Who Is #BrittaniSpeaks? | SAHM, Entrepreneur, Goofball, & Lover of Life!

Who Is #BrittaniSpeaks?

Hey y'all!! My name is Brittani Gords. I'm super pumped to be here and I'm excited to make some new "steembuddies" (yup... I made that up, hope it's not taken, lol)!! I'm a 27 year old wife, stay-at-home mother of 2 and entrepreneur from Dallas, TX. I work from home full-time and absolutely love being able to be with my daughters, watching them grow and get WAYYYYY too big for my liking! :)

Image of Me!!

My Loves

I love to read, write (reason I'm here), and make people laugh. I'm a sucker for good music of all kinds. Smooth jazz is truly my kryptonite. I could listen to it all day. But I do love some good hip-hop, nostalgic 90s hits, 2000s pop (can we say N'sync anyone?) and throw in some dubstep and house for good measure. Trust me, it doesn't stop there though!

I'm a HUGE foodie and have an insane love of hamburgers, authentic Mexican food and being the Texan that I am, I can't resist a little Tex-Mex! Haha! I mean really though, who doesn't love some good food, right?

Image of Burger - https://picjumbo.com/enjoying-a-tasty-burger/

So now that you know a bit about me... let's chat! Tell me something about you...

  • ** Do you have kids??
  • ** Where are all of my stay at home parents at?
  • ** Any Entrepreneurs here?
  • ** Got any music you want me to listen to and give my personal thoughts on?
  • Oooo, what's you favorite food?

Comment your answers below!

I'm really excited to hear from you! And if you're feeling really connected, feel free to connect with me on:

Shoot me a message and let me know you found me here on steemit!! Hope you all have a wonderful day/night!! :)



Hi Brittani, welcome to Steemit! Good to meet you.
My wife and I have 4 Kids, Ages 6-17. We are kind of both stay at home parents, we run a home successful home daycare. I also Entrepreneur on the side..., ebay, web design, etc. I am a big premium cigar aficionado, which is not a normal rare cultural thing for the west coast. I'm with you on Hip Hop, 90's, and anything else that is good. Pizza!

@gregm How awesome!! 4 kiddos! I have my hands full with 2 so I can't even imagine! But I know your hearts are so full! I worked with ebay a bit in the past! Nice way to earn a bit of income! Cigars are cool.. still haven't had one yet but I'm not opposed! And yes!!! I'm glad we share some musical tastes! And pizza... nom nom nom! :D

Right on! Thanks for the kind reply. We started young... been married 16 years. My wife was a senior in high school when we had our oldest. Now he is a senior in the same school! :-O They are great kids. So are the daycare littles.
What did you sell on ebay? I had a full time LEGO resale business from 2004-2009. I sold it in 2009, wish I would have bought bitcoin with it, LOL.

Right here girly! :D XO

I'm your stay at home Mom and have one little elementary aged bear-like boy who is a bundle of energy! I love soup (j/k) I do but my favorite food is freaking Thai coconut curry - yum! My plan is to take advantage of the Veteran's Small Business Entrepreneurship Loan!!! :-O They prefer if you sell something back to them but I want to start a Harry Pooper/Lord of the Dings style Inn & Resort here in Oregon and grow grapevines for wine and hops for beer and make my own fing brand of Fing WEED WINE + WEED BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuuuuuuuuuk! And I'll accept STEEM! :-O

Welcome to the site!! :-)

@robyneggs You are spunky and I'm loving it!! OMGGGG who would have thought about weed wine and weed beer?!!!! I'm not a beer drinker (can't stand the stuff) but wine AND weed... I'd love to be a guinea pig for ya! lol!!! I'm wishing you all the best in your journey to make it happen!! :)

Thanks Babe!!! There's a Weed Beer Festival tonight in PDX!!!! Can't wait for the exp and to blog about it xoxoxooxoxoxox!

