X Promotion Report of Colombia-Original - Week#52 (May 30 to June 04)

in Steem Alliancelast month

Greetings Steem Alliance community, We hope everyone is well today :)

We are the Colombia-Original community and today we share the community's X promotion report.

Cúal es el mejor regalo que puedes recibir (4).png
Image edited in Canva pro.


As a Community we attended the call to promote steem proposed by the Steem Alliance community, a very good strategy without a doubt.

We hope our contribution is useful.

This report brought with it many lessons, one of them and the most important is how to generate the data that we should put in the report, we will explain it briefly:

  • Let's go to the server bot command section (Steem Alliance Discord)

  • We use this command: ..hive stats-113376

The bot generated the data corresponding to the weekly tweet promotion by my community. The information was taken and we added it to this report, it was very easy.

X Promotion Report:

SLUser IDPost linkTag
1@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
2@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
3@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
4@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
5@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
6@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
7@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
8@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
9@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
10@colombiaoriginalPost LinkYes
11@josludPost LinkYes
12@josludPost LinkERROR LINK
13@nahelaPost LinkYes
14@nahelaPost LinkYes
15@nahelaPost LinkYes
16@nahelaPost LinkYes
17@theatrorvePost LinkNO
18@ciru2014Post LinkYes
19@ciru2014Post LinkYes
20@ciru2014Post LinkYes
21@tahispadronPost LinkYes
22@onerayPost LinkYes
23@pepo84Post LinkYes
24@sur-ritiPost LinkYes
25@rosybelyepezPost LinkYes
26@jasa107Post LinkYes
27@jasa107Post LinkYes
28@saikat01Post LinkYes

Corrections for the user @theatrorve:


Summary of interaction on twitter (Colombia-Original)

Account followers: 232.

Active users poster: 179
Total Tweets in the week: 28

Impressions about this week:

  • We had not been able to understand how to correctly complete the publication, we hope this report is at the required level.

Many blessings to all...


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 58068.07
ETH 3133.85
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44