Can You Unite The Whole World? Here's What TribeSTeemUp Have To Say

Can You Unite The Whole World?

Another huge question for the Tribe that was this time put forward by @valorforfreedom. These questions are really important, as they give us the opportunity to really look at our own life and see what it is, we are doing that will help us move towards a more harmonious relationship with the world. The answers posted by each Tribe member really highlights how wonderfully diverse we all are. Each one looked at the question in their own unique way and they all leave us with a lot to reflect on.

17 members of the tribe chose to answer this question and I found it very interesting how everyone choose to interpret the Whole World. For me it is no about uniting nations, but uniting all living things and re aligning ourselves with nature. But each member identified with it differently. So Please take the time to read the wisdom shared within each post and ask yourself:

Can You Unite The Whole World?

"Can You Unite the Whole World?" TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question


Can We Unite the Whole World? This question can be interpreted in so many different ways and it can also lead onto many other questions.Lets begin as if this question is talking about uniting the Human World. With the way that things are, would we even want to unite the whole world?
When we look at the world that we human's live in at the moment, we can see that everything that is done, is for the benefit of mankind. We are living in a world that has a dominant view over nature, where all the resources on the planet are being used and abused. Where so many believe the earth is theirs to do with as they see fit. A world ruled by man's ego. Where, in a sense, the human world is already united in this culture of greed and destruction.

TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question: Can We Unite The World?


The answer is: Yes. Absolutely.
We are in a transitional stage. Everything mentioned in the article is true. Having a world united under one government is a joke. So is the present voting system. All of that is just part of the sickness that society suffers.
The reality is the scarcity mindset that is ingrained in all of us by the elites caused us to become overly self-absorbed. We care for nothing but what we receive. The entire system is like that. We really have no choice since survival, for most, depends upon it.
For the last few thousand years, the male energy dominated. This created the erection of hierarchical entities. We see this most evident in our businesses. Collaboration and teamwork is only lip service unless is provides money that flows upward. We value excess while minimizing what is truly essential.

Can you unite the world?


A tribe steemup bi-weekly question.
I dont think we need to unite the world so much as remind the world that we are already fundamentally the same.
We all want to live our lives in peace and prosperity.
We want all children to grow up well adjusted and productive.
We want the elderly to pass into what is next with dignity and grace.
We are all, mostly, united in these fundamental goals.
Where the problem lies is in how we go about achieving them.
Nobody liked it when we got bullied at skool.
Even the bullies were unhappy, but willing to do something about it.
That they sought their utopia in making others miserable is a function of the world they grow up in.
Those willing to dominate others get fed first, the weak get what is left over once the bullies take theirs.
This is naturally accepted, even encouraged, by crapitalism.

Can You Unite the Whole World? My Answer to the Tribe Steem Up Bi-Weekly Question


The simple answer is no, you cannot. At least not without some forcing their will on others. No matter what the proposition, if you involve the entire planet in the decision, someone will always disagree. Even if it is as simple as proposing that we should abolish war and resolve our differences peacefully, people will disagree with you. In fact, a vast number of people do oppose that philosophy believe it or not.
Personally I am a fan of diversity and culture, and uniting the world as one would cause us to sacrifice many aspects of culture world wide. Universalizing culture will make cultural variances blend over time causing a loss of holidays, tradition, and people's passion for their homeland (not government) and fellow countrymen.

Can You Unite the World? TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question


It's a bit of a paradox. Here we are talking about the individual, what power does the individual really have? Fundamentally we only have power over our internal environment, we can't actually guarantee that other people and outside things will do what we want. Those outside things will all act according to their own nature.
Many people will create a lofty idea and believe that they can change the world by getting everyone to dance to their tune. There is a belief that through manipulating physical things, persuasion, and sometimes force - that everything will behave according to our wishes. This is basically the mind on an ego trip, it requires massive effort and it can't be sustained. Changes which aren't made on a very deep level will never last.

Can You Unite the Whole World? My Answer to the Tribe Steem Up Bi-Weekly Question


I probably could unite the world, but I'd need a lot of help! lol! Ok i don't think that's what the question meant.. Now it's time to go deep.
Unity. One whole perfect unison. One thing supports another, and everything works together in perfect harmony. Sounds nice doesn't it, and that IS the world that we live in! When i think of Unity, I think of the entire world, and the entire cosmos. Its not just about us, and whether we fight or harm one another. Its not about our political or religious beliefs. It's about life, life itself, and the glorious unity that pervades and runs our entire world, every plant, every insect, every star, every galaxy, every molecule, atom and electron. This world and the life within it is deeply connected and unified by energy fields and invisible cords and connections. What we do has effects and ripples throughout all of space, instantly. We are an intimate, unified, universal life-force that exists in an incredible balance and perfection of incomprehensible complexity.

