[Guest Signups] Beyond Bitcoin Hangout #180 - 10/28/16 - (RSVP to Friday's Hangout - Past Payouts Notice and Signups Inside!)

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Notice: Payouts have gone out to Guest Speakers for the 10/14/16 hangout! Thank you to all people who join these hangouts to talk about your work! You provide transparency and a record of your efforts in a community who will try to support you for paying it forward. Not all projects succeed, but to all those who stand in the arena, I solute you!

UPDATE: As you can see at the following link, I have been forced to halt payment of SBD as I am no longer going to be receiving SBD. If I pay out in Steem, there is no way to find out exactly how much the post earns and the interface doesn’t natively enable me to easily share directly from the post with participants and guest speakers. Many people who are doing work that is considered valuable by the community are urged to make their own posts advertising their guest signups for the hangout on this thread. Then provide a link within this thread to the advertising post. In this way, I can upvote and resteem the efforts of guest speakers and help at least somewhat ameliorate the difficulties this change has introduced.

The SBD totals earned from Last Week's RSVP are INCORRECT (the user interface does not represent real earnings since SBD payout is Halted)

Beyond Bitcoin hangouts still enable everyone's voice to be heard--Steemit lets the community vote on our Top Guests!

We are continuing this trial run until approximately 4 JUL 17, after which we will assess the benefits of the current model against potential negatives. Until then we are announcing hangouts in a way that gives everyone an incentive to promote our events and themselves, their projects and alliances that germinate in this very hangout community. So until further notice if you want to be covered in beyond bitcoin hangouts in any serious way, we will be asking for you to upvote this post, RSVP and give upvotes to other projects/topics you find valuable. This could change

How to get Coverage of your Project

Post to this and future Hangout Announcements telling us if you are going to be there and what project/topic you would like to cover with the Beyond Bitcoin Community. The highest voted project/topics at the start of the hangout every Friday @ 10am EST will be covered first, followed 2nd highest, 3rd highest...etc in sequence from highest to lowest.

How much time will we have?

This is currently in flux as we are seeing a significant increase in interest to use our 24/7 server for hangouts and events. I am here to help upvote and pay people who are building community around steem and cryptocurrencies in general, so I am partial to letting them last as long as they need to. In the case that hangouts go over 3 hours we will cut them into 2 pieces with the second as the "afterparty".
Additionally, have your own hangouts on our mumble server free of charge and make sure to post to #beyondbitcoin!

Is coverage all I get?

No! You also get the opportunity to answer questions and learn what investors in your project want to see. This is a perfect place to make friends and also learn from one another. Coverage is the byproduct of this...
Additionally, the beyondbitcoin hangouts are a very visible initiative to whales who are heavily invested in steem and the technology that made steem and other graphene chains possible--bitshares! Many of these people come from the bitshares community that made things like steem possible. Join and become part of a long and powerful history in crypto!

Is any topic off Limits?

Yes. We reserve the right to learn from the newest trickster trolling steemit consistently searching for way to insert chaos into the equation and devise future strategies for negating these. Naturally if these efforts become ham-fisted attempts at shutting down free speech in honest conversations, the audience will hold us accountable.
But with that said....pretty much anything can be covered--even up to and including current events. However, I personally will only be voting up stories that touch the blockchain in some way shape or form and will be asking the community to downvote absolute Rubbish! ;)

How to Join

Step 1: Download Mumble Here

Step 2:

Watch Setup Instructions

Step 3:

Enter the following information:

Label: BeyondBitcoin
Address: mumble.beyondbitcoinshow.com
Port: 64738
Username: Enter your username
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

Step 4:

RSVP Below with the following details:

  1. Project/Topic Name/News Piece
  2. Relevant Steemit Tag?
  3. Appropriate links to share?
  4. Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker
  5. How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
    Share the url and basic message of this post with others and provide screenshots for upvotes from my whale account.

Listen to Last Week's Hangout Here!



#Peerplays Project

Follow Peerplays

Latest Updates at: https://steemit.com/@peerplays/
Official Site: http://www.peerplays.com
Speaking will be DataSecurityNode
Introduce us the same professional way you always do!
Testnet in review and other updates


Next week will join to talk about

eSteem - first Steem Mobile and Desktop application, updates and link.

SteemFest - mobile application for attendees. Link

Tags: #esteem and #steemmobile

#1 Project/Topic Name/News Piece
Steemprentice, Steemland, & eSports SteemBets
#2 Relevant Steemit Tag?
#steemprentice #steemland #eSports
#3 Appropriate links to share?
Steemprentice spotlight
Steemprentice group chat channel
Steemprentice FAQ & resources
eSports SteemBets 001
#4 Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker
@virtualgrowth, @sykochica
#5 How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
Steemprentice Mentoring Initiative is a group to essentially crowdsource help from veteran users for those that are new, frustrated, or just wanting to learn.
Steemland is a virtual land in the virtual world of YrGrid to offer Steem for visiting blogs, resources, tools, and users. Possibility of virtual Steemfest idea too! Introduction of eSports SteemBets is a new project like SteemSports that combines vote betting with a Steemit Game Night where players play to win and can be bet on to win as well.
Follow / Visit @virtualgrowth

So a bit later that I hoped, but I will also RSVP for this weeks hangout. We got tons of good news and we are more then happy to share it with the cummunity

#BlockPay update
#Chris4210 CEO of Bitshares Munich
#Talking about the latest BlockPay development , Stealth and groundbreaking IPFS innovation

Thank you for your work @officialfuzzy.
Swing by Steem Pub on Discord sometime and say hello =)

excellent post congratulations, thanks for sharing

Lastnight i tried to download mumble from playstore and register using the phone, but it says "you're not connected to the server"

Lastnight i tried to download mumble from playstore and register using the phone, but it says "you're not connected to the server"

Use plumble instead :)

This post has been linked to from another place on Steem.

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