in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Wow guys, you really all surprised me in the best possible ways this week! I can hardly believe the number of you who took part, and with so many amazing posts. I as i write this i still have not chosen a winner, and i have to be honest, i am having a hard time deciding! What to do?!.. There can be only one, or two in this case!

So as im sure you all agree, its definately not about winning on this one. Just taking the time to read and sit with our posts has in itself been a gift. You have all shared so much wisdom and beautiful thoughts and images, so thank you all, i had no idea so many of us were so passionate about our forests, yay!

So, i Would like to share something with you today. This morning i heard a bird called the Whistling Schoolboy. It is a really special song he sings some mornings or at sunset. You have to be lucky to catch it, as it doesn't last long, but its really special. SO this morning i finally managed to record him after many years, amongst the many other birds that live here. I have recorded it in high audio resolution so you can hear the many birds. In fact, any bird enthusiasts out there, id love to hear the names of the different birds you can hear. I can hear around 10 at least! These are the sounds I wake up to each morning, so beautiful and inspiring, and all because the forests offer them this habitat. These birds would not be alive if it wasn't for the forest!

I've also added a very soulful and most beautiful singing called 'Sweet In the Morning' right at the end... if you like gospal singing, dont miss it!.. Just hit the orange play button and Enjoy!


After some deep soul searching, 12 hours meditation, 3 days of silence, and 4 hours of Prana Breathing I have managed to decide on the THREE lucky winners! Yes its true, I couldn't decide on only two posts so I'm awarding THREE x 10 STEEM prizes to ... Drum roll... and a hearty congratulations to:

#1 @walkerland

A Glimer of Love & Hope Beneath The Forest Canopy

The Japanese have a word that describes those deep intuitive feelings that flow through us as we enter a forest.

They call it Yugen. One only needs to step into a forest to awaken what we've always known. The forest, the humans, all life is connected.

On days when the heart is heavy, confused, aching, we can run to the woods and shed our burden like leaves in Autumn. When we forget ourselves we can quietly walk, finding ourselves again amidst the twinkle of light through the canopy. The forest shelters us, keep us warm and we rely on it for our survival and yet, knowing this, so many take for granted the majestic as though it is an infinite "resource" for us to do with as we want.


#2 @trucklife-family

To The Sacred Forest I Go, To Gather Together And Celebrate Life

The forest is a place of such magic and diversity. It is full of life, sustaining so many animals, insects, birds and plant life. Not to mention the amazing network of mycelium that exists beneath the soil. So it makes perfect sense that it is the forest that so many go to, in order to celebrate life, to celebrate themselves.

When I was living in Ireland, I would often go to the forest with my little family, to gather with friends and create a sacred space, within a sacred space. We would build a fire, and cook our food on it and take great comfort and warmth from it. A fire, that the wood from the trees provided for us. We would gather the fallen branches and use them to burn, leaving only ash in which to feed the soil.



The Edges Of Twilight

I'm lost in a forest, all alone...

As we see in ecology, there are also “necessary edges.” The “edge effect” in ecology occurs at the border where two ecosystems … meet. At that interface, where there is the least density and the greatest diversity of life forms, each living thing can draw from the core of the two ecosystems. That is where new life forms emerge… Sometimes the most interesting things happen at the edge. The intersections there can reveal unexpected connections.

Time, see what becomes of me

I don't feel it's a coincidence that I write these words on the day of the Autumnal Equinox. From here onwards, the days become shorter and the nights longer. The signs of seasonal change are all around me. It's also the time of a full moon (in Libra).





On the eve of the start of our "GREEN FOOTPRINT" campaign through the children's canteens, we took advantage of this week to carry out some activities to celebrate the international day of the forests that takes place on March 21.


Experince Nature Through Jungle - Forest Day Celebration

I am automatically disqualifying myself from the @ecotrain contest to celebrate Forest Day by being too late for the contest entry. Blame it on the Holi Festival in India that kept me pretty occupied with so many things. However because of my Love for nature and greenary all around made me to share about my beautiful jungle that surrounds my home. Just to share the glimpses of my area here is a quick view.


ELamental's Earth Deed of the Day: International Day of the Forest Roadside Trash Cleanup in SE Portland

The day of the forest in Portland, Oregon was dark and gloomy, and I was not in the best mind state either. I did not let that stop me however from AT LEAST going out in the street and picking up some garbage on the roadside. Gaia has been good to me, especially lately, so I could not ignore this call.


Tree Tuesday: the majestic Ficus Macrophylla

Hi there my Steemit friends and followers!

Today, I am happy to submit another entry for the popular challenge#TreeTuesday hosted by @old-guy-photos.

This time around, I will show you what is one of the most extraordinary and impressive trees I have ever seen in my life - the majestic Ficus Macrophylla, commonly known as the Australian Banyan or the Moreton Bay Fig.




On the eve of the celebration of the international day of the forest this March 21, we wanted to share with you an exuberant beauty of our country, and that we constantly visit his name: "Uverito". Likewise, make a call of conscience to take care of our forests and honor the nature that has given us so much


All My Days Are Forest Days

I live on the edge of the Otways, a tract of beautiful eucalypts and tree ferns in Southern Victoria covering some 254,980 acres. On one edge of it, the beach lures many - the Great Ocean Road winds along the coast with her sister the forest kissing the shore.


