Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/01/18> We have a WINNER….@enchantedspirit. Congratulations!!!!

in #blog6 years ago

Congratulations @enchantedspirit ...

Yes, @enchantedspirit is the winner of the Daily Dose contest that started back on 07/27/18. Her prize of 3 shares of SBI has been purchased on 07/31 so that contest is officially over as of today. So, please give a big round of applause for the lady. Thank you.

WTF ...what contest

I am sure that some of you might be scratching your heads or other body parts right now saying, “WTF… what contest?” Well that would be the contest I never announced. I am sure you might have other questions as well so I will try and answer those right now, next question please. “How in the hell can you have a contest and not announce it?”

That is a real good and valid question. I can because I run this Daily Dose, and I play by my rules and last time I looked in the rule book, which I don’t have, I couldn’t find anything that said I couldn’t hold a contest and not tell anyone. So that is how I did it.

Before I take any more questions, let me just explain how the contest worked.

How the contest worked...

I had been talking about running a contest recently and I thought about doing some type of scavenger hunt using Google Earth in some way with it, but that just seemed like too much damn effort on my part and yours so I scrapped that idea. What I did come up with was a game called find the guzbucked up mistake.

The contest was scheduled to run for seven days, and like I said, it started on the 27th so you can go back and look at that Daily Dose to verify it for yourself. I made the mistake the very first thing a person would see when looking at the post. I didn’t try and hide it by any means; it was right in plain sight for four Daily Dose editions.

The prize structure...

Just so everyone knows, here is how the prize structure was set up. On day one if someone had pointed out the mistake it would have been worth 7 SBI shares. As each next edition was published the SBI share dropped by one share. So, seeing that four Daily Doses were published with that mistake before @enchantedspirit finally brought it to my attention and collected her surprise prize the share count was down to three shares. (7 – 4 = 3, that is real math there by the way).

I have to tell you, we all owe her a big “thank you” and here is why; if it had gone all seven days and no one had pointed it out to me I would have been forced to write a Daily Dose column informing you all that you are nothing but a bunch of losers. I don’t believe that is the case by any means; ya’ll are some real good folks and I enjoy being able to interact and get to know each and every one of you. But if there are no winners, then there is nothing but losers. Thankfully I didn’t have to write that edition, since we have a winner.

Those of you who are regulars here know that I have on several occasions said that I am more than open to having people tell me when I have an error or just a flat out screw up because I am nowhere near perfect in doing this blogging thing. I ran this contest to show that I do appreciate it and the sad part is that I can go back and look at several Daily Doses that had some pretty good guzbucks in them and no one ever mentioned them.

Help hide the truth...

Remember I don’t write this Daily Dose for me, and when I started I wasn’t even writing it for you, this is for my future grand children in case I am dead and gone when they finally arrive if and when they do. If I have a bunch of Daily Doses full of errors and crap they are going to think their old grandpa was a real ignorant moron with just a bunch of crazy ideas. By you folks helping me clean up this mess that I make pretty regularly, we can help hide the truth.

So please don’t hesitate to call me out when I screw something up, I truly appreciate it. It may not get you anything more than a “thank you” in most cases but you never know. At @enchantedspirit didn’t know, but as she said, she saw it becoming a recurring error and then decided it was time to say something. Had she pointed it out when she first saw it she would have gotten double the shares of SBI that she did, if not more.

Maybe I just am...

In our back and forth in the comments when I explained to her she had won she referred to me as “a sly old fox”. Well that is how I would like the future grand kids to be able to think of me when they read these Daily Doses if they ever do. I am going to do my part to make the Daily Dose the best I can, I would appreciate your help to make it even better.

Any other questions?
Until next time,


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Hahaha you sly old fox you😂😂😂
Very observant @enchantedspirit, congratulations on winning Mr Papper's secret contest!

I try and mix things up, a lot of people on here are only here for the contests, so I was pretty much assured that if there would be a winner it would come from a reader that was pretty much a regular visitor to the Daily Dose.
As she said about noticing, "it is more of a curse than a blessing" or as she referred to it is "being anal"' but it paid off for her and it confirmed that my thinking was also correct.
I may still do another contest, that I will announce , but I have to give that one a lot of thought. In September I will have been here one year, so I may end up doing it then or around then. That will give me plenty of time to come up with it.