Can You Unite the Whole World?


I do believe unity is possible, but not sameness. We don’t want conformity, but rather ever increasing diversity within a context of harmony. We want things to keep spiraling away from the center while the center continues to hold. Things do not fall apart.
The challenge for humans has been that we are needing to continue advancing the frontier of our greatest strength, and right now we are bracing against those edges.
What Makes the Slowest Animal Most Dominant?
Well okay, snails, turtles, sloths, and snails are slower than humans, but I’m pretty sure that’s about it. Most animals are so much faster than us that our eyes can’t even fully track their movements. (I learned this trying to use a pellet gun to hit a raccoon that had attacked my dog in our yard. The darned thing was over a 6 foot fence from half-way across the yard faster than I could even blink.

Can You Unite the Whole World? | TribeSteemUp Question


Can one person's orientation change the world? If I carry unity inside of me, a vision of humanity experiencing togetherness for example, does that impact the world?
To keep it short, I definitely believe that it does. Each of us is a gestalt walking around, a reflection and piece of the Whole and our presence affects the Whole.
The diversity that humanity represents is the flavor and spice of the Whole and by understanding that "we're all in it together" on this green and blue planet floating through space, creates an underlying unity that is actually just the way things are.
I can unite the whole world within myself, but only we can unite the whole world.
But, even if "I" know the Unity of the world, it still doesn't unify the world.
It requires participation which represents a massive paradigm shift. If there are divisions that remain, can unity still exist? I think not and I feel this is where it gets little sticky. We can be blissed out in our unified selves or families or communities (which is fantastic BTW), but the horrific repercussions of division rage on in the wider world.

Can You Unite The Whole World? - The @tribesteemup Bi-weekly Question (Plus Happy First Birthday TSU!)


Greetings Steem Stars!
In today's Vlog, I answer the question "Can you unite the whole world?"
You can find out what I think in the video.
I'd also like to celebrate the 1st birthday of the @tribesteemup community. This excellent community on the Steem blockchain, supports content creators that are posting about subjects such as consciousness, health and healing, anarchy, freedom, harmony and balance with nature. It was founded by @kennyskitchen a year ago today and is now supporting over 200 conscious content creators.
If you enjoy reading about those subjects, you can support the tribe and receive automated curation rewards via the curation trail. You can find out more about that in this post -

Can You Unite the Whole World? - TribeSteemUp Question


It would be awesome to have a unified nation, where everyone would love one another, respect and support each other. Then perhaps the unnecessary wars and killing would end.
We can all put together a paper on how we can unite the whole world. But that would just be in theory. It would be better to deal with this question in a realistic point of view.
Can You Unite the Whole World
In the physical sense? I don't think so.
But there is a lot of push for learning English. A lot more nations are studying English. I was once an ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor. I taught Korean professionals and their children. Then a Japanese professional and their children.

Can you unite the whole world? ~ a TribeSteemUp bi-weekly question


'Can the whole world be united?/Moving from third-, through fourth- to fifth dimensional consciousness.' Tribesteemup bi-weekly question



'Can the whole world be united?/Moving from third-, through fourth- to fifth dimensional consciousness.' Tribesteemup bi-weekly question
While I have been thinking about the bi-weekly question Tribesteemup has come forward with: 'Can the whole world be united?' I have been leaning towards a feeling of unison in consciousness, as that seems the only way for me.
A consciousness that is more accepting of autonomous individuals and their differences, celebrating life in all its colours and that is overal more, tolerating, forgiving, loving and uniting. I'm talking about fifth dimensional consciousness.
And while I've been pondering that, things have come on to my path that resonate with it. A friend recommended this book to me: 'Starbrow' It's the first book in a series of novels about spiritual light workers saving the earth. I only found out when I started reading that it's all about passing from the third, trough the fourth, to the fifth dimension.

From the Individual to the Collective: Can We Unite the World?


