Meet Gerald: The Image a Certain Steemit Member Decided to Use Without My Permission TodaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #abuse8 years ago (edited)

On Steemit, we take pride in our work. We encourage original content.


We Do Not Steal From Each Other

I regret to inform you all about this little problem. Today, this article was published:

Image linked to source

Do you see any similarities between the colorful image seen along with that article and the image below?

Meet Gerald

As many of you know, I produce digital art. I often share my productions right here on Steemit. I've been at it for four months, as of today.

I produced Gerald roughly two weeks ago. The first time the public met Gerald was here:


I did not give the user @bitcoinnational permission to use Gerald. As a matter of fact, that user may be experiencing trouble taking 'NO' for an answer. You see, on a previous post of mine, that user made me an offer which I refused. I am under no obligation to accept offers, especially if I do not agree with the terms. Common sense when it comes to business.

I'm not going to get into details about the discussion, but I have nothing to hide. If you're curious, the exchange took place here, in the comment section. I did my best to be professional while being honest and giving my reasons as to why I was not interested. I am free to make my own decisions and will continue to do so.

I tried to be comforting, I realize hearing 'NO' can be hard for some people. Sometimes, it's not the easiest answer to give either. I reminded this user my decisions were strictly business and nothing personal. I meant it.

After receiving another message today from @bitcoinnational, I became curious. I had a feeling something strange was going on, so I had a look at his/her blog. That is when I discovered the post which included my image. I wasn't impressed.

I read the post. Under Gerald was a message for me personally.


That was the first time I've ever flagged a post. I'm not taking this personally because I do like to hold myself to a higher standard. I'd like to believe majority of Steemit members do as well.

So, What's the Deal?

How does that make you feel? If someone stole your words or photos and passed them off as their own, would you be impressed? What if they did that, then told you to, "Suck it?"

Sorry folks, but that is not how we Steemit. On a few occasions I've produced images for members here to use, with permission. They give me credit the same way you give credit to those who provide your images. I don't mind if my images draw attention to your articles, if I've given you permission to use them. I enjoy it. I'm more than happy to help. Each time I've done that, I've never asked for money in return.

Recently, I've upped the ante here. I've been offering every Steemit member the opportunity to download much higher quality versions of the images I share within this blog, for free. I'd like my work to be synonymous with quality. I am attempting to earn money as a digital artist using the Steemit platform exclusively. I enjoy it. I've found success. For the most part, I am quite impressed with this platform, the benefits and the community.

I'd like to continue on my path. I do see myself being successful here. I am incredibly disappointed by @bitcoinnational's actions though. That sort of behavior is not what I signed up for, and I'm not going to take it sitting down. I don't let anyone take advantage of me either. I'm sure many of you can respect that. I'm confident many of us share the same values, because I've seen them being demonstrated here numerous times.

If there is a silver lining. If I can pull a positive from this. All I can really say is their actions today proved to me that I did make the right decision when I said 'NO'.

Thank you for your attention. Have a good day.


"There's nothing wrong with being honest."
Follow @nonameslefttouse
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


Well, after numerous railings about my opposition to flagging, I stand corrected! There is a situation where flagging is not only appropriate, but necessary. "Gerald" is your intellectual property to do with as YOU see fit! I've unfollowed the culprit and am resteeming so that others might become aware. Upvoted as well!

I thank you for your support. I've hated the flag, but, it is there to protect us under some circumstances. I suppose this was one of them.

I'm always hollering about the free marketplace of ideas...but this is abuse and not to be tolerated. You had to put time and effort into "Gerald" and deserve the right to determine where and when it's used. I would have done the same thing!

I feel I've been quite generous as it is. I'm not being selfish. Everyone else takes steps to give credit and have proper permissions to use images. That's just how it is.

I don't blame you at all. You created it, it's yours! I catch myself reposting videos from Y-Tube and forgetting to give credit...I try to be assiduous in doing it, but sometimes. What happened to you was theft, not an accident. I'm with ya!!!

I just gave out my first flag. Totally unacceptable. (Lots of far more colorful words come to mind) Seeing you here reminds me to check out your blog @richq11 and I'm following you now, honorable support for our mutual friend :)

Thanks, I'm following you as well. I haven't flagged anyone yet, but I did unfollow the person that did this.

Upvoted this post, as your work is amazing! Kinda why I follow you!
I also downvoted their post (first time for everything I guess) but, they don't deserve a single reward for stealing something from you. How could they do such a thing, and not even give you credit?!

Gosh, I can't imagine....

May I use your images in a post to help spread the word on how amazing your art it? All credit for images used will be given to you.

Good luck in the future, it is sad to see something like this happen.
~ @Timbo

I thank you for your support, kind words and compliments. It's truly appreciated. As for using my images, we can talk business some other time. I have to consider a few things first and to be quite honest, I'm not in much of a deal making mood right now. I hope you can respect that.

Ohh, sorry for asking in your time of discontent. I should of been sensitive to the situation. I completely understand.
Your art is inspiring and amazing I love seeing it whenever I see your posts in my feed.
You are welcome my friend, good luck to you today! Cheer up my friend! So many people love your work, your talent, and your posts.
Cheers to better days ahead for you,
~ @Timbo

No need to apologize. I'm actually doing you a favor. There's a better chance of me saying yes when I'm not feeling like crap. I'm not down in the dumps though. Just a touch angry. I'll get over it. The people here are incredible. This helps.

Ooo, you think I am part of an incredible community, guess what... you are too! Glad to know you aren't down in the dumps.

Uhh, yea you have a right to be pissed. I would be as well!

Gerald and I approve this message; Also good job using your flag powers, imo you used the flag very appropriately as it was necessary. Talking just seems to incite "suck it" offers, which I would also decline with a flag too.

