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RE: The State of the @NoNamesLeftToUse Address: 25 More Days of Being The Only Me You Have

in #art6 years ago


Why the long face?

Sorry, I had to.

Pardon my honesty

No! I will not pardon your honesty. I demand lies.
Why is that even a phrase?

behind the scenes, I'm a normal dude who does normal dude things

normal dude things?

Saying less, is more. Working hard, a chore. Coming closer, the door?

good luck...


How many of them doors are there? I'm up to 139, and still counting!


Please tell me that's a joke.

Oh, you jerk!!! That's just on a loop?

Why is that even a phrase?

I don't know. I really don't.

Thanks for everything.

Thank you as well. I'm loving your work, Just enjoying some nice back and fourth... wait, no not fourth. Maybe that should be forth? No, we'll never go forth.

We're stuck here, always stuck here. Is there nothing else?

Ok. Gonna stop now so I can finish my own face post. Why did I just type face?

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