Cervezabado! Three Cheers for @meesterboom!

in #beersaturday7 years ago (edited)


To commemorate the first month of @meesterboom's cute little doppelgänger on this planet, I wanted to try out something that he's known for, even if it's just for one time. It's Saturday, so you know what that means!


I named this Cervezabado as an amalgamation of cerveza (beer) and Sabado (Saturday), as I plan to tag this with @detlev and @buzzbeergeek's BeerSaturday.

I've been wanting to do this for quite some time now, but I haven't been able to do so. Since @randomli and I journeyed to the land of Cheers Father to get some church stuff done for the wedding, I figured that this was a good a time as any to be doing a post like this. We went to Tap Station, a craft pub, to get a wider assortment of choices. Since we don't have large breweries and wineries nearby like the wonderful @dreemit has, we decided to make do with what we had.


Who can complain with this view as we drank though?


Yes, it's a mini volcano inside the mouth of a volcano. Oh, did I forget to tell you that the whole land of Cheers Father, otherwise known as Tagaytay is located on the mouth of gigantic dormant volcano?


And, as soon as I took the shot, the fog started to roll in.


The fog quickly became thicker until there was almost zero visibility.


The bartender gave us shots to sample the offerings. Even with the free swills, I was already feeling a slight buzz. But, I soldiered on. I kept thinking "What Would Boom Do?", so that's what I did. Even though there are quite a few winners, I decided to pick three that was a good representative for the occasion. Apologies for the delay in posting, as I was quite inebriated to write something immediately after. So, without further ado... let's brew!


Since we were in the Philippines, I decided to start off with a local brew. Enter, Manila Hipster. From the Craft Revolt Brewery, this 4.8% abv Fruit Beer was made with dalandan or Philippine Orange. I couldn't find a picture of the bottle, because I think that it's mainly distributed through kegs.


This really lived up to its name, with the good and bad connotations. It's light and fruity, with a very malty taste. However, it was a bit flat and I feel like it's missing an ingredient to really give it boost. Also, it has a bitter chocolatey aftertaste. It was good, but not worth the price. Exactly like a hipster. I give it two Mad Booms out of a possible five.


It was not the stellar start I was hoping for, considering I've sampled some winners beforehand. Just like the price of STEEM, nowhere to go but up!


The Philippines is known as the Pearl of the Orient. As to why, my inebriated mind can't seem to remember. So, that's what I went with next. From the Great Islands Craft Brewery, this 6.8% abv pale ale pours like a champ. It's very bitter, like your cold black heart after your lady love dumped you for another man. Lots of caramel and nutty notes. I wasn't quite fond of it at the beginning, but it grew on me. I feel like I tasted this before, but I'm not sure. The bottle looks nice, not too loud, but it gives that relaxing island feel.


When we started, the bartender asked us our preference. My fiancée answered that she wanted something light and fruity. I was a bit shy because I wanted to answer the same, mainly because I was the designated driver, but in reality I think I have never known my beer preference. I'm seriously considering if bitters are my jam. I give the Pearl of the Orient 2.5 Happy Booms.


I really wanted to give it a 3, but there are beers like the Black Bitch and Epic that tasted better, so I took out half of Boom's face at the last minute. These taste buds do not lie. Maybe somewhere down the road, my taste would be more for the bitter.


This was the beer the barkeep recommended @randomli to try. Out of all the selections, this had the lowest abv, at a measly 3.5%. But, since my fiancée doesn't really drink beers often, it was plenty enough for her. Of course I drank half a pint of this as well, for research purposes. She took a sip of the others as well and that's why their grades went down.


It pours bright pink and was very fruity. I was surprised that it was carbonated, and I'm not sure if this could be considered beer. After the bitter taste that Pearl left, this was a great palate cleanser. It was very whimsical, and a great "dessert beer." I have tasted Hoegaarden many times before, but never in this flavor. My lady gave this four Happy Booms.


