ecoTrain Question Of The Week Tie-Up Post! Why is 'play time' important and what are some of your favourite things to do just for fun ?

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Many thanks to @solarsupermama for suggesting such a fun and engaging question this week. It was a goodun and SO many of us posted on this simple, yet very important topic! If you want to have some fun right now, check our ecotrain passengers posts below. As always there are so many different ideas, and perspectives. We come from all parts of the world, and that always makes the question of the week that much more intersting!

If you enjoyed reading this why not resteem it and share the fun! ;-)

Oh and this week I am announcing next week's question at the end of this post so you can all get a heads up and join in more easily.


I'm so excited about this @ecotrain question of the week. I suggested it to my fellow passengers because I think play is incredibly important. I think it can make the difference in living a profoundly happy life. Abraham Hicks has been very clear that the best way to manifest anything you want in your life is to just get happy. Happiness is almost certain when you play. I also suggested it because I feel like I've let play slip from my life.

This, I believe, is the most important question about play. So many people think of play in connection with toys. Play can involve toys, and I do like certain toys. I love blocks a lot. Play doesn't have to involve toys, and when it does, those toys might not really be children's things. Play can happen anywhere, with people or alone and with or without objects.


Play is one of those things we're told that we grow out of...

I fully believe in the importance of maintaining a play practice as it can help support physical, emotional and spiritual balance. Play is not the opposite of work, but is a just as important factor of life.

Play is a fantastic way to embody and support the inner child.

I always am reminded of the many ways I can engage with the world when I play. With so much of my life and passion wrapped up in work, I find much satisfaction and enjoyment in playing.



I can still remember the very first time in my life aged 7 when I was having SO much fun playing with my friend that I simply could not believe it was already 5pm and time for him to leave. How was that possible i remember thinking!? As far as I was concerned it had been half that amount of time, and yet some how time had seemingly warped, and that was the first time it had ever happened! Is this significant? Why does time speed up when we are having fun? Playing or hanging out with friends does have slightly different connotations now im 45 years old, but even today, any time im having fun the time just flies by!


Play Time… ah play time!

Great question by the way @Solarsupermama!

When we were wee ones, this was an easy thing to do. All we had to do was ask the nearest little (or big) person if they wanted to play. I am reminded of this several times a day by our little guy. All he wants to do is play.

And he’d have Play Time all day long if he could, and forget to eat and sleep

Do we have to lose the idea of play growing up?

I’m not sure when it happened, but after a certain age, I must have forgotten how important it is to be in the moment playing. I never even really thought about it but looking around, there isn't an abundance of grown humans running around just playing. It's even more pronounced for strangers to ask to play! Yes you have tons of people who are into Team Sports, but how many aren't in it really just for competition? Sports aren't my thing at all so please enlighten me if I'm wrong, and then again who am I to say that competition isn't play for someone else!


This weeks EcoTrain Question, put forward by the awesome @solarsupermama, is all about play, why it is important and the various ways in which we do play. If we are to remain well, physically, mentally and spiritually, it is important that we make time for play throughout our lives.

From the time we are born, it is through play that we begin to explore the world, it is through play that we begin to form, to create our own world around us. Play is the first step towards creation and what are we, if we are not creators?


With my work I'm very familiar with how important play is for children. It's through play that they get to try out different roles, expand their understanding of the world around them through their interactions with it.

"Play" doesn't have to be only for kids. As adults, we can keep that attitude of "play" when we are trying out new roles, like on a new job, apprenticing or doing an internship. This allows you to try out the new role, "play at it" and with this attitude there isn't the same fear of making mistakes, knowing you are learning from them. If we allow ourselves to play at these new roles, we tend to be more accepting of our imperfections.


zHow I wish sometimes that Life was always a "Play Time", I mean all that you do would be with fun and enjoyment. There would be so much of pleasantness, feelings of harmony, peace, satisfaction, contentment all around. But as we say Life is not a Bed of Roses so there are always things coming up that take up our energy in the wrong way.

Why is "Play Time" Important?

"Play Time is so much essential for all of us. We are living in a crazy world full of chaos, and In midst of all the chaos that we go through in our lives then it would become so important to find that "Play Time" for ourselves. Finding that little time to do the things that you enjoy the most changes the mood for the day. It can make you forget your worries, setbacks, problems, challenges of life.


One of the most vivid memories in my childhood is a feeling, a sensation, a fleeting moment that taught me so much.

I was a little girl living in the Rocky Mountains of Canada. Having emigrated to Canada quite recently, this was my first hardcore, snow filled, Canadian winter. I had spent the afternoon building a huge pillowy snow mound. My plan of course was to climb up high as I could and leap into it.

Snow pile ready, I climbed up high onto the railing of the steps and jumped.

Seconds felt like an eternity. Butterflies swooshed and rushed through my blood and belly. The sensation was unbelievable. intense and crazy.

I hadn't realized how high the jump really was or what falling feels like. I was wrong about snow being pillowy soft and it hurt quite a bit when I landed. It seems like as kids we aren't afraid to leap because no one has instilled in us the fear to do so.


I think that it is a privilege to be a parent, or have children in your life in some way, as they remind you that play time is important and often times help you recapture a little fun that sometimes gets lost by the wayside.

It helps you relook at the world through children’s eyes and seeing the joy that they have at eating an ice-cream, or climbing a tree, or imagining the road is a great big river that needs crossing, or making use of the adult gym equipment...

It reminds of you of little memories that get tucked away in the recesses of your mind about when you were a child, yes the moments of joy like completing a jigsaw with your grandmother, or escaping the world into a good book, or hide and seek and so many more things.


What is the value of letting go? What have you let go of recently and how has it changed your life?

Please post your answer before Friday 26th October so you can be added to our tie-up post. Late entries are always welcomed but may not be added to next weeks tie-post.
Be sure to tag #ecotrain as one of your categories, and if you want to be sure to be spotted then please post a link in the question-of-the-week channel on discord.

Resteems always appreciated, lets spread this fun!



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