Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: Awareness Keeps the Panic Away!!

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)


**NOTE: Bitcoin Live invites you to attend a Webinar on May 21st at 3 PM EST to learn more about Haejin Lee, a featured Analyst. This is an opportunity to learn exactly what analysis and educational contents Haejin will provide but also participate in Q&A. Use this link to sign up for the webinar:

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Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
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Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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Bitcoin will rise .. yes .. but when ? Possible is also it will go down to under 5000 again ..

Possible is not same as probable.

@NED this fucking asshole is still fucking flagging me almost daily. I am taking these flags as PERSONAL ATTACKS. These are THREATS towards me. I do not flag him. If he does not like my post he can simply MUTE ME. When are you gonna fucking do something about this fucking bullshit. Do you want everyone to leave Steemit because of this one fucking asshole you have on here? I wish @DAN still worked for Steemit. At least he had the balls to flag @Haejin.

We Never Had A Discussion!!! I even tried writing him open letters & guess what? That dumb ass flagged those too. He was too big of a coward to respond to me. He responded to everyone else except me. He is a fucking pussy!!! So from now on @NED this jackass is not permitted to flag my account.


Here is a screenshot:

Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at 8.50.49 AM.png

I’m now aware, but panicking. LOL

Haejin helps keeping my panic away :)

Love it @haejin! I'm rather new at all this, but began to invest in cryptocurrencies back around March 18th when Bitcoin was at around $7400 USD or so. Now I didn't invest in Bitcoin, instead in Ether and a few others. I've noticed that these cryptos seem to follow a similar wave patter, and when one goes down another seems to follow. Why is this? Do you think that Bitcoin's correction will influence a coin like Ether or EOS to follow?

Thanks ahead of time!

Every crypto is dependent on the price of BTC because they all trade in Bitcoin pairs.....what is it Haejin always says? Bitcoin is the moon that moves the tides of the Ocean that all cryptocurrencies swim in.....are you interested in free coins? Airdrops?

Oh ok that makes sense. So basically I should always keep an eye on BTC in order to get a fuller picture on where the market may go?

I'm not sure what you mean by free coin or airdrops. I've invested in Steem, EOS, and Bitshares. At the time they seemed like a good buy and so far so good.

Thanks for the great TA haejin..have a great night
Thanks for you my dear friends @haejin

Thank you, Haejin. You're the best.
Thank you for your thoughtful analysis.

@NED this fucking asshole is still fucking flagging me almost daily. I am taking these flags as PERSONAL ATTACKS. These are THREATS towards me. I do not flag him. If he does not like my post he can simply MUTE ME. When are you gonna fucking do something about this fucking bullshit. Do you want everyone to leave Steemit because of this one fucking asshole you have on here? I wish @DAN still worked for Steemit. At least he had the balls to flag @Haejin.

We Never Had A Discussion!!! I even tried writing him open letters & guess what? That dumb ass flagged those too. He was too big of a coward to respond to me. He responded to everyone else except me. He is a fucking pussy!!! So from now on @NED this jackass is not permitted to flag my account.


;( omg. . .


If it touches 7500, then the price may retrace to 6500 mark all over again!!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62659.86
ETH 2534.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63