What good would a toast be without mugs clinking? Hear hear! Three cheers for @meesterboom's twice fatherhood! May The Mountain grow up as strong and as virile like the Boom that came before!


And, a very special toast to Boom returning to the workforce. I think you need this more than I do, dude.


FYI, I don't have a red skin color. But, I got really red. I have the Asian Flush, and I flaunt it every time. In total I had like five whole points, so yeah, that's my defense. Slept it off before we headed home.


Oh, and one last note, I just discovered this on SteemSpectacles. It seems that @meesterboom is my Most Loyal Follower:


And, I am his:


Ha! Take that, people who don't bother commenting back haha! Friendships are better than connections. So what if you get upvotes in the short term? I'd rather have people who converse than just upvote.

Let's keep @lukestokes.mhth as a Top 20 STEEM witness, shall we? :D

If you enjoyed this, please be sure to follow


Oh man, I am pissing myself with laughter! When I got the the mad boom rating I nearly fell off my chair.

What an amazing post dude, I chortled more and more as we got nearer the end!

Fancy us being each others most loyal follower! Thats the stuff!! This is such a fine post, I think I will be grinning for the rest of the day!

Love the red skin shots!

Haha! I'm glad! I had wanted to surprise you with this to make the grin last the end of the week, or at least to help start the week right. That's what beer does for ya! I would've thought the tribute was enough to tip you over, but I guess it wasn't enough. Next time I'll exalt your name even harder. Just you wait, dude ;)

I was even redder after haha! The camera doesn't do it justice. I was getting strange looks as we headed towards my steed. I'm sure me pretending to be stumbling over and singing off-key didn't help. Really though, I'm not quite sure how people could misinterpret it. I have a wonderful singing voice.

The SteemSpectacle screenshot made it seem like I'm only commenting on you 0.01 less. In reality, it's a healthy mark above 1. I just haven't replied to your replies when I took a shot of it. I'm sorry about the discrepancy in the Total $ Received though! Hahaha! It really hammers home how much a minnow I am. I'm going to build up STEEM and make it up to you haha! Oh, and isn't it great that @dreemit is number 2 in both our lists?? I'm considering it a tie for 1st!

That is awesome about ole dreemy cheemy dreemit!! I will have to have a proper look at it. I was rushed this morning and didn't get to actually see the source!

Hehe, that's what a social media platform is about isn't it, bit of connecting and all that jazz!!

I am still smiling after reading your post, honest to goodness. You are a top geezer!

Hot chalupa! That's great then! If it was able to go beyond a day, then my mission is accomplished. I was hoping it could last a week, but that's a bit unrealistic. Going beyond a day is already huge! I don't make tributes that often, but when I do, I make sure I use their own faces as a grading system haha!

HA! That is awesome. We are like a dream team! If dreams were made of steem and steem was made of angel dust then we would have a fair sprinkling at the bottom of our cotton shame pouches!

Nicely done! The Boom faces are the perfect scale for rating these beers I think. I would have a hard time doing such a tasting-- I'm such a lightweight drinker that the sample shots would take me out, and my judgement of flavor would subside with each sip; 'it's all good!'

Right!? I hope it would catch on! I could never see it any other way now.

I'm a lightweight as well. I use breathing techniques, hydration and food to compensate haha! Without them, I would be lights out after the third pint. Breweries with low self-esteem would love to take you on as a reviewer haha!

I could never develop a taste for either beer or wine, for me it’s water, and when looking to relax whiskey.

Went on the bourbon trail in KY a few weeks ago; it was great! But i'm with you, I never developed a taste for beer.

Been wanting to take that trip myself.

That sounds interesting! I'm not quite sure if I would be able to finish the whole trail though haha!

probably not! we did only 2 tastings and I could already "feel it". But each tasting was 3 drinks, so we had 6 drinks in 2 tastings. And some of the places are really close together, so you don't get much recovery time between! But, I would highly recommend it if you like whiskey/bourbon.

