Stories of My Tattoos #9: The Mother Daughter Tattoos

in #art6 years ago



This is my middle daughter, Paris @loliboofae She actually turns 20 in a week!


The thing that I am most proud of as a parent is that I not only broke the dysfunctional cycles of generations with my own kids/parenting, but that I raised five incredibly individual, strong, confident and happy humans.

My kids all have this edge in which they don't care what other people think of them, what society says they "should" do or "should" be like and instead they are each following their own path. No one exemplifies this more than Paris. She is everything that I always wished I could be as far as being self confident, self aware and just... so... STRONG. She has already done so much more than I had at her age and has no fear of taking on new things. She is so appreciative of both her father @serapium and I, thanks us for giving her the tools to do what she wants to do in life.

Paris is an amazing artist and creative genius... she takes after her mom :) Seriously, though, personality wise (for the good and the bad), this is the child who is most like me. (ie: The 'bad' is that like me, she has a really hard time being consistent and following through with things just like I do and her talent is something that she doesn't appreciate quite enough!!!) We are a lot alike and that of course led to some head butting when she was younger, but in general, we've been pretty damn close since she hit her mid-teens.


I'd already taken her to get her first 'legit' tattoo for her belated 18th birthday (just like I took both of the boys @knightengale & Kainan) so when she was getting close to another birthday, she suggested that we get matching "Mother Daughter" tattoos. I thought that was a great idea and we discussed ideas over and over. At some point, she randomly picked up a pen and sketched this (she draws like I write... once the inspiration hits, it just flows)


Needless to say, I LOVED the sketch and as soon as she was back in town, we headed to my tattoo guy.


I LOVE this tattoo so much. I think the hardest part was deciding WHERE we wanted to get them done. I already had tattoos in her first few location choices, but I'm pretty damn happy with the end result.


I feel very lucky to have the relationship(s) I do with my kids. There is something particularly special about the one I have with Paris, not more or less than the other kids, just different. Both Paris and Kainan are wonderful conversationalists and we talk about everything and anything... but even more so with Paris. Now that she's an adult, I definitely consider her one of my best friends. She is the best person to go shopping with, take pole dance classes with, do bullet journal stuff with, draw, talk, vent, whatever. I am so incredibly thrilled with our "Mother Daughter" tattoos and am SO glad that we had the opportunity to get them together <3


And... that's all, folks!!!

(For now, anyway! I'm sure I'll be adding to my tattoos if I ever get a gift card or actually start making enough money to pay for more!)


Go visit Paris @loliboofae on steemit and follow her for some cool ass artwork!



Other tattoos:












I love the story behind those tattoos. And it is a great drawing for the mother-daughter design you wanted. Definitely unique!!

Thanks! My girl is VERY talented and I am so happy with our tattoos! @abyni is my youngest and she's 17 and already talking about getting her first tattoo... I can't wait to see what she comes up with :)

This is an awesome story, and I'm very happy that you have such a good relationship with your daughter. I love the tattoos!

Thank you very much :) I feel incredibly lucky with these kids of mine!

Hugs! they are blessed with you, too!

This is so lovely, the relationship is just too superb and I love that about you and you daughter. Lovely family.

Thank you. I'm pretty amazingly blessed with some awesome children!!! Thanks for the comment!

It is so amazing to me the traits we pass on to our children. With my daughter I have found it to be both a blessing and a We talked about getting father/daughter tattoos, but never followed through with it. After reading this post, I may have to revisit the idea the next time she is in town!

Right? It's been amazing for me to see how utterly different all five of my children are. The things that each of them got from me or my husband (and my son is SOOOO much like my dad in so many ways, even though he's really not spent much time with him ever!) It's incredible to see them all come into their own.

And YES! Get those father daughter tattoos :)

Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment!

Well, I must be living under a rock, because I had no idea your daughter and husband were on here as well!! I've found two new relationships to start on today :)

I love the tatoos; especially your 'story' behind it all.

The thing that I am most proud of as a parent is that I not only broke the dysfunctional cycles of generations with my own kids/parenting, but that I raised five incredibly individual, strong, confident and happy humans.

As a parent, you really can't ask for anything more, can you?!

And my youngest daughter @abyni is on here as well. Mostly doing her music stuff. My sons are trying to figure out what they want to do with their accounts. I'm the most prolific with it, but I'm trying to encourage them all to find their niche, because they are all pretty incredible people!

As a parent, you really can't ask for anything more, can you?!

That's right. During the times that I'm struggling with the things I didn't get right, I always come back to that. :)

Thanks for the comment!

What a privilege to have a such a talented daughter and a great relationship with her, too!

Thank you! I am very very fortunate to have such amazingly talented children that I am close to! :)

Thanks for sending me this link. I love this!
I love the tattoos they are awesome.
I have written a couple of tattoo posts. I can't believe this post was 2 years ago.

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