Beat Battle League Week Seven Results

in #beatbattle7 years ago (edited)

Eleven (11) entries this week o weeeeeeeeeee. What a collection an epic souls that are creating such art to share with the community.

The judging panel of @chiefmappster, @vandigital, @danyelk, @instrumentals, and @bambam808 thank you so much for all the time, effort , and resources that went into creating your entries.

Beat Battle League Week 7 Synergy.jpg

Courtesy of OG Tech Shaman @nicnas with fresh update from @the-fillosopher

We have such a dynamic and thriving community of incredible souls that are helping each other to the top.

This League is getting momentum and will sure create an epic rest of Season One with the winner of the Beat Battle League being announced on January 2, 2018 winning the championship belt and a good chance of winning the ultimate prize of a trip to Vegas by winning the Steemit Music League championship.

championship belt.jpeg

Prototype championship belt

You can always just the updated standings and quick link for the previous week’s results at

This week's theme is Beyond Bitcoin


Without further adieu, here are the results from Week Seven of the Beat Battle League:

FIRST WINNER: @beatseb with an average of 4.47 from the judging panel winning 20 SBD and 65 Whaleshares for 85 points.

Man o man @beatseb this entry is an epic beat on all levels.


You introduce and use so many sounds especially in the beginning it literally carries the audience from one sound to the next in a flow. And then once you look up the beat is over and it is time to play it again.

I especially love the sounds you introduce at 1:12 until 1:33 and then you carry on with an almost Mario inspired section of the beat (at least my perception) until 1:50 and then BAM here comes more sounds.

And love the vocals you sample and include around 2:20 it adds a nice switch-up and human feel to this epic beat. And the vocals at the very end “Easy papa” o weeeee classic.


The sound quality was some of the best the judging panel has heard in a while. Even seasoned veteran @instrumentals gave you a 5 on the sound quality. It is so crispy, so clear, and the sounds come in with purpose. And you can play this beat at any volume level and it excels. You can definitely tell you spent a lot of time mastering this beat.


The theme of this beat is so freakin epic and fits with Beyond Bitcoin so incredibly. I feel like I should be playing a Beyond Bitcoin video game and/or listening to the podcast in my spaceship.

This beat has such a futuristic feel but you bring parts of the past (vocals and certain sounds) to make us enjoy your beat in the present.

You deserve this win among the batch of highly qualified music producers apart of this League. Congrats and thank you for all you do. Namaste.

Check out this epic Steemian music producer and individual here:

WINNER TWO: @termitemusic with an average of 4.32 winning 10 SBD and 50 Whaleshares for a total of 60 points.

How epic are you man this is absolutely such a creative and incredible beat.

You do everything from sampling voices and material from the actual Beyond Bitcoin radio show, using such epic sounds, and keep the beat at such a nice frequency it just flows.

Not to mention the sound quality. It is such high-quality and I am sure it is not easy keeping that high level of quality using vocals from other sources.

“Anyone else has anything?”

“Yes actually. I do have one question.”

Yessssssssssssssssssss : ) What an amazing way to end a Beyond Bitcoin themed beat with this exchange between @themarkymark and @officialfuzzy.

The judging panel all agreed you deserve one of the top spots and it looks like the scores averaged to number two out of this entire group of epic producers. Not too shabby :)

I can’t wait to hear @officialfuzzy’s reaction to this one and thank you again for creating this art. You can tell you were one with the Universe when you created this. Namaste.

Check out this incredible entry here:

WINNER THREE: @makii with an average of 4.27 from the judging panel winning 6 SBD and 40 Whaleshares for 46 points.

What a way to start off a beat. Such beautiful and majestic vocals you sampled and then BAMMMM at :45 you drop it to an EDM head bangerrrrrrrrr.

This is the beat that made me dance the most and the way you switch sounds so effortlessly makes this beat flow.

It is so easy to listen to it and I find myself listening to it when I need a jolt of energy. It takes you to a whole new level.

The combination of sampled vocals, epic beat switches, professional sounds makes this a classic in my opinion. And the judging panel agreed scoring this as one of their favorites.

You have such epic skills we really hope you continue to be apart of this League. You have a lot of new fans here on Steemit : )

Thank you again for hoppin in this week and creating this art. You elevated us all with your beat o weeeee. Namaste.

