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RE: Learn To Draw With Friends Is Back!!!.... Week Three ..... 35 SBD Prize Pool And Everyone Is Invited!! :{)

in #art7 years ago

I hereby enter this contest, Hopefully I'm doing it correctly:


Hi @therealpaul, you had a fantastic entry last week, I hope to see you in this week's drawing contest. Check out @tonyr new post.

Thanks @steempowerpics that was fun, I see this week's contest too, looks like more fun, I may enter again-- good practice!

WOW! That came out nice. I have been trying to think through how I will tackle the lion. i was thinking pencil first then color pencil over it, not sure. You just went straight at it with color pencils?

I started with the black pencil to lay out the eyes and nose/ mouth, then started drawing fur. None of my pencils were sharpened, so I was drawing 'suggested' locks of hair more than individual strands.

Thank you - I will probably attempt this one tomorrow. I did the bird last night and started with pencil, then color. It did come out nice in the end, but it was more difficult for me then the drawing last week of just pencil sketches with no color.

One reason that I skip the pencil underneath is that the graphite mixes with the color pencils when they try to cover it up, and it takes some of the intensity out of the colors. I do sometimes pencil in the outlines of things, but it's very light so that it will disappear later.

Yeah, that was the issue I ran into with the bird last night. It ended up looking good, but it took some effort in the end to get the details back in with the two pencil types smearing together.

The quality of your entry does suggest that you are in fact the real @therealpaul and I hereby accept your entrance into this fantastic contest!

Thank you so much for taking the time to enter my friend. You have made me very much less depressed than I usually am and have given me hope that there is indeed a reason to keep on keeping on! :)

I will get back to you in due course with my decision as to whether or not you have been selected by your peers to receive a prize but in the meantime it would very much please me if you could show your support for any of the other entries which you favour by giving them your patronage by way of a vote that is on an upward trajectory.

(Why do I speak like this when I'm talking with therealpaul??? Has he control over my thoughts and the way I formulate my sentences??)

Of course, now that I've deciphered this obscure linguistic adventure I will indeed seek other entries with which to expend my attention and my gratuitous monetary approval.

Good show!

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