@robyneggs YESSSS!!! I can't wait to hear about it!!! Will be following close!!! :)

Hey love your post! I've just got on steemit myself this is pretty cool huh? But, yeah I've tried the entreperneur thing online myself and just really coudn't figure it out, so now I'm just trying to have as much fun as possible on here. And yeah definitely a hip-hop head myself, lowkey mad I forgot to add that to my intro, I was listening to some outkast and djscrew on my way to work yesterday. lol

@bigtakosensei thanks for the love!! And yeah, this is dope! I'm loving it so far really! And if you ever need some help navigating this online thing, I'm here for real. I've been on this journey for a minute, but for the last 3 years I've been home and I wouldn't trade it! Check this video out I did chronicling my journey...

- let me know what you think!

And yup.. you slipped on that forgetting to share tidbit! Haha! JK! Love me some outkast and djscrew is classic! I like you already!

@bigtakosensei I said a whole bunch before that video link! lol. I had said that if you ever needed help navigating this online thing, I'm here for you.. and then I said just check out this video so you can see where I came from on my journey! :)


Dang, you're a regular whirlwind! Lol! Pleased to meetcha and looking forward to reading your stuff. Favorite food is anything with bacon - which I'm not supposed to have. Sigh...

Answers: Only one four legged furkid, married, run my own pet sitting biz, and prefer reggae (Bob Marley tune was 1st dance at my wedding reception) and blues (Albert Collins my fav) over mainstream noise.

Welcome aboard!

I love that! Whirlwind is an accurate description of me. Haha! And Thanks for the warm welcome! Oh, and bacon.. yes to bacon. It's not the best for you but I had my helping this morning for breakfast! lol

And I love furkids! Can't wait to have my own soon enough but I want my girls to get a bit bigger. I see you have a love for pets! What types of pets do you sit? Only dogs or others? And love a little reggae and blues here and there! Beautiful music with such passion and soul.

We will get along just fine! ;)

I had a stroke the end of June, so I have to be a cholesterol nazi with my diet. Miss bacon the most. Might splurge for a Xmas breakfast. None of the bad stuff counts then, right....? LOL!

How old are your girls? You might be able to start them off small - like a mini fish tank - to get used to the idea of feeding schedules, etc. Just a thought. My clients are mainly dogs, some cats, have a farm with 29 chickens (fresh eggs I can't eat... life is cruel), and a pair of crickets once. I've versatile!

I think you're going to find a boatload of really cool folks here. It's never boring!

@aunt-deb Oh nooo!! I'm so sorry to hear that! And yeah, no bacon for you then! It's not even worth it!!!

And my girls are just 2 and 4. Little girls with teenage brains! Haha! I am definitely starting with a fish for them. Gotta start small just like you said!

And wow!!!! 29 chickens! Oh my goodness.. I hope you sell the eggs then! Make it not so cruel I hope? lol! That's the entrepreneur in me. ;)

I'm honestly loving it here already. It's been really cool getting to see all of the different people and speak to some even cooler folks like YOU! :)

Thanks! I was lucky - stroke only zapped my speech and that's steadily coming back. Was back to work within 2 weeks. Am a tough ol' bird. Oh, and hubby snarfed the eggs. My main goal is to avoid daily meds. I keep the cholesterol in line, then I can stray occasionally & not end up feeling deprived.

Your girls sound like they keep you on your toes. Good luck in staying a few steps ahead of them! I wish you unending energy and good humor. You're gonna need 'em. ;-P

@aunt-deb I love your fighter spirit! I don't know if you've heard of this book.. but the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by JJ Smith is AMAZING! Could be some help to you as well in helping avoid those daily meds and keep you feeling good! It's not a diet or some fad junk.. just check it out and I think you'll see it as helpful! :)

And OH YES! My girls keep me crazy! lol I appreciate and embrace the good luck!!!

Ran out of reply room... Have never heard that smoothie regimen. Will have to check it out. I just did a hearty soup binge and avoided meat & dairy for a few weeks. Wasn't that hard. (Quitting smoking was the hard part. Still pissed about that. I liked it.) Dropped 40 points on the cholesterol in 5 weeks. Only 2 points over the 'max'. Freaked out doctor, but he said I didn't have to take meds. (Lipitor - nasty stuff.) HA! Also satisfying to screw pharma out of a paying customer.

