@ecotrain question of the week tie-up post! Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives?

in #ecotrain6 years ago

What have I done?! This weeks QOTW was our first political question in a long time, and a very controversial one at that! No politician has stirred up quite as much controversy as Donald Trump in the recent past, and I’m sure you will discover quite some passion and feeling in our answers. They may not ALL be as you would expect, so enjoy the mix up and please do share your feelings with us in the comments. Thanks to all of you for keeping the tone decent despite the controversies!


Full Moon, an Outdoor Bath, Wine and ... Trump?? @ecotrain made me do it

I really didn't want to write about @ecotrain's question of the week this week, as I am fed up with politics. I decided it was far better for my mental health to stay away from it. However, it did lead to this conversation in the outdoor firebath on Saturday night, which I recorded and have just transcribed particularly for the train passengers, who may find it amusing. And I can't let a QOTW slide.

For the purposes of this, my husband is @beaker303 or 303 for short here. Don't bother following him - he has one post on Steemit. He can talk ten to the dozen but typing is beyond him, so I'm going to scribe what he has to say about it. Up until bath politics, it was a lovely evening under the full moon, and though it was cold, the bath was hot, the candles were lit, and we had a lovely bottle or two of Cab Sav to share. 303: You know, I was on an online forum the other day because I was looking into buying some pipe tobacco, you know, good stuff, like we used to get in England?


A Ride in Donald Trump's Limosine | Ecotrain Question of the Week

Early this morning in the dreamtime I was standing on a sidewalk as the Presidential limo pulled up to the curb. I was in a group of a few others and the driver opened the door and there sat The Donald. He waved toward us, encouraging us to come into the limo. Of course I didn't believe I was the one being asked in. I have great distaste for Trump and don't fit into his groupies. A few of us were holding brown paper sacks and as he kept pointing at us and waving, I finally did the whole, who me? (points at self) and was told, Yes! you with the paper bag.

For some reason, in this dream, I got in the limo and was seated in a group of less than 10 people. I noticed a subtle shift in my behavior as I nearly immediately started acting and "playing it safe." This question asks us to "put aside" Trump's "obvious negatives" and speak to how his tenure can help the world. As a woman, I can't put aside his obvious negatives because the presence of powerful men like this in the world, lifted to the highest reaches of public power, their voices elevated and given the highest priority, are in fact a threat to my wellbeing and safety, and that of many others.


Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives? @ecotrain question of the week!

You're Fired! That is the slogan of the 'most powerful' politician on earth... and what a slogan it is, and how it speaks volumes about the style and character of Donald Trump! Our world hasn't been quite the same since the Donald was elected to be POTUS, and the media have, as expected, been having a frenzy selling stories about Trumps latest comments, tweets and actions. Trumps rise to the top has shaken the world in to an even more polarised state, where we are either with him or decidedly against him and everything he stands for. You will discover where I stand and why, and it may not be quite the perspective you are expecting from me! TO understand please read on, and let us start by looking at the first part of this Question Of The Week, Why and How did Donald Trump rise to power!


Oh @eco-alex you do like to make us sweat sometimes, and this question really got alot of us fired up. I must say, that initially I was not going to answer it, as I figured that my opinion would be shared by some of the other wonderful passengers and I am just not into politics. I have absolutely no faith in that system, and anyone who gets involved in it.

The way I look at it, if you want to change something you have to start anew. There is no changing anything from the inside, because once you step inside any system like that you are working for it, you are supporting it, no matter how you look at it. I used to work in mental health in my twenties and I really thought I could change how people were being treated within that system, try and push for folk to be treated holistically instead of with pharmaceuticals. But it did not take me long to realize that no matter what I told myself, I was in fact working for the system even if I was swimming against the tide I was still in that sea amongst all the sharks. And girl did they like to bite.

So anyhow back to the question at hand, why did Donald Trump get elected. Wow, well the way I look at it Mr Trump is a showman, he knows how to put on a good show, how to entertain folks, he is also a business man and it is within his best interests to know how to succeed.

That means he needs to listen to what people are telling him and he did just that, he listened when some of the people within America voiced their concerns about the amount of revenue leaving the country, about the amount of people losing jobs, about businesses going bust. We all saw that in the media, reports about towns becoming ghostlike and lacking in the most basic resources. Trump latched onto those working class people who really had enough of seeing their country suffer, seeing themselves suffer. He jumped on that band wagon and found his followers, here was Trump to save the day and make America great again. He told them exactly what they wanted to hear and then his show really began and boy did he entertain.


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i think the less energy and attention given to the abomination the better. not even an upvote.

fair enough torico!

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