ecotrain Question Of The Week Tie-up Post: Who are more culpable for inequality and injustice, the people who make our rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them? Is the notion I''m just doing my job' ethical?

in #eco6 years ago (edited)

It's that time of week again, the Question Of The Week Tie-up Post! This week's question has brought up quite a wide range of responses, and I think this week I may take the prize for most outrageous answer.. but let's see what you think. Either way it would be great to hear your response to all of this in the comments! This question needs no introduction because we've all heard the phrase "I'm just doing my job" from top to bottom of our society. I don't need to explain inequality because we live with it stuffed right under our noses, it is a part of life that many accept. It never ceases to amaze me what people can get used to, or accept as normal. That is why this question is here, to provoke some thought and inner dialogue about an issue that is ubiquitous in our entire planet and getting worse.

Enjoy these responses, and as always follow the passengers and friends that you resonate with. I'm very happy to see so many @ecotrain community friends posting this week, and am even considering posting the question publicly so you can all join in more easily. Let me know!

Who are more culpable for inequality and injustice, the people who make our rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them?


To speak as to whom is more culpable, I say it is those who make the rules and laws. To understand my opinion on this requires understanding who really makes these rules. These rules are created and driven by individuals for whom you and I will never even hear their names whispered, much less see their faces. These are the men-behind-the-curtain who know unimaginably more about the world, the universe and the 'sciences', as well as the true essence of our existence including our spiritual nature, our 'multiple bodies' and the true sciences of our illusional 'material' state of being than we ever will during this current pass. These ones who cannot be named have been furnished with all (or most) of the knowledge of our true history, makeup and purpose, and they do everything in their power to ensure we get access to none of it.


When I think about this what comes to mind is a talk by Jordan B. Peterson, a well known psychologist and professor plus a speaker and author of the book - "12 Rules for Life". He is a courageous man who had been investigating some of the atrocities that have happened through out history, like during the Holocaust, and being brutally honest with himself, looked inside and saw that, yes, if he were in those times and circumstances, he could be that person running the camp, "doing his job', trying to save his skin. He pointed out that there is that monster inside and until we can acknowledge and confront that darker side of our being we do not stand a chance of changing and overcoming those impulses.


So who is responsible for the inequality and injustice in the world today.Who is more culpable.

A person is culpable if they cause a negative event and
(1) the act was intentional;
(2) the act and its consequences could have been controlled (i.e., the agent knew the likely consequences, the agent was not coerced, and the agent overcame hurdles to make the event happen); and
(3) the person provided no excuse or justification for the actions.
(cheers Wikipedia for that)

Nothing in life is ever going to change if we just sit in our corners and not get involved in what is happening around the world. Too many people choose to turn a blind eye and just ignore the many injustices happening around us. We need to be aware and stay aware, we need to be informed, and stay informed. The way I see it, is that we need to know, what is going on and we need to use our voices, our words to make sure that these inequalities and injustices are heard. There is no excuse now that we are all linked via the internet, there is no excuse for feigning ignorance anymore.


Who are to be blamed for inequality and injustice, the people who make the laws or the people who follow and enforce them? EcoTrain QOTW

We are living in a hierarchical society, the pyramid structure in which there are people with different capacities and different interest. The top of the Pyramid is where the whole control lies and as we get to the base we have learned to believe that what trickles down from the top needs to be followed..

The decision makers and the ones in power at the top understand that what flows from them is the ultimate and in the best interest, but now it depends on the base whether they want to believe it or not. But even if they don't there are very few times when it will matter to the enforcers.


Oh boy, again! What a question and one close to my heart! I have been reading several other people's answers to this question, and we have quite a few different opinions on this one. I have been reading them all, and grappling with my view on it because it is SO hard to know who is MORE culpable for the way this world is today. That is until this morning during my meditation and kirtan session when the answer, as always, randomly popped into my head. It's weird how the most amazing ideas and thoughts just pop into my head whilst im not even thinking about it. If you are interested, that is when the ideas for the question of the week usually come too!

SO, my answer is unflinchingly clear and very one sided. I'm NOT going to place much if ANY blame on (us) the people who follow and enforce our rules! BUT I'm also not going to place any blame on our apparent political leaders, or indeed the oligarchs and 0.01% who control the flow of money and power in this world. WHATT!!? Then WHO I hear you ask is culpable for the state of affairs in our world?


To give a TL;DR, I think that the answer to this question is that both are extremely culpable. If I had to choose one group who is more culpable, I would absolutely say that the order followers come out ahead there. If a couple hundred "politicians" decide to commit mass murder (generally using the euphemism of "declaring war"), and there was nobody willing to go do things that are unquestionably wrong simply because of orders...

The order givers are the ones creating the opportunity for evil to occur, but if it wasn't for the fact that the order followers acted on those orders, nobody would be harmed. The order givers aren't the ones dropping bombs, they're not the ones kicking in doors, they're not the ones building prisons, they're not the ones hand-cuffing people...


EcoTrain QoTW: Who are more culpable for inequality and injustice, the people who make rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them?

I believe this question is not about the unquestionably corrupted lawmakers and law enforcement agents that no one disagrees on their culpability. So, my answer is about those whose culpability is debatable.

If I were a law-enforcement agent I would have thought about the laws I serve. What are they really for, what is their actual purpose and what do they protect?

Are they protecting rights like privacy, safety, and ownership or protecting certain ideologies, dogmas, or philosophies perceived by lawmakers as the absolute truth that shall be both enforced upon people and protected from them.

Are they protecting freedom, and if so, do they equally protect freedom of everyone not only those who are in authority or who belong to certain race, religion or sex while compromising the freedom of others?


I'll answer the questions first, and then explain why.

The people taking the action are more culpable than those who make "laws" or give "orders".

"I'm just doing my job" is not ethical.

Before continuing, let's define some key terms.

What is "injustice"?

Violation of another's rights; a wrong

What is "culpable"?


My answer to this question is D) None of the above

But first, i have to tear this question apart.

"inequality and injustice"? Seriously? These do not have any meaning in our time.
Inequality of opportunity or inequality of outcome? Both have had their meanings muddied so much as to be meaningless. In any system where you have humans, there is inequality.
Man vs Woman, who will win? Well, if the contest is having babies, its all over.

And injustice... seriously? There is no justice, there is just us.
Justice is a nice concept, but if you ever try to pin it down, after much deep thought, you find that there is no definition. There is nothing that works.
There is nothing that makes things whole after a crime has been committed.


Usually, I have always loved reading the ecotrain's questions of the week after I got to know @eco-alex when he gave a question relating to @familyprotection many months back. Since then I have been following them up when I can, and he has done a good job being a great driver of the ecotrain. That said, after seeing the question of this week, I was genuinely driven to provide an answer to this question, at least my own perception of this question since I have met a dozen of people both Cops and Caseworkers, judge and lawyers who throw around this phrase many times not a few.

This question is one of those questions that you can not just say is a "A" or "B", in fact, the more you look into it, the more you are likely to change your answer every now and then as new conditions shines a ray on the matter.


What rituals do you have, and why are they important to you?

What lessons will you take with you for your potential next life if you die tomorrow?

Who are the best people to lead or guide our world ...Politicians, Parents, Academics, Philosophers, High Tech.. Or someone else?

Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives?

What was one of the happiest times in your life and what made is special?

Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

Bearing in mind the health and state of our western culture and society today, do you think we have too much freedom?

Are women who dress provocatively responsible for unwanted attention, or should men learn to control themselves?

If there is a God, why do so many bad things happen?


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another wonderful question and so many great answers, great job everyone xxx

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