ecoTrain question of the week tie up post: What is the value of letting go? What have I let go of recently and how has it changed my life?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Normally I like to introduce this QOTW tie up post with some original words of my own. This week however I would like to share a few words so eloquently put by @solarsupermama:

Holy wow, Batman. Letting go is one of the big themes of 2018. Letting go can be hard. Getting to the point of being willing to let go can be even harder, but the afterglow is almost always magnificent. Except when it's dampened by 18 more layers of letting go. That's been my reality this year. A fucking onion of shit shows. It is the fall, though, the season of the west, of letting go of things that no longer serve you.

I would say that about sums it up for me too this year! I am hard pressed to find anyone who hasn't had to deal with letting go of some major things things year, the synchronicity is astounding! So with that said, let us look at what our ecoTrain passengers and community have to share on this very deep question!

If you enjoyed reading this why not resteem it and share the fun! ;-)

I am announcing next week's question at the end of this post so you can all get a heads up and join in more easily.


A couple of days ago, I gave a homework assignment to the Alliance students and the theme was "Letting go". I was not supposed to write the post myself but evaluate those that were written and give my feedback. Well... @eco-alex had a different thing in mind. He made the same theme for his question of the week: "What is the value of letting go? What have you let go of recently and how has it changed your life?" So... Here I am, writing the post that I did not want to write and talking about the most painful experience of my life and the biggest lesson that I have learned from it. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is a good thing, right? Right?


I can remember one of the most joyful times of my life, back in 2001 when i was travelling with some very special new friends. There were times, almost every day, when each of us just felt so much bliss and joy that we would exclaim:

"It's Feels just too Good!" 
And then whenever one of said that one of us would respond very quickly and enthusiastically:
"It's Never too much ... make more room!"


Let go the story of the day, the teacher says at the start of our vinyasa class. Let go everything that has happened, and come into the present moment.

Five years ago I felt like punching teachers for saying such platitudes.

What on earth were they talking about? Did they even know, or were they just spouting crap from their instagram feeds? You see, I'm a yoga cynic - there's so many teachers out there that have been practicing yoga for 5 minutes, do 200 hours of training, and believe they are an authority on life advice, or do a damn good job of faking it until they make it. Especially if they look good in lululemons. So darling, don't tell me to let go unless you can really teach me what that means.


"The exploration of the question is everything", a wise professor once said to me. So easy to assume the question is valid and to sink into the expected response.

"What is the Value of Letting Go? What Have you Let Go of Recently and How has it Changed Your Life?" @ecotrain's Question of the Week.

The Value of Letting Go assumes Value in Possession. The Letting Go of one thing, the painful void, and then the acquisition-grasping for the next. And I have come, somehow, to sit in the numb silence of seeing that my Having is, and was, the Illusion, and so the Letting Go is not even possible.



I saw a comment today. This person’s analysis of 2018 was, “What the fuck was that?!” I'm in total agreement. This year has been a shit show.

This is the @ecotrain question of the week. “What is the value of letting go? What have you let go of recently, and how has it changed your life?”

Holy wow, Batman. Letting go is one of the big themes of 2018. Letting go can be hard. Getting to the point of being willing to let go can be even harder, but the afterglow is almost always magnificent. Except when it's dampened by 18 more layers of letting go. That's been my reality this year. A fucking onion of shit shows. It is the fall, though, the season of the west, of letting go of things that no longer serve you.


This week's question from @EcoTrain: What is the value of letting go? What have you let go of recently and how has it changed your life?

Well, this is a loaded question... I don 't even know where to start, but here we go!

I'm thinking of the world inside our heads, that voice that speaks to us when we think, you know, the one that helps us make decisions. Who is that? Can we trust this voice? Is it the voice of reason, maybe the ego perhaps executing its agenda for us or some external manipulative force with yet a different agenda?


I am such a big believer in the power of letting go. It is a lot healthier for us to just let things flow naturally, in and out of our lives. And even though I know this and I have written a lot about it on here in the past, always talking about the many benefits of letting go, it is not always easy.

Last year I had a lot going on in my life, I found out my sister had Cancer and I watched her suffer on her journey with it, it was so hard being so far away from her, knowing she was in pain, knowing she was suffering. I also had a close friend of mine who had cancer and I also had to watch her change, watch her become weaker and frail, she was still a powerhouse in spirit though. It was really tough, so I was expecting that this year would be different. But never expect anything, that in itself is another lesson in letting go. To just try and live for each moment and let things roll on in naturally.


