
The longest post I ever read from you and with an interesting subject matter.

To me, the question should have being
How will you unite the world
I choose it to be this way because, uniting the world is possible but the big question is How can that be achieved?

Looking at the world today, we see alot of evils happening and one tends to wonder if others really have conscience and if there is any possibility of the world to be united again. The whole world can be united if

  • If we all deal with our pride collectively or as individual
  • Having a system of Government where everyone has access to anything needed to make easy.
  • When we value others just like our own selves.
  • Everyone comes to the point of accepting their wrongs and being willing to apologize if need be.

The above, the world can be united.

A common thread in your prescription for living is really kindness. First we have to be kind with ourselves, so that we can admit we are imperfect without fearing being punished or cast out for it. Then we can also extend that same compassion to others, so then be less prone to selfishness and pride. And if many people do this, then they will be able to create a government that is also kind to its people. So really, you value kindness supremely.

Yea kindness is highly valued by me because I have experienced kindness from people I never knew and that is why the @steemminna team had a meet up last week Saturday and did a brainstorming of three hours on hour to seek funds outside the steem platform and some head ways is already being made in submitting applications to charity groups outside the shores of Nigeria.

Being kind is what we do for ourselves and not really about others

Great post indigo, I'll have to write one up.

This part: Do you greet the imperfections and wrongdoings of others with a desire to punish or with a more compassionate desire?

I think is vital. We don't know other people's experience of the world, the best we can do is embrace them in love. Sometimes that means tough love, but forgiveness should always play a role imo.

I think this world will change in an instant once people learn to love instead of condemn or judge or blame

Very true. I recall watching a video from I think Sweden (some Scandinavian country) in which they were showing their prisons, even for murderers. They were isolated from the main society, but given freedom, respect, a beautiful environment in contact with nature and trained in skills they could use once they got out. I can't even describe just how different it was in so many ways from how the US does prisons. Basically they were rehabilitating members of their community, not punishing those they considered to be animals. Their recidivism rate is of course way, way lower than ours in the US is. No surprise though. This system isn't meant to rehabilitate. It is meant to punish as far as citizens are concerned, and profit from slave labor as far as the prison industry is concerned.

Interesting questions I think, for example, of the underlying knowledge that bees must act as they do and stay together for an end without losing their purpose. How long do human beings have no purpose? Time has been criticizing differences instead of accepting different ones. If there were an intuitive knowledge in our genes that would force us before the disaster to move in a synchronized way to solve our problems, it would be possible.
Meanwhile I see a lot of individualism, a lot of fear and a lot of bad faith from kind people in manipulating people that require acts of kindness and then stealing or hurting them. It's sad.

I use the google translator, because my English is not good, sorry if there is an error.

It's funny that bees are able to work together so well, as are ants, when we consider them "just insects." If they were as big as we are and had more complex goals than simply eating next and maybe shelter they could probably run rings around us with their ability to organize themselves! Thankfully we also have these abstract reasoning skills that help us. If only we could combine that with more emotional intelligence.

Seriously, women need to get on with saving the world already.

This is a great response, and I feel that you come to the question with a very grounded and heart based approach. Love your work Indigo 😄

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we have clearly won the battle for dominance over what happens on this planet. How?

Our communities are the result of our intelligence. We are the dominant species because we are the most intelligent one, that allows us to develop tools that no animal can comprehend.

Domination is always about intelligence, the most intelligent one will tend to be the one with the most power.

There are different types of intelligence though. Creating tools is more of an analytical intelligence, but even with a tool (a pellet gun) I couldn't hit that raccoon. If there had been several of us surrounding him with pellet guns though, all working together, it would have been a different story. Our ability to unite our individual intelligence in a mastermind is our GREATEST strength, and one of our greatest future potentials.

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