What is the Value of Letting Go? @ecotrain Question of the Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

"The exploration of the question is everything", a wise professor once said to me. So easy to assume the question is valid and to sink into the expected response.

"What is the Value of Letting Go? What Have you Let Go of Recently and How has it Changed Your Life?" @ecotrain's Question of the Week.

The Value of Letting Go assumes Value in Possession. The Letting Go of one thing, the painful void, and then the acquisition-grasping for the next. And I have come, somehow, to sit in the numb silence of seeing that my Having is, and was, the Illusion, and so the Letting Go is not even possible.


Even the question "How has it changed my life?" assumes possession. One only has to gaze at a decomposing corpse for more than a moment to know that Life simply danced for a while in a borrowed dress, and then dropped it on the floor like a dirty towel. It never was "mine".

What is the Value of Letting Go? Perhaps reframe that to simply observe there is immeasurable value in simply allowing and watching the flow. In not attaching, and therefore not needing to reject or withdraw.

How has it changed my life? I would simply say that I have dangled my feet, bravely sometimes, in the endless, bracing flow of Life and let it begin to cleanse me of illusion.



I've swum deep, slipped in the shallows, been washed, drunk deeply, been refreshed and yet almost drowned.

Life dances on, recreates Herself through me, and celebrates the moments. To ask how She changes me is to assume that the "I", "Me" is this shadow, this persona of this moment. I can hear Her wild laughter disappearing on the wind as I contemplate the futility of even answering that.

The Silent Ones, the Beings with greater depth and understanding than you or I will ever know, quietly bear witness and reflect the cycles, the pruning, the little deaths and the rebirths.


Ever thankful for the Silent Ones and their gracious teaching. Their leaves come without being grasped for, and are let fall without a thought. They bloom, fruit, give life, nourish us and, in the end, their bodies hold ours as fire and earth consume the remnants that Life once played with.

And so it is.

Pure Thai Naturals

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this is so beautiful @artemislives, I love how you have interpreted this question and I agree with you so much, I feel this so strongly now

I've swum deep, slipped in the shallows, been washed, drunk deeply, been refreshed and yet almost drowned.

thank you for this beautiful piece xxx

Thank you.... we always have the option to reconsider and reframe and even reject the question. It's a liberating truth my professor taught me way back when, and it sometimes brings surprising results and answers. Appreciating you support.

I was struck by the same sentence as @trucklife-family above here, so beautifully said.

Letting go is so much bigger than that we simply can comprehend. It is not about willing to, or must but more being capable of, and that is not always in our hands...

You are such a wise madame, has anybody ever told you that??

Wise? No - that's not one of the "too" descriptors I've heard lately. Usually it's just "too much", "too sensitive", "too emotional", "too feeling", "too intense". Usually comes along with a large dose of avoidance and sidestepping. Thank you, my dear. It is not always in our hands and so much of it our feeble mortal brains cannot comprehend. Much love to you. x

This is a subject I have been working to wrap my head around yet again for the last year. There was a moment, where I had a lot of free time, to sit by the edge of rivers and meditate into the moment. I thought I had finally figured it out, living one day at a time, letting everything go that might hold me back or hold me down. Then complications arose, complex ptsd complications. All over again I have struggled with ruminations, feeling that I diverged from my proper path, then I found my way back. Back to the rivers and the forests I hadn't made the time for after starting my new job and succumbing to narcissistic manipulation. Now mindfulness is back at the forefront of my self care. It had made a world of difference, and things seem to be falling into place again. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I hope you don't mind me sharing my experience here in the comments. May we all find those moments of pure experience.

Gratitude for the resteem love @kalemandra x Was speaking of your photos to Miss Ploi just yesterday. :)

Gratitude to @SMG for constant support to grow my readership. :)

And I have come, somehow, to sit in the numb silence of seeing that my Having is, and was, the Illusion, and so the Letting Go is not even possible.

Yes, the grand illusion of having people, things, anything really. Once we figure out that there is no possession, letting go actually becomes the letting go of our old way of thinking. Keep happily dangling your feet darling. This was an amazing piece to read, so wise and so marvelous. Much love 💚

So beautifully poetic. A beautiful sentiment. I need an extension on this one!! Love the photos of you!!

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