To The Sacred Forest I Go, To Gather Together And Celebrate Life

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

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The forest is a place of such magic and diversity. It is full of life, sustaining so many animals, insects, birds and plant life. Not to mention the amazing network of mycelium that exists beneath the soil. So it makes perfect sense that it is the forest that so many go to, in order to celebrate life, to celebrate themselves.

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When I was living in Ireland, I would often go to the forest with my little family, to gather with friends and create a sacred space, within a sacred space. We would build a fire, and cook our food on it and take great comfort and warmth from it. A fire, that the wood from the trees provided for us. We would gather the fallen branches and use them to burn, leaving only ash in which to feed the soil.

We would sit and talk, sit and ponder. Until it got dark and then we would sit and make music, sit and sing. Allowing our chorus to join that of the forest creatures, becoming one with our environment. Held and protected by these beautiful trees that surrounded us. I love to sleep in the forest, to be held in the trees embrace.

I remember when I travelled to the amazon, I spend a few days camping out with a guide. We had only a mosquito net around us and a sleeping bag to sleep on. I swear I could feel the forest floor move beneath me. And the sound, oh the sound it was an orchestra that I heard, insects, monkeys, birds all very vocal and making such sweet music. It always took me hours to get to sleep.


It was to the forest I went, to hold my first daughters naming/welcoming ceremony. A small forest that my father used to live on. Such a beautiful spot, down a windy road that not many travel one. The perfect place to create yet another sacred space.


A place to call in the directions and ask for their guidance in raising my child. A place where I could contemplate this new journey that I was on.


My daughter was born in June and her birth tree is the Hawthorn. So on her naming day we planted her placenta in the earth, covered it with soil and then planted an Hawthorn tree on top. Hawthorn the tree of the heart. ( yes that is her placenta in the picture above)


This little tree that we planted was our way of giving something back to the earth, for the gift of our daughter. A celebration of life, with life. Honouring the life circle, an never ending circle. One that we are all a part of. When some one is born, what better way to celebrate their arrival, than feeding the soil and planting a tree. A life giving tree, a tree of the heart.


Ceremony/ Ritual is so important to me, it allows me to show my gratitude and also to celebrate life and it's many transitions. It is such an important tradition that we need to embrace again. One in which we honour ourselves, our loved ones and our environment. One in which we can celebrate the trees.

This is my second entry into the EcoTrain International Forest Day Challenge or perhaps it is part 2. Yes part two of my entry xx

All photos are mine once again x

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



You are a wood sprite incarnate! I didn't know you went to the Amazon.. would LOVE to know more about that story!

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you @riverflows xx I will share my stories one day, lost all my photos though x

The story and photos that you've shared are so beautiful, I could read this over and over. You've shared such a pure and true celebration of nurturing natural connections and a kinship with the trees. I love it. xx

thank you lovely for your wonderful words xx

I love the part the forests play in your personal sacred-spiritual life... "a sacred space within a sacred space". And what a privilege to have enjoyed such diverse forests around the world. Enjoyed your contribution... thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

gorgeous post.. LOve seeing the children and family spending quality time together in nature.. this is such a special and good thing to do, but its only when you do it do you really find out..

you're walking the talk as always <3xxxxx

exactly we only feel the connection when we are proactive in looking for it, it is all around us but we must stop and observe xx

Such an exquisite post my friend .. the spirit of the forest speaks through your words, and what beautiful words they are! The forest and the wisdom of its mighty trees also speak to me on a profound level .. in many ways I yearn to disconnect myself from society, but at this moment that is not my path to follow. But still, I dream of a return to the simple life, a return to nature, a return to the embrace an ancient forest.. one day. :)

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