The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: 25 More Days of Being The Only Me You Have

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Saying less, is more.  Working hard, a chore.  Coming closer, the door?

Fuck that.  Here's the encore.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Scary White Man Sleeps.jpeg

Good day.

It's that time again.

A few words about business.

I'll do one post like this, per month.  As many of you know, many of my written works are performed in character; it's entertainment.  Behind the scenes, I'm a normal dude who does normal dude things; like running an arts and entertainment blog.

Pardon my honesty as I step out of character to address a few things.  I try not to make a habit of this.

Things are going well.

But it's far from perfect.

With each passing day, being an artist here becomes more and more difficult.

I work in an environment now where many patrons are paid to look away.  Art, photography, words, music, all of it; everything we do here depends on the remaining few actual community members to use their senses and consume our content.  These numbers seem to be shrinking as both outside forces and inside forces, things within our control as well as beyond our control, interfere with our way of life.

Current trends are leading these remaining few actual community members astray.  Many are either focused on staying positive; unrealistically wishing their woes away.  Others are consumed with fear, becoming addicted to it, and focusing only on content that feeds this addiction, good or bad.

I've been here before, seen this all happen once or twice, it's a continuous cycle that comes around every now and again.

Business as usual, for me.

Unfortunately, actual content isn't very popular these days, it seems.

I'm really left with no choice.  I have to carry on doing my thing.

I apologize to my followers who prefer my sense of humor to shine on a daily basis.  It has not been easy to maintain the state of mind required to be able to come up with some crazy shit.

With everything going on, the way it's been going, without saying too much, I'm sure you're able to understand.  I'm only human, after all.  Things affect me the same way they affect you.  There's also the part about humor, my typical nonchalant approach, making me feel a bit out of place, while everything is going on, and the community works on finding their bearings.

The other day, someone who I consider to be a friend, @tkappa, said to me:

Dude, I was thinking this morning "If Steem sinks like it appears to do recently, this guy will be legendary (referring to me). All this work and art without making a cent." I mean, think about it. Imagine Steem going down to 0,00001$ and die for good, you will be like a modern, digital version of Vincent van Gogh (well, that's a great exaggeration but you get the point). Tragic but at the same time quite epic ;)

For as long as I have a venue and viewership,

I'll carry on.

If my story turns out to be a tragedy, so be it.  Some of the greatest stories ever told were tragedies.

The best part is:   Nobody even knows my name.


Nearly one month worth of hard work in digital art production form...

All in one shot.


NoNamesLeftToUse - Wrapped Up In Fear.jpeg
Wrapped Up In Fear

NoNamesLeftToUse - Snicklefritz.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Said Stay Still.jpeg
I Said Stay Still!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Not Again.jpeg
Not Again

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Finally Did It.jpeg
I Finally Did It

NoNamesLeftToUse - That Big Blue Thing.jpeg
That Big Blue Thing

NoNamesLeftToUse - That's Really Something.jpeg
That's Really Something

NoNamesLeftToUse - Unexpected Company.jpeg
Unexpected Company

NoNamesLeftToUse - Spelunking With Max.jpeg
Spelunking With Max

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Think His Name Was Martin.jpeg
I Think His Name Was Martin

NoNamesLeftToUse - Catch Up to the Ketchup.jpeg
Catch Up to the Ketchup

NoNamesLeftToUse - Infinitely Sad Monkey.jpeg
Infinitely Sad Monkey

NoNamesLeftToUse - Woody.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Stay Calm.jpeg
Stay Calm

NoNamesLeftToUse - Now Is Your Chance.jpeg
Now Is Your Chance

NoNamesLeftToUse - And The Band Played On.jpeg
And The Band Played On

Santa Came Early In Your Ass.jpeg
Someone Came Early

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Openly Blue Man.jpeg
The Openly Blue Man

NoNamesLeftToUse - Lying Around Like A Chicken.jpeg
Lying Around Like A Chicken With Its Body Cut Off

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Man Cave.jpg
The Man Cave

NoNamesLeftToUse - I'll Just Keep Telling Myself.jpeg
I'll Just Keep Telling Myself This Wasn't A Waste Of Time

NoNamesLeftToUse - MacShivers.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Say Nothing.jpeg
Say Nothing

NoNamesLeftToUse - Let It Go.jpeg
Let It Go

NoNamesLeftToUse - Last One Left.jpeg
Last One Left

Previous art shows from this year (2018)

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: I've Produced Over 200 New Works Of Art This Year — Probably Published Over One Million Words

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Looking Back to the Invisible Sights While Moving Forward to See What's Next

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Another Month Worth of Sights To See

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Staring at This Box, Wondering What to Write

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Still Willing to Work for Your Support

The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: What Two Months of Hard Work Looks Like

To Conclude

It never ends.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Have a nice day."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.



Why the long face?

Sorry, I had to.

Pardon my honesty

No! I will not pardon your honesty. I demand lies.
Why is that even a phrase?

behind the scenes, I'm a normal dude who does normal dude things

normal dude things?

Saying less, is more. Working hard, a chore. Coming closer, the door?

good luck...

How many of them doors are there? I'm up to 139, and still counting!


Please tell me that's a joke.

Oh, you jerk!!! That's just on a loop?

Why is that even a phrase?

I don't know. I really don't.

Thanks for everything.

Thank you as well. I'm loving your work, Just enjoying some nice back and fourth... wait, no not fourth. Maybe that should be forth? No, we'll never go forth.

We're stuck here, always stuck here. Is there nothing else?

Ok. Gonna stop now so I can finish my own face post. Why did I just type face?

