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RE: Cervezabado! Three Cheers for @meesterboom!

in #beersaturday7 years ago

Oh man, I am pissing myself with laughter! When I got the the mad boom rating I nearly fell off my chair.

What an amazing post dude, I chortled more and more as we got nearer the end!

Fancy us being each others most loyal follower! Thats the stuff!! This is such a fine post, I think I will be grinning for the rest of the day!

Love the red skin shots!


Haha! I'm glad! I had wanted to surprise you with this to make the grin last the end of the week, or at least to help start the week right. That's what beer does for ya! I would've thought the tribute was enough to tip you over, but I guess it wasn't enough. Next time I'll exalt your name even harder. Just you wait, dude ;)

I was even redder after haha! The camera doesn't do it justice. I was getting strange looks as we headed towards my steed. I'm sure me pretending to be stumbling over and singing off-key didn't help. Really though, I'm not quite sure how people could misinterpret it. I have a wonderful singing voice.

The SteemSpectacle screenshot made it seem like I'm only commenting on you 0.01 less. In reality, it's a healthy mark above 1. I just haven't replied to your replies when I took a shot of it. I'm sorry about the discrepancy in the Total $ Received though! Hahaha! It really hammers home how much a minnow I am. I'm going to build up STEEM and make it up to you haha! Oh, and isn't it great that @dreemit is number 2 in both our lists?? I'm considering it a tie for 1st!

That is awesome about ole dreemy cheemy dreemit!! I will have to have a proper look at it. I was rushed this morning and didn't get to actually see the source!

Hehe, that's what a social media platform is about isn't it, bit of connecting and all that jazz!!

I am still smiling after reading your post, honest to goodness. You are a top geezer!

Hot chalupa! That's great then! If it was able to go beyond a day, then my mission is accomplished. I was hoping it could last a week, but that's a bit unrealistic. Going beyond a day is already huge! I don't make tributes that often, but when I do, I make sure I use their own faces as a grading system haha!

HA! That is awesome. We are like a dream team! If dreams were made of steem and steem was made of angel dust then we would have a fair sprinkling at the bottom of our cotton shame pouches!

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