When I think of letting go, at the age that I am, I think of how with aging, the process of letting go seems to become more apparent. Gone is the vitality of youth, the body doesn't recover as quickly and you become more limited with what you can do. You need to let go of some of the activities that are more suited to the young.

Yet also with aging there comes with it the gaining of knowledge and wisdom. This knowledge can be passed on to the youth to keep it alive instead of letting it die with you. Also at a certain age there comes the realization that ultimately you must let go of everything.


We are all a part of the larger order, always changing, renewing and upgrading ourselves creating our higher versions and in the process of doing this there is a lot that we need to keep releasing and Letting Go. Only when we can do this can we elevate ourselves to our higher versions.

Letting Go sounds so simple yet is one of the most difficult task to do. We are stuck up in so many ways in life, either with people or with situations and circumstances. There are times when we are stuck up with old thoughts and things that happened which no longer holds any meaning to our lives.


This week the ecotrain Question of the week is so profound for me. It is something that I strongly desire and yet, have never quite managed to attain.

What is the value of letting go? What have you let go of recently and how has it changed your life?

This question struck me hard because I struggle to let go

I have been labelled a lot of different things because I don't go with the flow. Stubborn to the core, I've resisted being told how to be and what to do, and yet, all the years of being told that how I am is wrong in some way I've mastered the art of suppression and concealment and as such, no one has won. In my rebellious manner of closing off and keeping parts of myself from others that "don't deserve them" I've also blocked myself from those very same aspects of myself.



Letting go is not the easiest of things to offer in real life. Its sounds to be very simple but practically applying in life is the hardest thing to do. Letting go here does not mean to be carefree in life which simply implies of not taking anything seriously.

But letting go here implies to when you need to go away from something with whome you have been part off or emotionally attached to. I belive its pretty difficult for a person to determine the value of letting go. It mainly depends upon how much it brought toxic in person life. Letting go can bring two aspect, either it bring more positives vibes in life or second it bring more negativity in your life. But it is always good to have positivity in life. More positivity brings more happiness in life whereas, the negativity will results in adverse effects on your body mind and soul.


Well, this week's #ecotrain question couldn't be more timely & fitting, as just this week I let go of something that I had been holding onto far too tightly... STEEM! Since last November, I've posted at least once per day, except for a couple week vacation in July (back in February I actually posted 3-4 times per day for a couple weeks while I was at Anarchapulco). Over that time, I managed to tap into my creative flow easily, effectively, and regularly, and I have gotten better and better at just sitting down and tossing out 1000 words on command.



What is self respect and how can we nurture it?

Please post your answer before Friday 2nd November so you can be added to our tie-up post. Late entries are always welcomed but may not be added to next weeks tie-post.
Be sure to tag #ecotrain as one of your categories, and if you want to be sure to be spotted then please post a link in the questionoftheweek channel on discord.

Resteems always appreciated, lets spread this fun!



Why is 'play time' important and what are some of your favourite things to do just for fun ?

Who are more culpable for inequality and injustice, the people who make our rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them? Is the notion I'm just doing my job' ethical?

What rituals do you have, and why are they important to you?

What lessons will you take with you for your potential next life if you die tomorrow?

Who are the best people to lead or guide our world ...Politicians, Parents, Academics, Philosophers, High Tech.. Or someone else?

Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives?

What was one of the happiest times in your life and what made is special?

Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

Bearing in mind the health and state of our western culture and society today, do you think we have too much freedom?

Are women who dress provocatively responsible for unwanted attention, or should men learn to control themselves?

If there is a God, why do so many bad things happen?


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Really blown away by the depth, care and honesty in the posts compiled. Loving your sneaky self and next week's QOTW too!! Challenge accepted!

oh it was so good to let all of that go and was really good to read everyone else's too. And what a great question for this next week, yeah got me thinking already. Cheers @eco-alex for all you do xxxxx

Letting go of letting go

Going, going, gone!

lol! yeah this was hillarious!

The question of the day is a great question that inspire me . Early this year I lost one of my friends. It has not been easy letting go the memories. For me it seem as if one day I will spot him on the streets.
Now am gradually trying to let go and come to terms that I will never see him again not in this world. I it really feels good to let go though it never an easy thing to do.

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