It's funny when i first stumbled upon you I didn't like your art at all but i liked your keen wit and your way with words. But I must say as time goes on i'm growing to like your art very much.

when i look at art i'm thinking what would fit in my home office. So without telling @nonameslefttouse i haven't found it yet but out of the ones above, the big blue thing and hope this wasn't a waste of time are more to my taste

I try to make something for everyone, including potential office wall art. I don't like to restrict myself to a certain niche. That only shrinks the potential market.

Thanks for all your support over this past while.

Thanks for everything.

Same story here!

We all carry on my wayward son. (Kansas) Macshivers is my fav. Enjoyed.

Same with you. Thanks for everything.

I know your name...
but rest assured Louise, your secret is safe with me...

Always the funny man. Thanks for everything.

Hehe, humour is sometimes all we have left! ;0)

Did you see this?

Lol, I hadn't!! Skned indeed!!

As they say

Sometimes you want to go....

Taking a break from all those worries...

That's one line.... Glad it's what you relate to, as opposed to 1:25.... or something....

Is that the original version of that song? I don't remember that being in there.

Really? Why do you think we are seeing things the way that they are now happening if they were not first subtly slipped into our subconscious years ago?

Don't you know how this works?

Hello, this is my first time in your blog. I readed you in a couple of time as a investor of this platform with intersting comments on important post here and there.

I dont know yet that funny character, but I like the realistic one also. I'm a musician, so I also live in a bahemian and out of reallity context. Beside that, I live in Venezuela and the reality here is so intence so you cant scape it. I really want to learn more about you and your business vision being an artist guy.

Was a pleasure read you my friend, we will keep in touch.

I can only give you an honest response but unfortunately today, I'm not in the mood to discuss much about business here when it comes to the arts and entertainment. Much of the viewership and support I worked for is now gone. I don't enjoy speaking in those places where you've seen me any more; I'm tired and don't have the energy to debate and much of what I've said has been misconstrued or written off as simple whining. The CEO here muted me. It's all kind of happening in gradual stages and though there are still a few who enjoy my presence here, it seems the majority wants me gone. That's where I'm at today, that's how I feel, I apologize for not feeling well and being something better.

Thanks for stopping in. I will see you around.

Man... I know where you are because is my common buss stop. I have the bad habit to read a lot and no comment (prolly thats why only a few guys support me beside all the work i did in the past for the platform. Not enough exposure), and because that, I realize how your opinion was missunderstood and modified in the good of any big guy. I dont like drama, I just want to make music, create and have money for food. Its seems in all part in the word (including crypto world) the greedy guys destroy all and make the thing a shit for the few like us try to build something usefull for the colective. Stay strong man, your voice is listen, meaby less than you want, but listen anyway.

The order of the last two images is pretty ominous. That's a lot of work up there. I agree with one of the comments here about this place being an outlet. It sounds like it is more stress than an outlet right now. I feel like the seasons are changing for me, and that energy will be put into something else soon. Maybe the same for you.

If you are planning on disappearing, track me down on discord, or I'll give you an email.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing. If the flagship once a month art post goes this bad, I'm concerned about how tomorrow's simpler post might go. If folks didn't enjoy this one, I doubt they'd be interested in less work, so I'm kind of to that point now where it's probably not wise to continue spending so much time here. If there's no one willing to come into the shop, you close the shop, right? I've done everything I can do to keep things going but how much more can I really do? This isn't an easy decision but if all signs point to go, what else is there?

Look how much money I placed next to the comments here today. I could have upvoted 10 of my own shitty comments somewhere around this platform, spent far less time, and earned more. It's kind of silly now to produce actual posts if things are going to get this bad.

I don't have anything useful to say, so I'll just say I hope you find some clarity. There's lots of cool art up there. I'll be ready to give you my interpretation if you post more in the future.

Maybe it does end.

Due to a seemingly and rather sudden lack of interest.

And with a heavy heart.
This blog is...dead

These sudden lacks of interest, I know something about this phenomena! On a brighter note, there's a certain freedom that comes with thinking that nobody is looking, to post artfully and whimsically without having to worry much about alienating fans or unnerving those industrial-strength upvoters. That said, I still put my best into most of my posts, just to archive my zany notions, in case it turns out I'm right about any of this shit, and I usually put up my best art, just in case anyone happens to look in. Anyway, the discomfort from a sudden lack of interest can always be solved with a nice shit post. When's the last time you stunk the place up with one of those?

LOL - and now that nobody is looking....

I see what's happening over at your place. I don't know what to say, dude. I really don't anymore. I wish it could be better, for everyone. Maybe a good shit post is in order, but I think I need a few days off. I'm trying to be happy! It ain't workin.

I just like the outlet, I think of some unusual things, and this is the best way yet for me to get it out there. I really never expected to make much $ or anything else here, and even if Ned can't keep the lights on around here, there's other ways to get to my blockchain of madness.

The only thing I can do is stop giving a shit. I think I'll start there. Just go with the flow again.

Hmmmm........ I think not.

I think, therefore I am.
I think not

One of the great things about blockchain is that this will remain here forever so it will be great to come back when the next version of this ecosystem is launched...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, even that aspect is up in the air now.

P.S. I burned through my voting power handing out 100%ers to everyone. You came late. I'm sorry I ran out of juice.

No problem buddy! I am here to demonstrate support and continued engagement. I am sure most of them need the upvote more than me. Just catching up on my feed as I have been pretty busy today...

Posted using Partiko iOS

things are nt that bad, r they ? nice images

I've been here awhile. It's getting quiet around here. I'm noticing things. Talking about it doesn't help.

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