! Cheesy yet inspirational, hey why not?!?!?! :D

Congratulations and well done. You must be so proud of yourself and you should be. I must try the frozen grapes idea. I always loved eating frozen peas so the grapes must be next level.

They really are! It's like individual popsicles :) Plus, it takes a lot longer to eat them, so less calories! ;)

Good job!!!! You know what? You did it! How awesome is that! Congratulations to you and keep up the good work. That is something to be proud of and to hold on to. You are on a great journey and adding extra years to your life. Your kids will be thankful :p Just saying as kids are always great encouragement.
Good for you. This is a great thing to read tonight xx

Thank you! I will say that it is nice to be able to get up and down off the floor with my grandkids without being out of breath from just that little bit of exertion! I appreciate your support!

Way to go @byn! I hear you loud and clear about the "sticking with stuff" too; you even didn't need to say it three times haha That's really the key to healthy eating though; it can't be something you do while you're 'dieting' and then go back to the good ol' days of eating and drinking whatever.

You should be very proud of your accomplishments!!

Exactly! It's been a very interesting year for me, growth wise. I realized after this year of "Slow and Steady" that any other time I would have lost the weight twice as fast, but at the end of a one year period, I would have gained it all back and then some. That REALLY brought the accomplishment to light!

That's really the curse of dieting right! I spent years trying to teach myself that, but when we begin training ourselves as young teens, there are some pretty tough habits to break!

Congratulations again ! :)

Yes! I spent the first 40+ years of my life with such disordered thinking when it came to food, body image, etc. It has been a long road in even thinking about getting my mind in a healthy place. Thank you for the support!

You are most welcome! I've walked a similar road, so my support is a given! <3

Congratulations for this achievement.

I am going to take a few ideas for meals from your post. This is so much encouragement and motivation for everyone in a similar journey. I started mine in January as a new year resolution and I cannot wait for December to arrive so that I can review my progress.

Keep up.

Thanks for the support! Make sure you take photos and measure to help see changes as you go. They don't always show on the scale.

I agree the scale can make one lose confidence and pretty first. I am taking photos as many as possible.

Hahaha... thats my plan this summer. My friend told me that boiled eggs could help weight loss. 2 boiles eggs in the morning and evening combined with with fruits and veggies.

I love boiled eggs, but I get tired of eggs pretty quickly. Now yogurt with frozen blueberries, I've eaten that nearly every day for a year. LOVE IT. As long as I can fit it in my calorie window, I'll have it, even if it's just an occasional treat!

HUGE congratulations are in order for you, your determination and success! WHAT a proud moment for you!

Keep it up and good luck!

Thank you so much! :) I'll take all the luck I can get!

wow Congratulations... It is really hard but once you are determine, you can really do it... Keep it up and God bless.... @byn

Thank you for the support! Once the determination strikes, I'm good. Sometimes its a challenge to find it, though!

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