The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: Staring at This Box, Wondering What to Write

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I can read your minds.
My memories look a lot different than yours.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Scary White Man Sleeps.jpeg

And That's That

The writer's block is in full effect.

I still have a few thousand words in the form of pictures for you today though. Images I produced over the past couple of months.

Yes. I know many of you would prefer to read something funny today.

Too bad!

NoNamesLeftToUse - What's Up Sasha.jpeg
What's Up Sasha

Don't worry about it, Sasha

These people know I'm not being serious even when I say I'm being serious.

Seriously though. I'm not unstable. I realize I probably seem to be somewhat strange to a few people out there. A little bit off. Maybe even crazy.

I'm okay with that. This is how I have fun. I can't explain why I think it's fun to joke around and then plaster something like this on your screen:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Little Brother.jpeg
Little Brother

But don't worry!

He survived.

Normally I'd present these works of art in order of appearance. Today will be different. I use a lot of red. Red is your worst nightmare; if you're into this crypto stuff. It's not hard to scare you folks.


See! You jumped.

So close your eyes or call your mom, or something. It's about to get all red up in here.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Here.jpeg
Here's A Sign

NoNamesLeftToUse - Something Inside.jpeg
Something Inside

NoNamesLeftToUse - Internalized into the Inner Insides.jpeg
Internalized Into the Inner Insides

NoNamesLeftToUse - Why Are You Following Me.jpeg
Why Are You Following Me

NoNamesLeftToUse - A Name for This Art.jpeg
A Name for This Art

NoNamesLeftToUse - It's Mine.jpeg
It's Mine

NoNamesLeftToUse - My Mind Flying Away From Me.jpeg
My Mind Flying Away From Me

So, Yeah

I will not be paying for your counselling sessions.

To add insult to injury, I often combine red with other colors. You're still going to be seeing more red whether you like it or not! That's life! Deal with it!

I'm just messing around, as per usual.

On With the Show!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Would You Like a Hand With That.jpeg
Would You Like a Hand With That

NoNamesLeftToUse - Feeding on Mindfulness.jpeg
Feeding on Mindfulness

NoNamesLeftToUse - 47000 Word Essay.jpeg
47000 Word Essay

NoNamesLeftToUse - A Superhero's Ear Thing.jpeg
A Superhero's Ear Thing

NoNamesLeftToUse - Clean It Up.jpeg
Clean It Up

NoNamesLeftToUse - Noises.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Untitled .jpeg
Brain Wash

NoNamesLeftToUse - The One You Didn't Find.jpeg
The One You Didn't Find

Friendly Heads-up

If you're seeing strange things within the artworks, don't be afraid. That's normal. I put them there.

Faces, numbers, letters and more. It's all stashed away inside, from time to time. At a glance, people miss out. Sometimes, the more you look, the more you'll see. Simple, yet complex.

As many of you know, I don't like to guide people towards seeing what I see. I rarely explain myself. It's more fun that way.

Moving right along...

NoNamesLeftToUse - Another Day Off.jpeg
Another Day Off

NoNamesLeftToUse - Face It.jpeg
Face It

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Reason Why Your Arm Hurts.jpeg
The Reason Why Your Arm Hurts

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Silent Treatment.jpeg
The Silent Treatment

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Button Pushers.jpeg
The Button Pushers

NoNamesLeftToUse - How Did I Get In To This Mess.jpeg
How Did I Get In To This Mess

NoNamesLeftToUse - Just Because I Can.jpeg
Just Because I Can

NoNamesLeftToUse - Belinda.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Pulled Under.jpeg
Pulled Under

NoNamesLeftToUse - Watching What's There.jpeg
Watching What's There

NoNamesLeftToUse - Their Final Day.jpeg
Their Final Day

So There We Have It

I don't think I missed anything.

There probably would have been even more to see this time around but unfortunately I had to take some time off during the past couple of months.

I work hard, sometimes too hard. I burn out. I always come back though.

I still believe in this place. I want it to shine. I hope my stuff was good enough for you today. Along with thousands of words published, plenty of people feeling entertained; we have my art.

I hope to be able to carry on.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"There's far more to this place than junk. 1000's of us work hard, everyday."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


So that's the reason why my arm hurts......
I knew it!

My favorite is Watching What's There

Watching What's There. I'm proud of that one. When I released it I simply said I was tired, going to sleep, goodnight. I didn't think anyone would see it or be interested in such a bland post. I was wrong, and I'm okay with that. I don't often give people a chance to simply vote for the art. Usually I'm rambling on about nothing, so I think maybe they're voting for the shit-show I put on. It's hard to tell sometimes.

For me, it's the perfect combination of rambling shit-show and cool art! :P
One of my favorite things about Steemit is the art actually.
I wish I had the talent to create visual art.

You inspired me with tiny text and I figured it out yay!

