New Books Tuesday: April 3

in #books6 years ago

Many people know that Wednesday is New Comics day. Somewhat less known is the fact that Tuesday, in the US, is New Books day.

Weekly disclaimer: This weekly post highlights some of the books being published on any given week, usually in the science fiction and fantasy genres, both YA and books for adults. I am VERY likely to miss cool new books, so please feel free to tell me about them in the comments. Sometimes these will be books I've read a pre-publishing copy of, but most of the time, they will not. These are books I find notable, but I certainly don't read fast enough in English to be able to read all the cool books that come out every week.

This is a huge, huge, huuuge week of releases, featuring one of the most anticipated books of the year, at least in these parts.

Dread Nation
by Justina Ireland

It's the US Civil War with zombies, in Justina Ireland's highly anticipated new YA book, which I have on pre-order. This is, by all accounts, a highly political, powerful novel by a well regarded author and editor who is a fierce opponent of the status quo, opression, and bullshit in general. I'll have more about Justina in a different post this week.

The Oracle Year by Charles Soule

This is the debut novel for Soule, who has been a comics writer for years, and wrote a much loved She-Hulk run for Marvel. This book is about a man who wakes up one day with 108 true predictions about the future, and sounds like a fun supernatural thriller.

School of Psychics by K.C. Archer

This is one of those "person of extraordinary ability is recruited and trained, only to discover their handlers may be evil" stories, except the extraordinary ability is being psychic. And this may actually be kinda cool?

The Barrow Will Send What It May
by Margaret Killjoy

I haven't read Killjoy's first novella in this anarchist vs. demons series, The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion, but it was quite well reviewed, and I do intend to catch up on it. Depending on how I react to it, I may or may not read this sequel.

Firewalkers by Chris Roberson

I can't really claim objectivity here. Roberson is an aquaintance and a good friend of one of my best friends. This is also another second book in a series where I haven't read the first one (Firewalk), but both sound like a lot of fun! This is another supernatural crime thriller, where an FBI agent and a cop take on supernatural evil. I've liked what I read of Roberson's earlier stuff, including the comicbook that was adapted to the tv show iZombie.

Wonderblood by Julia Whicker

Politics and magic in a post apocalyptic US where people worship NASA artifacts. This will either be pretty awesome or a train wreck. From the little I read about it, it may be too rape-y for me (pretty much any level of rape-y is too rape-y).

The Best Science Fiction of the Year: Volume Three edited by Neil Clarke

Another week, another Best Of The Year collection. This one is interesting, coming as it does right after the Hugo nominations were announced, in that you can see the points of divergence when you look at the TOC. While Clarke picks much of the Novelette category finalists, he opted against all but one of the short story nominees. His selections also represent a strong bent towards anthologies and print magazines rather than online magazines. Interesting, from someone who edits an online magazine.

What are you looking forward to reading?

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I didn’t know you did this weekly! I don’t have time to read for pleasure atm, but I’ll keep my eyes across your list anyway!

so many books for me to read, oh I have to find the time, these all look great. Thanks @didic

Such a service you're doing with these posts! So many books coming out! School for Psychics looks really interesting, as does Justina Ireland's new release!

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