@tribesteemup's bi-weekly question this fortnight asks 'How Can We Unite the World' and it's a hard one - I do know that most of us have written similiar things, so that goes to show we're all aware of how this can be possible, and we all essentially know that it's do-able with a critical mass of people wanting the same thing.
We all want happiness and joy and I'm not sure anyone would disagree with that. The thing is, happiness and joy are actually our natural state - when we are absolutely attentive in our lives we have a natural curiousity about life, find beauty and wonder in everything we see, and relish every morsel of the lives we're given. Babies are particularly good at this attentiveness, as are young children. It's natural to be present, curious and engaged. Anyone who's ever suffered depression or anxiety knows that those skills are lost to us - we become so absorbed in the loops of destructive thinking that plague us that we're lost, for a while, to the world.

"Can You Unite the Whole World?" Tribe Steemup Biweekly Question


sn’t a united world the globalist dream?

A world of robots doing what all the main corporations and governments want, doing as they are told, without questioning, like everyone using Google (or at least the majority anyway).
(Thanks @bethwheatcraft for drawing the debacle that is Google that to my attention this morning)
I understand the viewpoint that we are all the same, we are all human, but doesn’t history, culture or heritage stand for anything? And what about genes, or even the most basic of all original thought?
Sure we can ‘live with’ other people’s opinions or lifestyle choices or religion, as everyone has the right to be who they want to be, but it doesn’t mean we have to agree or abide with their choices, or be like them.
If we celebrate our uniqueness and being allowed to be ourselves in full Technicolor, then surely we can’t all be united.

Can You Unite the World? #TribeSteemUp Question of the Week


Can I Unite the World? This question has been up for a week now, and my answer remains the same as the first time I read it.
I cannot unite something that isn't divided.
I am @BorrowedEarth, I am spirit borrowing Earth, everything I experience here in this World is also borrowing Earth.
I believe that division and separateness are an illusion. I cannot unite what is not apart.
My concept of global unity assumes a perspective of distance. If I zoom in too much the details grab too much of my attention and the chaos of non understanding confusion sets in. In this chaos I begin to lose sight of the greater truth. We are united in our borrowing of this Earth. We are all united in our visit here for this lifetime.

Can You Unite The Whole World? (@TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question)


Another @TribeSteemUp question from @trucklife-family here... "Can You Unite the Whole World?"
Basically, I would say the answer is no, by most definitions of unite.
However, I don't think that we have to unite on more than a couple simple things (respect for sovereignty & the non-initiation of force), and everywhere else we want as much diversity as possible.
Maximum creativity, problem-solving, and general advancement for humanity involves having a lot of different mindsets, a lot of different approaches, a lot of different points of view.

Uniting the World


I have a lot of questions about this question, but I am going to make some assumptions. I try to avoid those. I had a chemistry teacher in high school who used to say assuming makes an ass of u and me. She was a character. In any case, I think at least some are safe assumptions. I will assume the you is plural and is not a reference to me specifically. I’m not totally sure what is meant by uniting, but I’m guessing the desire is to bring everyone to a shared action or belief, though it could mean more than one action or belief. Assumptions on what the “whole world” means are a little harder. Neurotypical, mentally well people only or really, literally everyone? Including kids? Babies? I mean, if we are talking toddlers, I don’t think you can get three of them to unite. In any case, I don’t guess it really matters because even if we are talking about neurotypical, mentally well adults, ...

The TribeSteemUp community, was created 1 year ago by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write high quality articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp.


Image Source:


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


Some great discussion from the @TribeSteemUp community. It's certainly a tough question, but I think that in the end, we all have a lot more in common than we have differences.

By the way, thanks for your info about TribeSteemUp the other day @trucklife-family. I run the vegan outdoor blog and write a lot about vegan and eco-friendly outdoor gear and ways in which we can live a lifestyle more inline with nature.

Do you think my blog would be suitable to be considered for @TribeSteemUp? Would you be willing to suggest my blog to @kennyskitchen? I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again. :D


Hi Jess there is a bit of a waiting list at the moment which has people that were recommended by other tribe members, there will also be a limit, as to how many more will be able to become a member, so I cannot guarantee anything. I did check out your blog and website and it is really great what you are doing. I'm following you now anyhow xx

Thanks @trucklife-family, I really appreciate your kind words and support. It's great to connect on Steemit.

That makes sense regarding the waiting list and the limited number of members. Anyway, thank you for putting my name forward - that means a lot. :D

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

Am going to read through every one of them today and see if I can come up with my own response after reflecting critically later this week

Cheers @empress-eremmy I look forward to your response

I am You and You Are me and We are One.

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