The momentum of the market is as unstoppable as a bamboo 势如破竹不可挡!

in #bitcoin7 years ago


翻开相册看到这组黑白喷泉照片,就不可抑制的又想发到steemit 上与大家分享。



最近比特币跌了一些,sbd 和bts 都有所回调,我想这是上涨中的正常调整吧, 毕竟不可能总是一路上扬的。Sbd 前段时间涨到了100 左右,让我们都感到惊喜, 如此速度涨下去,恐怕我的小心脏也受不了了。bts 前几天最高也冲到了5元,所以我想在新年到来之际,也许有个回调的过程,然后 蓄势一段时间, 也许在不久的将来还会再来一波上涨,那时候已经坐上车的小伙伴们是不是就可以享受钱包升值的快感了呢?



哈哈, 也许我这也是做梦吧, 但是不管怎么样, 新年来了, 就让我做一回美梦,万一美梦成真了呢!

这是国庆期间,拍的东港喷泉,特意把所有的黑白喷泉来个组合, 是不是非常壮观?喷泉有高有低, 有蓄势有爆发,就如现在的市场一样,让我们期待蓄势后爆发的比特市场吧!期待2018 一起发!

My recent post here
Meat rolls with mushrooms and tofu skin 香菇豆腐皮肉卷
Perfect glutinous rice pearl balls十全十美珍珠丸子
The bookshop in the shopping mall 商场中的一股清流-岛上书店
Steamed scallop with garlic蒜蓉蒸扇贝
Speaking of sauna in winter
The beautiful peal held by the five continents
The blooming cactus in winter
A cup of coffee, a book, savor the life!
Christmas Eve , Burger King 平安夜,汉堡王



恩, 是啊, 回调的确是蓄势,为了更好的上涨。 希望新年steem 也来个腾飞吧!

your post is so fantastic, your post is so inspiration for me and all the steemit users, I am proud of you ... I love all your posts, you are fantastic in making a post, may the victory and goodness side with your work. Thank you..

thanks for your comment .

Please tell me that I wasn't the only one who saw that!

yea, you are right .

amazing photos

thank you and happy new year !

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