Check out this classic entry here:

FOURTH WINNER: @sidibeat with an average of 4.02 from the judging panel winning 4 SBD and 30 Whaleshares for 34 points.

“Welcome to Beyond Bitcoin. Preparing Whaletank… …5,4,3,2,1…”

Wow what an intro man holy smokes. It fits the theme so ideally and that voice is so professionally well done.

And then man do you take us to a new dimension with this one.

Starting at :59 you ease us into takeoff and then at 1:40 those sounds come in and elevate us to the next level.

The layout and structure of this beat is so professional and is what we dreamed of when we announced this theme. You provide an excellent explanation on your post walking us through the different segments of your creation.

And then the beat itself combines such epic material and content for a podcast and/or any marketing/branding material the Beyond Bitcoin movement can imagine.

The judges loved this and you can see your score and ranking reflected that. What an epic beat and thank you again for all the time and effort you put into creating this piece of art. I can’t wait to hear what @officialfuzzy thinks of this bad boy.

Check out this ideal entry here:

COMMUNITY FAVORITE: @jaderpogi with 81 upvotes, 36 comments, and $63.96 in rewards and an average of 3.87 from the judging panel winning 10 SBD for 10 points.

You definitely proved that you are not limited to using just instrumentals to create music.

You have such amazing depth & variety in the sounds of your parts, incredible transitions, and the quality of the sound is fantastic.

All with your VOICE! Holyyyyyy smokes.

What talent and I can only imagine the breathing techniques and lung capacity required to do what you do.

The judging panel loved your creativity and it looks like the community of Steemit agreed winning you the Community Favorite award.

My personal favorite part of your beat box is between the rewind sound you make at 1:39 all the way until you drop it at 1:55.

That part man holy smokes that is incredible you can do that all with your mouth.

Even the ending of the beat you display such an epic variety of sounds to cap off an excellent entry.

Thank you for being you and sharing your beat box skills with the world. Namaste.

Check out one of the beat boxers of Steemit here:

HONORABLE MENTION #1: @the-fillosopher with an average of 4.017 from the judging panel winning 35 SMOKE and an additional 25 points for the art he created for a total of 60 points.

Get ready for the next dimension with this beat o weeee.

What an epic beat.

Everything from the baseline, to the futuristic, professional sounds you use, to the absolutely high level of production value.

Even infusing the theme of conspiracy into this beat mixed with your excellent description of the sounds and information about your beat makes this such an epic entry.

I love how you tell us what sounds you use and we are listening to. This is the information I personally want.

My favorite sound you use in this beat is the “space flute” as you call it. What an epic sound and it reinforces the message in your beat. Breaking down norms :)

And add to the epic artwork you created for the community on top of all this holy smokes. The detail of that Beyond Bitcoin image (below) you created with the Bitcoin inside the Bitshares on top of the universe o weeee.


And the epic update to the Beat Battle League logo. Wow you are so talented.

Thank you for all you do and for creating this professional production. Namaste.

Check out this conspiracy of an entry here:

HONORABLE MENTION #2: @verbal-d with an average of 4.01 from the judging panel winning 25 SMOKE and an additional 25 points for League participation for a total of 50 points

O snappppppp. GPS set. Target the moon. Take offfffff.

Love this vibe, these spacey sounds and the bass line man hits so HARDDDD.

My personal favorite part is when that new sound comes in around 1:31 and lasts until 2:10. Whatever that sound pattern is it carried me. I love that sound sequence holy smokes.

Another professional, high quality beat from @verbal-d and the judging panel agreed.

This beat can be used by the Beyond Bitcoin movement in so many ways as your beat transform throughout allowing for different parts to be used (if not the whole thing straight through).

Thank you for your leadership and abilities man you are so talented and we are blessed to have you apart of the League. God bless.

Check out this incredible entry here:

HONORABLE MENTION #3: @benja with an average of 3.97 from the judging panel winning 20 SMOKE for a total of 20 points

“Here we go now”

Ayyyyyyyy man the way you switch up sounds, vocals, and sequences is mind-blowing.

My favorite part is from 1:29 to 1:39 . It has the “drop it like it’s hot” feel to it o weee. And then you go right into an epic sequence. How do you do that :)

You can literally just crank up the sound on this and jam out. It is very hard to even tell it isn’t a beat creating with traditional means.

You move so the beat so fast at 2:42 until 2:48 holy smokes and then you end it on such a fun and epic note.