21st March - Celebrating International Forest Day

From the Green Forest lives that our ancestors lived, we have shifted to concrete jungles surrounding ourselves with electromagnetic radiations from all possible sources; gadgets, appliances, be it our electrical appliances, smart phones, TV, wifi and so on. These radiations are directly coming in contact with our body and transmitting it to us creating an imbalance in our internal energies. The numbers of diseases have increased drastically. The more we go away from nature the more we are inviting troubles for ourselves.


Jacarandas in Chapultepec

It's Jacaranda Season!

Spring is in full swing, and that means the Jacaranda trees are in bloom, in my neighbourhood of San Miguel Chapultepec, and in the adjacent Bosque de Chapultepec.


(second post)

Celebrating The Forests Through My Words And My Photographs

Oh where would we be without the trees, the lungs of the earth, the givers of life

We have become so dependant on them, yet do we really value them, do we show them the respect that they deserve. We need the trees to breathe, to clean the air around us


While We Struggle for Forest Ownership, Mother Earth Weeps

“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.” Kahlil Gibran

These last weeks, forests in Asia have brought me close to tears. Many times.


A Challenge to Promote International Day of the Forests

I understand breathing is something we do without thinking and that everyday we are alive, most of us forget to be greatfull for not having to think about it. Next time you're conscious of your own breath, maybe you can thank yourself for having a working auto pilot?

While you're at it, you may as well thank all the trees for giving us an important piece of what we need to breathe properly!!!


The earth is our home, sharing ideas to safeguard our beautiful communities part 2.

All communities or ecosystems on this our beautiful and lovely planet needs to be managed in a sustainable manner, as it the the only planet that harbors life. Its depletion has been on a constant rise within the past century. We therefore need to actively and aggressively crusade for actions and improved efforts towards this. In the past days in Kenya for example, students have been marching demanding for action against climate change, as well as the case in Sweden and other parts of the world. On this platform, we therefore need to play our own little role.


Home in the Boreal Forest - My entry for International Forest Day STEEM Challenge

Ah! The forest!
The place where I call home!
A place which is my sanctuary, my retreat from all the craziness of the world!
A place where I find peace of mind, communing with nature.
A place that I love!


PUSH2TALK episode 5 - FOREST respect and appreciation!

This PUSH2TALK #steem vlog episode 5 also doubles as an entry into the @ecotrain International Forest Challenge.

Today I hug 7 trees, talk about the 7 levels of the forest and talk about how important forests are as tools for the future of humanity. There is so much more to say about forests, I LOVE THEM!


Barefoot in the Forest: An Original Poem Written for the International Day Of Forest

Barefoot in the Forest

As my toes embrace the ground
And my ears take in the sound
Of birds chirping sweetly
My soul sings completely.

I walk absorbing the power
From earth, water and flower
Finding more peace
Within the forests quiesce


Relax into a tour of my local 30,000 year old sholai forest and a eucalyptus forest, for International Forest Day 2019.

I have made this special little video to celebrate International Forest day, so please join me for a beautiful forest tour. You will see 2 forests that I live with, one is an ancient natural forest over 30,000 years old, and the other is relatively new but very tall eucalyptus forest. This is a slow and relaxed tour with my commentary and some stunning nature and views. Enjoy!



Thank you to @artemislives for her inspiration for this idea!

The 8 Pillars of @TribeSteemUp


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Great choices... loved everyones posts this week! It's so clear how much we all love this beautiful natural world of ours.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much.

I’m still processing why, but my visit to the forest, and then writing this has touched something deeply... and having now read @walkerland’s post, I understand why 😊 yugen....

It’s a real honour that so many folk enjoyed that piece... it was certainly touching some ‘edges’ writing it.

As did the birdsong you put in there.... I realised a few weeks back that I miss the sound of birdsong (I live in a very busy inner urban part of Melbourne), and craving more time in real forests.... I can hear the bush calling me again.

Thank-you 😊🙏🏽☯️ This was a wonderful writing prompt.

Oh wow what amazing entries, what a celebration of the natural world and the magical forest. Thank you @eco-alex for creating this contest alongside the wonderful @artemislives and I am honoured to be one of the winners, but as you so rightly said we are all winners, because we all are connected with the natural world xx

Exceptional selection @eco-alex !

I will try to watch the most of it ! I wanted so much to participate to this contest but unfortunately I didn't have a forest close to me and didn't want to write without feeling its true energy (being in the heart of it) ! I will look after the next ones ;)

keep up the good works & vibes !


Amazing work @eco-alex. I read your article and it’s a great. How can we participate next time ?!

THANKS! Just follow me and keep an eye our for my next challenge post. The next one should be quite soon!

What a HUGE JOB to choose winners from such incredible talent & diversity. Quiet moment of respect for the integrity of the judging process... and gratitude for the time @eco-alex has given. Kudos to every contributor and standing ovation to the worthy winners. Resteemed. 💚

Posted using Partiko Android

thank YOU for such an awesome idea .. yeah that was too hard.. the winners were not the 'best' but touched me and had something unique about them..

<3 xx

It's always so hard to decide. Going for what moves you is a PERFECT criteria.. and your choices moved me too.

Posted using Partiko Android

This topic has brought out some amazing content and truly it must have been such a difficult task for you to select the winner entries. Nevertheless you have made the right choices. I still need to go through all the post to comment individually. Thank you for doing these great things and giving us opportunity to share our experiences.

Thank you so much for creating this challenge; this was my favorite @ecotrain question and such a vitally important topic. There was so much love and beauty shared for forests around the world and I learned so much from everyone who participated.

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