Also don't worry we all can tell that it is you art, it has your style; No need to dirty it up with watermarks like you said!

*With great powers, comes great responsibility! Good job using you super powers, Spider man would be proud of you!

Spider Man is not the only man who is proud.
Imgur Is proud too.
Thanks for your support and reassuring words. I felt what I did was the only right thing to do. I don't like the whole negative vibe scene, so I wasn't going to sit around and argue. I like to make light of things, not make fight of things. The flag thing, I get it now. It's too bad it had to be under these sort of circumstances, but deep down I knew eventually this might come up. It's also reassuring to know people are recognizing my style. That means a lot to me personally. I've only been at this for four months. Something like that could take people years to achieve. This Steemit thing is truly amazing.

Again, thanks for everything. I appreciate it, and I'm just going to keep on doing what I do.

Good! Be loud, be proud; Being gay is nothing to be ashamed about Flagging someone for plagiarism and partial harassment is nothing to be ashamed about.

I completely agree, I feel the flag is overused too. But when someone takes your work and then wont respond to your request to stop, what else is there to do; Nothing really, except flagging!

Yeah, steemit is still really small so there is a lot of personal community interaction. I am excited to be a part of this at the beginning stages. Steemit really is amazing.

Your welcome, I always got your butt, behind, back! Yeah just keep on doing being you!

You're such an asshole funny dude! Baseball butt slap High five!

Thanks, I always love seeing people shit laugh! To slow Right back at ya!

Good! Be loud, be proud; Being gay is nothing to be ashamed about Flagging someone for plagiarism and partial harassment is nothing to be ashamed about.

That's me getting you back. Now look at your replies and tell me you hope nobody else does too! LOL! Now we're even!

lol Woah deja vu, I just experienced the same comment twice when I was responding to all my replies, totally tripped me out; You definitely got me back!

Anyone is welcome to lay a zinger on me! I am looking at my replies and all I see is support and some jokes. Hopefully you see the same too ^_^

Now that I think of it, yeah, support and jokes and some solid conversations. I've only encountered two negative types since I've been here. Maybe three. I remember one person gave me shit for not sourcing images and said they were about to flag me. They became quiet after I said I didn't feel like giving myself credit. Good times!

You have my support ! I recieved this infotmation on my blog from @dreemit ! I will also be flagging his post ! Even though I never flag on steemit ! Trolling is totally unacceptable ! There is no need for it at all ! Im so glad you said No and for him to use your artwork and tell you to suck it is was put the nail in the coffin for me ! Steeming on ! 👍😎

I thank you. To be honest, I can take the heat. It's normally next to impossible for someone to get under my skin. This situation though... I think the word low describes it well enough. Thanks again, I appreciate it!

That was a good flag - to borrow a shooter's term, it was a clean flag.

Myself, I only flagged one post, a comment: it was attempting to run a scam like the scams you've seen in phishing Emails.

I've stayed away from that flag forever. With the added insult to injury though, the flag didn't even seem like enough. I guess I wrote this to create a bit of awareness. This article wasn't retaliation. Just reporting the facts. I hate scams and can't stand when anyone tries to take advantage of others. We have an honor system here on top of our abilities to write and vote. People need to respect it.

I have also just handed out my first flag, hope he feels his statement is worth it.

I thank you for your support as well. I've said all I can really say about the matter. I'm not impressed, that is not how you make friends here... and that, as they say, is that.

I had just gotten back from shopping and turned on the computer, didn't see your chat message until after. I'm so glad you happened to post after I got home! I've alerted a few friends, and put this link in, so when they get on they'll see it too.

Thanks for that. I figured I'd just say my piece and leave it at that. I didn't expect this tremendous show of support. I'm impressed... again.

I've flagged his account and muted.

That's your choice. I didn't ask anyone to do that, but I do appreciate your support. I didn't realize so many people would notice this message and this huge show of support is honestly making me feel a lot better. Thank you.

Do you want me to put a link to the post I used your artwork in so people can see that you share your work with those who are respectful of its use? I believe the comment section also links to haffanour. And I could edit it to include your latest This Man article since I refer to This Man in my post. It's an old post for me, so I'm definitely not looking for votes on it, just to support what you said about sharing with others, up to you.

It's fine @dreemit. You've already been a huge help. If anyone asks, I can prove myself. It's not an issue. Don't worry about it. Thanks though.

I'm sorry to hear this, @nonamesleftotuse. It truly sucks.
Luckily, now I know to never follow him and steer clear from sending upvotes his way.

You're an artist, you get it. Thanks for having my back.

You bet, pal!
1 STEEM? This guy's a wheeler and dealer - What an idiot.

The deal breaker, even though it was already 'no', was when "all I'm getting in return is a laugh" was thrown into the mix. I write a lot of comedy, I like to joke around, but for some reason I could not find that comment very funny.

That was a pretty low blow.
Fuck that guy, you just do you! :)
Looks like the picture was removed, btw! Success.

Well that's good news. Thanks for the heads-up.

He said he has shared his work for others to use on posts and I can attest to that since I'm one of them! All I had to do was ask and of course I included him in the post. bcnational's whole pitch was shady, I was uncomfortable with it and it had nothing to do with me, haha!
I love how this community rallies for one another in times like these, that was great to see! I'm proud of us :)

Thanks a lot! Appreciate it.

I can relate to this. I'm against stealing of intellectual property.
That's why I'm also flagging that person. Will also be my first.

I'm about as independent as it gets when it comes to the arts. Steemit would be my business partner, everyone else who votes, those are investors. I'm nothing like the big greedy corporations who hoard IP and screw the artists by giving them a fraction of what they deserve. Why someone would want to come along and take what isn't theirs and use it for potential profit when I'm practically giving this stuff away is beyond me.

Thanks for your support.

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