And then the best part about my Youtube is that it goes straight to your Steemit Rap Challenge Week 9 Entry (my favorite; link here:


Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your epic talent with us.

Looking forward from more beat box and learning about it from you.

Check out this beat box entry from this talented Steemian here:

HONORABLE MENTION #4: @danstatus with an average of 3.95 from the judging panel winning 15 SMOKE for a total of 15 points

Is that some Dre you sampled (sounds like something from the 2001 album)?

Regardless this beat is incredible. You mix some trap with some soul and throw in a classy jazzy element to it as well.

Holy smokes what a blended genre you have created for yourself.

This was an excellent balance to the other beats this week and the sound quality was top notch no doubt. I was blasting this bad boy and it sounded clear and crispy.

The vocals you sampled add such a classy element to this beat and the sounds you use and introduce throughout the beat reinforce this message.

Thank you for creating this art, we all hope to see you back next week. God bless.

Check out this majestic entry here:

HONORABLE MENTION #5: @a4v with an average of 3.78 from the judging panel winning 10 SMOKE for a total of 10 points


Ayyyy this beat fits the theme so freakin well o weee.

It has such a futuristic, galactic vibe to it. And the sound quality is excellent.

The sounds, chords, and sequences you use in this beat are diverse, yet they still fit the theme.

The one problem myself and some other the other judges had was with Dtube. It takes several minutes to load and doesn’t always work. Just some feedback for next week.

The beat flows so well and when it wasn’t buffering this bad boy was moving and very easy for my ear to digest and enjoy.

Thank you so much for being apart of the League and creating this high-quality beat. We definitely hope this isn’t your only entry in the Beat Battle League.

Check out this spacey entry here:

HONORABLE MENTION #6: @baserod with an average of 4.01 from the judging panel winning 5 SMOKE and an additional 60 points for League participation for a total of 65 points


Holy smokes man what a freakin beat this is. You ease us into the beat and then WHAM at :23 you bring it with that combination of sounds and we are off.

And then you give us a nice break from 1:00-1:12 and BAM right back to it. This is such an incredible skill as the awareness you have for your audience is next level.

We need little breaks like that in to give the ears a break especially when listening to epic sounds and layering like this one.

This beat has such an up-tempo vibe to it and the majority of the judges agreed that your sound quality was on another level.

It leaves so many options and really allows the listener to make it their own.

I felt an intergalactic war feel to it with the judges commenting different feelings as well. Sounds like art to me; different perspectives all depending on the viewpoint.

Thank you again for all the time and effort you spent creating this.

Check out this epic entry here:

Here is my scorecard with two columns added to reflect average from entire judging panel of @chiefmappster, @vandigital, @danyelk, @instrumentals, and @bambam808 and respective overall ranking in this week.


This concludes the results for Week Seven of the Beat Battle League.

Stay tuned for tomorrow for the details for Week Eight.

Remember on October 2, 2017 the top three (3) Steemians in the Beat Battle League Standings will be able to redeem their points for POINTS, the cryptocurrency currently in its pre-launch phase.

If they elect to do so then their score in the leaderboard is reset to 0 and then they can begin the climb back up the standings until Season One of the Beat Battle League concludes on January 2, 2018.

For example, if say on October 2 @verbal-d has 420 points through his participation in the Beat Battle League earning him a top three spot.

He has the option to redeem those 420 points for 420 POINTS and receive them via the Bitshares Network. Points initial value will be 1 point for 1 BTS.

That's right the leaderboard not only gives you a chance to win the Beat Battle League Championship belt, it gives you the chance to earn a cross-platform cryptocurrency of value.

It is just another way we are doing our part to build this Steemit community to its full potential.

October 2 is coming up fast :)

Here are the updated standings as of today with @beatseb and @the-fillosopher rapidly moving up the leaderboard.

@seveaux leads @verbal-d by only 12 points so anything can happen in Season One of the Beat Battle League. Especially if one of the Top Three in the leaderboard decide to redeem their points then a new spot opens up in the Top Three for the taking.


Thanks again for another epic week Steemians. You bless us with your hard work and dedication and we thank you for that.

Beat Battle League Week 7 Synergy.jpg

For more information about POINTS go here:

And for more information about the Steemit Music League Challenge Week Three go here:


Whaleshares and SMOKE are tokens are on BitShares. So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steem posts (Whaleshares) and to support the SMOKE.NETWORK mission.

