Request for Support from My Followers - Drawing Contest Entries

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hello my fellow Steemians. I recently entered three drawings into a contest setup by @tonyr.

I wanted to ask my loyal followers if you had time today to please jump over to the contest page and upvote my drawing if you like them. All three are posted in the comments on that post, you have to upvote my comment where I posted my entry for it to count.

If you think your own followers would be interested in my work, please Resteem this post to help spread the word. Optional of course :-)

These are my final drawings in the contest:

These were the source images we had to draw from:

Here is the contest page to vote:

Thank you so much for your support!

I also have individual posts on my Steemit blog showing the step-by-step process for each drawing if you want to check those out.

Drawing Homer Simpson Contest Entry D'oh-nut!

Drawing Mystery Girl Contest Entry

Drawing Sean Connery Contest Entry



I appreciate your continued support.

Great entries! :)

Thank you @w0olf - and thank you for you votes.

You´re very welcome :)

Quality stuff. You must really have talent

Thank you @divilati , they took a bit of effort. I had to bring back some skills I haven't used in many many years. If you have time, please jump over to Tony's contest page to vote for my entries.

I tried to reply on your comment on my page but it said your account didn't exist. Heads up in case something is going on with your account.

That's odd. I wonder what that means.

And your comment was erased. Check to see if anyone has flagged you :/

I was able to reply to you with no problems just now. Can you try again from your post to see if it still says that?

Testing 1,2,3.... haha

It deleted your comment on there....

That is really odd. Why would my comment to you just disappear?

If someone flags you does that happen? And I hope that's not the case!

I honestly don't know. But I certainly didn't say anything negative to get flagged :-)

You never do! But glad it works now! It was probably just a glitch :)

I gave it another try on your post. We will see what happens.

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