Gerald and the Ringing

in #funny8 years ago (edited)


I Woke Up Today

Just like any other day.

There seemed to be a strange ringing in my ear this morning. I noticed it the moment I woke up.

I made a coffee, lit a fire, turned on the television.

Nothing interesting. People, dressed in their best to speak about the worst. Then the happy man with the excited voice talks about how there will be weather outside, again.

-28°C, damn that's cold. I was still going to dress the same as I did when it was -24°C though. -34°C, same clothes. I only have one winter jacket.

These numbers. What's the point? When I go to the store today, I'll ask where the -28°C hats are. Then I'll ask what they have in a 27.

The ringing seemed to be getting louder. I could hear it over the TV volume. I thought it might be my hearing aid, so I took it out.

I could still hear it, but not as loud. The volume seemed to increase in certain areas of the house. I thought my brain might be picking up wifi, so I unplugged the router.

That didn't help.

I put my hearing aid back in, in case the phone rings. Doing that made the ringing worse. I tried to forget about it.

I thought it would be wise to have a shower before I head out but I decided to eat breakfast first. I ate the entire bowl of cereal while the ringing became a constant nuisance. I could hear it over my Captain Crunch clear as day.

I shut everything off in the house thinking maybe something was interfering with my hearing aid. That didn't help. I took the damn thing out and left it on the counter. The noise was still there, within my ears, driving me mad. The closer I listened, the more it sounded like a pulsating beat of sorts. Some sort of rhythm. Very strange.

I hopped in the shower. This seemed to make the ringing stop. That is, until, I shut the shower off. Then once again I could hear this damn racket. Very faintly though. I dried up, got dressed, put a new battery in my hearing aid. I thought that might help. It didn't. That made things worse.

Dressed with extra layers and all ready to go, I opened the door.

My son was standing there with his usual scowl. That startled me. I wasn't expecting him today.

He looked cold. He starts giving me shit about not answering the door and thinking I was dead. Just because I'm old, that doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. When will these damn kids learn.

He asked me if I could hear that sound. I was baffled how he knew and asked him if he could hear it too and to that he responded with a really sarcastic, "of course I can hear it, dad!"

He motioned to the old doorbell and started pressing it aggressively. Again and again, asking me if I can hear it. That thing hasn't worked for nearly ten years but he disagreed.

I'm not sure what his problem was. He left after giving me shit. I thanked him for dropping off the dog food but ignored his speech.

Nothing was going to bring me down, I was too impressed with the day at that point. The ringing finally stopped.


Today's cover is titled Gerald. A Higher Quality 8K version is available.

All images seen here were produced by me.
"Huh? What? Speak up!"
Follow @nonameslefttouse
[email protected]
8K Version of Gerald located here.

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


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Hi, I read your story and liked it! I want to show it to the fiction-trail. We are trying to encourage great content creation on Steemit by building a community of fiction writers. On the fiction-trail discussion group, writers can meet other writers, get feedback on their work, and help others improve their skills.

I'm going to post your story there for others to vote and comment on, I hope it helps, and please join us for discussion and lots of great stories under the #fiction tag. (I'm also using #fiction-trail too but that's not an 'official' tag and you're free to use or not). :)

I really appreciate this sort of thing. Having my work get noticed and passed on like this is such an honor. Hopefully a few more eyes will get to see Gerald as well. I'm glad you liked it.

I have signed up for the site you mentioned. I have not had a chance to look around much though. When I do have time, I'll be sure to check it out.

Thanks again. This comment put a genuine smile on my face.

You're most welcome! I'm glad I gave you reason to smile :)

This is good stuff! I like Gerald more than this man before he was abducted by that man...

That reminds me of something. I hope This Man is okay! He's been quiet.

He has been extremely quiet....maybe that man murdered this man... ????

I hope not!!! ... wait... who's That Man?


It's That Guy and he drives the Thatmobile!

Is this really fiction because I hear ringing all the time. If it isnt a tv, phone charger, compact fluorescent or anything with a resonant circuit then maybe perhaps mk ultra.

Fiction, yup. It's a story about Gerald. I'm not Gerald. I'm half his age and I don't have weird lip-fangs.

OK, but is your Dad's name Gerald?

LoL! Nope. Dad's name isn't Gerald.

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