Download Bitshares Wallet

Thank you as always for your time and attention.

Image Sources:




Wow that's incredible man. Happy you guys from the judging panel liked it, and I'm pretty much flattered about the sound that amazed you. I'm glad it turned out that way. Looking forward to keep everyone on Steemit be amazed about my sound in the future, and let them know how motivating and inspiring this community is. Congratulations to all the participants, we are all winners for keep on keeping on. Cheers ya battle beatsters..I'm off baking the next "Dynomite"!! ☺

Amennn buddy what an epic community I feel so blessed to be apart of it. And for sure so many epic members I have a feeling all will be rewarded :)

And you're welcome glad to do my part and I get to enjoy you and everyone's amazing music every week. How amazing is that

Thanks again for all you do.

God bless.


No problem chief..I do it all for the love of this community. ☺ Peace.

I am blown away at the talent and your ability to describe them is spot on. I love this contest!

Wow thank you so much, appreciate you caring :)

God bless.


You are very welcome. Do you mind if I ask you a question, or a few? I was wondering about how you choose your witnesses?

Personally I look at people who I feel will have a community aspect to them and have the skills required to do the job. I will grab you the link for the website :)

I like the people you chose, how do you feel about @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, and @swelker101?

I am unfamiliar with @followbtcnews and @swelker101 but I am aware of @ausbitbank. Seems like he is involved in the community a lot and also has the technical skills to successfully do the job.

hey @chiefmappster Nice to meet you.. I am one the leaders in The Minnow Support project. I am a witness that provides also a seed node and also 1 of only 5 Public FULL RPC nodes for the Steem Blockchain. Also we built the official minnow support project website at and we also built for Steemians to use.. I probably spend 90% of my time in MSP helping minnows on Steemit, and building scripts and tools to help them.

thanks for your time and consideration :)

O wow nice to meet you too. That is incredible work holy smokes and I am familiar with the minnow support project it does so much good.

Now that is a witness I can support. Thank you for letting me know.

God bless.


Yep, ausbitbank is awesome. Followbtcnews just launched a new tool, he posted about it on his blog. Swelker101 is also very technical and social. What would you like to know about them?

Yeah that is so awesome. Maybe the best way to communicate with them. Would love for some of us who care come together to help this community.

God bless.


Epic talent all round on this!!!! Props to everyone!!!!! ... and although I do none of this ever for money(crypto or otherwise!), thankyou for the $10, I will invest it back into the sick makers of sound and art on here. Peace!!!
(p.s. ... can I be the kid sittin at the back of the class, not listening cos he's got his headphones on, and ask... ' how does the whaleshares thing work?') !!!!

Wow what a guy you are :) And righttt what an epic week of music o weeeee.

Heck yeah gotta love that guy ayyy. Here is the site you use to use them but what is your Discord I can explain there as well.

God bless and thank you again for being apart of this community.


I am not on discord yet mate, but I KEEP reading about it so I reckon I'll be there in the very very near future!!!! Thankyou and I will check this link and learn!!!

It is epiccccc. Basically what Slack is trying to be and a lot of Steemians use it to chat. So I can explain it via voice or whatever if you like.

I will send them out as soon as I get them :)

Yeaah nice :D
Since this is a beat battle I didn't even think to reach top 3 with a theme since the actual beat is only 30 sec long ^^
I'm happy that I could meet your expectations. Hopefully fuzzy's gonna like it xD

What a great week of #beatbattle. So much different and good entries. So far my favorite week :)

Sending good vibes

That was some feedback I got from more than one judge as well that the intro is too long. But as you can see it was very close and that's why we have so many judges to make sure as many perspectives are hit. I personally liked how many options this leaves the Beyond Bitcoin team to use your beat for.

It was my favorite week so far as well so much epic music.

Received, God bless :)


Great quality tracks from everyone this week, congrats to the winners.

Rightttttttt so incredible. Thanks again for being apart of the League buddy :)

God bless.


Thank you again for this music community and all the judges and supporters and participants. We are all winners so congrats. I have never won SMOKE before that is pretty cool we get to diversify our crypto portfolio in the process. I am looking forward to week 8 already.
God bless, super fresh!

Ayy appreciate your words. Such an epic community we have here.

And heck yeah glad you enjoy. It shall rise :)

God bless.


You're most welcome bro
And it did it shall rise
God bless

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