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I still can't believe this happened. Something most people would get really exasperated over turned out to be something nice. Just goes to show ... you never know. And you never stop learning. Thank you again very much for the prize. It was ... obviously ... unexpected.

P.S. ---> I have to know. Was I even among those you thought would notice?

I had figured that 1 of 3 people would be the winner, and you were definitely in those 3. So I was not surprised that you won, but I was surprised that it took as long as it did, but in your case since you are always a day behind,, you did get it on day 3 for you but day 4 in the contest.

No... Your followers are not losers, just 99% of them. You just created that by having a winner.. What's next?... If ur not special needs, you don't get a trophy? Come-on... everyone is a winner in today's society...

The real winners in today's society are the trophy manufacturers when you think about it, thanks for sparking that thought. I wonder what role they played in getting us to give a give every kid a trophy just for putting on a pair of tennis shoes and a team shirt?

The best contests are the surprise contests and yes you have your right to them, KUDOS! Congrats to the winner and much love and success to you both 💚

Thanks, for me it was a waiting game and guessing in my mind who would end up pointing out the error. I am surely the only one who had fun while the contest was going on since I was the only one who knew the thing was taking place, but I think others can appreciate it as well now that it has been revealed.

Well, I am confused. Not that there is anything abnormal with that, I am often confused. Dazed and Confused, as it were.

The good news about confusion is that I can clear that up with a little research. Ignorance can be cleared up, but that is a much tougher task. Stupidity simply can't be fixed. So, I guess confused as a natural state isn't such a bad thing.

I think your writing the DD for your grandchildren is a great idea, a terrific target for your words. And for the record, I enjoy them before they get put in the way back machine.

Thank you. I'm off to lift the fog. Hopefully.

Thanks Tom. I am sure you can clear the fog and I am also glad that you enjoy the DD, I appreciate your comments and support. Coming here with the purpose I had in mind has opened up a whole new world of people I would never have had the pleasure of meeting through writing, it is like having a bunch a modern day pen pals, and no need to pay for stamps.

Congratulations to @enchantedspirit! Nicely done. I think she is very accurate in describing you as a sly old fox. As I get older, I too am thinking of ways to pass things on to my grandchildren and great children, who I am sure I won't be around to regale with my stories. Posting things here for the future is certainly one way of doing it.

Well, we can safely say that two of the three words in that sly old fox are correct, but which two are a matter of perception.
This seemed to make the most sense for me on passing the stories along, why not get them straight from the horse's ass mouth?

After a career as a magazine editor, followed by bullying and being made redundant, I tend to overlook grammatical errors if they're not my own, because it reminds me of my horrible former employment! And because error-spotting becomes a kind of obsessive compulsive disorder that I'm constantly trying to shake off!
But congratulations to @enchantedspirit for doing the editing so that I don't have to!

Yes, in order to make the contest fair I intentionally made it an error that was in the formatting rather than in grammar. That way it was a visual mistake that could be spotted rather than deciding on" to or too" , which I always seem to have trouble with.

Ahh that was pretty slick! Trying to keep us on our toes lol Great and fun idea for a contest.

Well look here, good to see you back around these parts. You going to be around more often now?
Glad you thought that the contest was pretty slick, it was for me as I watched people comment on the posts and not mention the mistake. The next contest I do I will announce though, maybe.

Rulebooks only exist to force conformity anyway...In addition doing exactly what you want to...Just feels good!

I am sure you sat back and watched with a wonderful smug smile adorning your face and who could blame ya? I am wholly onboard with the Grandkids acknowledging such an awesome legacy.

I sense an incredibly warm undertone to your posts, it is a heartening contrast to the belly laughs :)

You will be incredibly happy to know that after 7 recounts I can confirm that...

(7 – 4 = 3)

Is indeed real maths...I must admit I was skeptical for a little while.

Thanks for checking that for me, anytime I have to use both hands for the math problems I am subject to making a mistake every now and then. Thanks for stopping by.

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