Speaking of this, this is what I should have drawn for the Wild West contest - a bottle of bourbon!

Haha! The longhorn was a fine choice! While the bourbon would be a nice touch, the longhorn skull depicted the theme perfectly, I feel.

No matter what people say, beer is still an acquired taste, so it's totally understandable, man. I used to prefer hard drinks as well, mainly because I wasn't into the bitter taste. But, I have since extended my palate after college. That, or I realized my liver can only take so much haha!

Pfft the Boom ratings are awesome XD The half-Boom was a bit concerning though XD

When I got to the first selfie I was like "yep you're hammered aren't you" XD Good to know you enjoyed your very important research, that beer isn't going to test itself ;D

The scenery was really nice before the fog rolled in. Though even the fog was kind of nice. Isn't living on a dormant volcano normal? I come from one :D How did the wedding stuff go?


Now that I did it, I couldn't imagine beer ratings without Boom's face now. I have broken beer ratings for me. The half Boom was a last minute decision. I was convinced it was a three, but the average went down after I deleted the XCF file.

I was like that after taking a few sips haha! For really strong ones just one whiff and my skin is on red alert. @randomli's reaction is allergic reaction days after, so that's worse I think. It was fun though, the beers were begging for us to drink them, my wallet was begging for me to stop >.<

The fog was indeed nice as it added to the chill, but it obstructed the view. Everything in life has a balance. In the Ring of Fire, I guess it is. My place of birth wasn't a dormant volcano though haha!

The wedding stuff went great! We had this thing called a Pre-Cana seminar where an old married couple related their married life to us. It was cool. The bad thing was that it stretched pretty long haha! Thanks for asking, mate! Also, thanks for the continued support :D

the beers were begging for us to drink them, my wallet was begging for me to stop >.<

Sounds like an average night out at the pub XD (at least for people that do that kind of thing? It's been a really long time jeez I make myself feel old sometimes XD)

Had to look up what a pre-Cana seminar was, and turns out apparently I should probably have had at least a vague idea. Now I know! Depending on how old the couple was it probably would have! As long as you all had fun and learned something :D


Because of our allergies, alcohol consumption comes few and far between with my lady and I.

It's not about age here though. I think there's a more intensive seminar for younger couples, but we're at that age where people just let us do what we want to do haha! The church here is just too strict with the requirements.

It certainly appears that way! I was looking at adoption processes in different countries (for research purposes not because we're looking to adopt) and the requirements for international adoption from over there were pretty headache inducing (from my perspective anyway).


Oh wow, that's great! If you and JJ ever feel like you want a challenge and consider adopting a 20-something Filipino man child, just leave me a PM. I accept STEEM :D

Perks include software development, pentesting, able (although not too willing) to drive and can reach the top drawer. Ha! Take that 8yo! Also, a competitive Magic the Gathering player. I'm sure that counts for something.

Anyway, let me know so that I could get in touch with people who know people. I'm sure we could find a good fit.

RoFL! XD You're not a man-child are you Jed? You don't seem the man-child type XD

Though if you ever feel like doing the back end/security crap for a steem front end... XP

The 8yo can reach the top drawer, how high are your freaking drawers?! :O Hmm could probably use another Magic player in the house, JJ has been steadfastly trying to hook me back into playing, he saw the steem-mers pic I was doing and offered to make me a merfolk deck, but he doesn't have enough standard legals so is contemplating making a cat deck instead (he reckons he hates cats but I reckon when I have enough cryptocash for the world's cutest cryptocats he will forget all about that ;D)


It depends on who you ask haha! Although, I wasn't referring to me... I think :/

The top drawers are pretty high here haha! Funny you should mention a merfolk deck, because that's the last full deck I ever made years ago hahahaha! I doubt if any of them are still standard now. Hmm I have yet to see a Cat deck perform well. It would be interesting to see one function competitively. The most obscure deck I made in my life is a Black-White Cleric deck haha!