I've seen people write even smaller. One of these days I'm going to try that. Make you all lean in a squint, then say something ridiculous like intergluteal cleft.

My goal is to type so small that it's actually invisible to the naked eye. Then we can all work on building our psychic communication skillz.

Psychic communication skillz are easy.

Think of a number. A number I'll never be able to guess. An odd number. An odd number between 1 and 50.

Let me know of when you've thought of the number, then I'll tell you what it is.

Ok,​ I have a number in mind.....

Seriously though....the first number that popped into my head was 3....then 37 popped into my head.
Psychic communication does work!

You didn't have to type it because I had already received your psychic message!

Did someone say Red?

Red's a great colour ;)

(Just came across your blog, and have been enjoying the randomness and humour)

Welcome to my land of chaos, or whatever. I wanted it to sound intense. That'll have to do.

These recap posts of yours are always so awesome because of all the art here in one place. Doesn't seem like it's been that long since the last one and yet... all this art. And with your hiatus, too. It's amazing, really.

I think my favourites definitely include The One You Didn't Find (love the psychadelic Easter Bunny in there) and The Silent Treatment. I think I remember telling you at the time that How Did I Get Into This Mess stood out to me as one of your particularly better works as well.

If I keep listing my favourites we'll soon find I've simply itemised your entire catalogue. So I'll stop after just one more. Just Because I Can.

The red doesn't bother me, perhaps because I don't chart watch XD

I'm trying to work out if I'm seeing a pattern/gradient in how you presented all the images because there is a method to the madness, or because humans just like seeing patterns. It's a bit of a hard task because I keep stopping to look at the interesting bits I missed before instead of scrubbing up and down like I need to to be able to work out if this alleged pattern exists or is a pigment of a figment of my imagination.

Please excuse me I need to try again XD


I'm having a block kind of day today too. I'm taking the night off from writing for Steemit and writing my fictional stuff that is all mine - is nice not to share some things.

The Silent Treatment is all peaceful looking and pink. It doesn't fit in. There must be a darker meaning I'm missing. I really like Something Inside. Those people/creatures reaching out let the imagination run off into the abyss. I was wondering, is My Mind Flaying Away From Me a typo? Or is it supposed to be "Flaying"? One can never tell with you.

I just realized that sounded kind of insulting - you never have typos, but you would use the kind of disturbing word Flaying, so I suppose that answers my question. :)

Actually, that was a typo. LOL! It's not insulting at all. Questions are questions, nothing more. Thanks for pointing that out. I read this several times before posting, which is normal for me. I make mistakes. If I was perfect I'd be so goddamn bored with life I'd go out and do something just to mess everything up! Thank you!

I frequently miss things after numerous proof-reads. But my typos are awkward, whereas yours have mystic. Difference in persona.

I could have left that. I've already published and named it though. Sometimes I change names or use working titles.

In your first comment you brought up Silent Treatment. That brightness there is actually meant to be a distraction. The hand is reaching for the medicine while the mind and everyone else around is saying no.

Ah, I see that now. I'm glad you told me.

Actually I do not know how to call this work of art, but if I were to put a serious name "Abstract Art of darkness" I think that name would be perfect, because it has that dark touch, but without forgetting the true feeling that inspired it. (I do not know what I wrote, I just started to play the keys and this came out, if it sounds pointless at least you know)

I don't like to get overly serious. I know this stuff seems dark to some. It's all in how you see it though. I leave my stuff wide open to interpretation and nothing offends me.

Hey buddy, I like how you think.

A nice tribute. Reds are good. I love your blues though. The two combined make an awesome combo with one order of Belinda on the side hold the mayo. LOL

Red. I see it well. It's somehow much easier for me to work with than most other colors. Belinda is one of my favorites and I spent a lot of time on her. People don't realize some of my posts can take half a day or more to complete.

If you have never been great at writing, is that just permanent writer's block? (because I have never been good at writing).

I really like Belinda!

I think they call that, "Don't quit your day job." Ha! Beth, I know you're more into the vlogging but there is writing on your walls and I never once thought, "What a shitty writer," after reading it.

Belinda is awesome. I stared at her for hours on end. From all of the characters I've made, she's one of the best.

I get writers block sometimes too with my songwriting :) Very cool art quite different but that's what makes it cool and unique :P Xx

Songwriting is incredibly difficult. I think it's harder than writing jokes. I did a rap-like post once. Everything was rhyming and the words bounced along. It was just coming to me that day. I don't get to enter that sort of zone often. When it happens though it's like magic.

Awesome! can't wait until you are in that zone again :D

What I want to know is where you got that pic of my mother in law...Belinda? Anyway, kind of a ... strange day. blessings.

It does feel like a strange day. What's up? What's going on here...

Well, if you are into astrology then it could be a moon phase or Uranus moving into Taurus in a few days. Or it could be a Steemwide feeling of edgyness re: the drop of crypto values. Don't know exactly.

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