Hey man, I've been off steemit for a while, about 6 months (hard drive died, etc), but I think right before that I joined some artistic initiative where a group of people was adding one another on curie, and I notice that I've been upvoting you for about 6 months, do you have any idea what I'm referring to? I think it might have been called "contentcreaters" but I'm not 100% sure. Would you consider adding me on curie, assuming you use it? Let me know. thanks!

Hey hey hey! Great of you to make a comeback! Sucks about the hard drive, but it's great that there are online options to backup now. Sure thing, but may I ask how often would you be posting. If it's going to be four times a day, I would need to readjust the percentage so that my SP won't be diluted. If you would be posting every few days or even every other day, then I'll be happy to give you a 100% auto vote :D

It will be no more than 1 a day, with off days in between i am sure

Great! Then I have placed you with a 100% auto vote :)

and thanks! I also followed you, since apparently I was upvoting you but not following lol

I appreciate the follow! Hopefully this time around, we get the chance to actively interact with each by commenting on each other's posts :) I'm being stingy with who I choose to follow because I'm going to be doing a massive trim down before the end of the year, so I apologize for the delay in following back. Hopefully, I will be following soon :D

no problem, do what you gotta do. I plan to be here for good now and hopefully keep growing.

That has to be one of the best 'views from a bar' shots I've seen in a while, good to see you supporting local craft beer too.

Thanks, man! I appreciate it! That was taken before I took my first sip, so that went downhill after that. There isn't much on the local end, so I try to sample them whenever I can. I do see a revolution brewing so everyone's a winner there. I've always wanted to brew my own beers, so that might've played a factor, too.

Great post, I love the way you comment on the beers!!

Thanks! I appreciate the compliment very much :D I had a good teacher, so I was sure that my comments would hit the right notes ;) I'm glad that this post attracted a lot of interesting Steemians!

All is fine unless you come to the state cerveza sin cabeza - a usual state in Holland after a football game

Ahaha! I always make sure to check on it with every sip. As far as I can remember, I've only been shitfaced drunk once in my life, so I think I've had a good handle on things so far haha!

Oh my God, hahahaha, I LOVED this post, this was exactly what I needed for the day I had!! Of course that I've dropped into the number two slot for loyal followers...oh well I have to admit this months has been too busy for me to be number one, plus if I"m going to get beat out then I don't mind it being by two of my favorite people, not just on steemit but on the planet.
Cheers to your fine beer post and for making me laugh out loud :)

Ironically, there's a beer aptly named "Hard Day" haha! I really wish I could mail that to you :) A consensus number two in our triumvirate isn't even a knock. Have you ever seen a flat triangle? The lone point is almost always above the two even ones :D

I had intended for this to make our good buddy Boom laugh out loud, but if it had the unintended outcome of you being infected by it, then you will hear no complaints on my end :D After all, you were a partial recipient of this as well, as I've partially dedicated this as an answer to your brewery posts haha!

I'm glad you enjoyed this, sis! I appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to stop by :D

Pfft! Call that red? You should see me after 1/4 glass of wine. You never will though! Those photos are avoided at all cost. Funnily enough I can drink cider without getting the red glow. Don't know about beer cos I never drink it. But whatever I drink, one glass and I'm on my ear. Like @therealpaul the sample shots would be more than ample for me.

I am a bit of a lighweight, I don't deny that haha! I blame genetics for that. But, in my defense, the pictures don't do it justice. I was way redder in person, and I became redder an hour later haha! That's a reputation that stuck with me well after college. I guess it's surprising that I could be as red as caucasians haha! I've recently tried a Japanese liquor called Hibiki, and while that gave me a buzz, @randomli and I noticed that it didn't cause my skin to turn into a swollen tomato. If anything, it removed the red previously put in by whisky.

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