Enough 'bout that, tho.... I'm looking forward to reading about y'all!! Settle in, relax, & let 'em rip... You'll do awesome here based on your interactions so far. This place is perfect for you!

@aunt-deb I'd be pissed if I had to quit what I loved too! I have never been into cigarettes but I have enjoyed cannabis in the past. Although I don't smoke much at all, I'm waiting for the day that they FINALLY legalize it here in my state!

And yeah, you would do well on the smoothie cleanse if you endured the soup binge. You'd get a ton of health benefits out of it! Well worth the try.

Oh and please don't get me started on Big Pharma.. Can you guess which finger I have sticking up as I type this? LOL!

I appreciate you chatting with me and helping me settle in. I'm loving it so far and hoping I can make it and grow my following with some interesting stuff to talk about! :)

We had a lot of reggae at our wedding!

Awesome! Sounds like it was a blast.

Reggae just makes me happy. It's impossible to be bummed out and listen to that distinctive sound. Blues does the same thing to me. Albert Collins is my fav for his sense of humor. Plus he could make his Telecaster talk. Good times!

Deb, look at the links I provided Brit here for some hip hop if you want, even just that one song, it is SUPER and you will like it!!

Thanks! Will check it out.


You had me at goofball.

I'm a big fan of food too, eat it almost daily, and currently have 4 children and (at least) one more on the way.

@mama-pepper stays at home, home-schooling them until I can work myself out of a job!

If you like music, feel free to check out my entry for Open Mic Week 8 in my blog history and I think my favorite food might be guacamole... Though I've never said that before.

Big welcome, I'll be following.

Hey Hey @papa-pepper!!! Congratulations to you and @mama-pepper on the baby on the way!!!! How exciting!!!

And I will most definitely be checking out your Open Mic Week entry on your blog!

Oh and just so you know, you had me at guacamole! Haha!

Thanks for the follow and the warm welcome!

You're welcome.

Let me know if I can help you out as you continue, Papa cares!

@papa-pepper Thank you so so much! :) I'm here for you as well! Even as a newbie, I gotcha!

Cool, thanks for that!

Hey @brittanispeaks! That´s a NICE introduction post, congrats and welcome to the club. You are totally "pro stuff" and full of energy, that´s pretty cool. Keep that alive. I don´t have kids yet but will be happy reading your 'mom at home stories' :-) Following you now for further posts

Hi @brittanispeaks - I love your energy and just hit the follow button.
I've got 4 grown boys (aged 19-24) but I'm a SAHM to fur babies now. lol
I'm a freelance writer, front-end web designer, transcriber, blogger and amateur artist so I guess I fit in the entrepreneurial category.
We've got a lot of musicians on Steemit. Check out @luzcypher - he hosts a weekly open mic challenge and there have been a lot of original entries. Very cool, right?
And I am an avid cook and baker - and equal opportunity eater. LOL
Welcome to Steemit! I highly recommend visiting The Welcome Page there are some great links to tips and tricks to make it here. All best!

Hey @merej99! Thank you so much for the follow! :) How does it feel to be a semi-empty nester?! Haha! I know you must miss the ruckus but I bet you're enjoying a bit of the freedom after 24 years of loving and raising sweet boys!!

I'm definitely going to be checking @luzcypher and his original entries and some of the other musicians on here!

I'm super pumped to be here and thanks a bunch for chiming in! :)

Welcome to Steemit! There is lots to see, do and learn here! If you get time look up a rapper from Canada named Moun Fou -- he is french, from the Montreal / Ottawa area - rhymes in both English/French -- some of his stuff is truth/conscious based ie- racial profiling. He has a great song called Summertime.

@barrydutton thanks so much for the welcome! I'm excited to learn more as I go! I'm certainly going to look him up! Thanks so much for the great suggestion!

NP sister, you will be glad you did, start with SUMMERTIME and go from there, there are scenes in the video you can find for him too, where that crazy hook and beat along with the bars will get you movin for sure -- and in this song too, he drops science on the racial profiling too.

He is not on here. I told him I will blog about him, just wtg for him to send me proper info on things.

Would you believe Kevin Brereton (aka K-OS) was a friend and client of mine back in the day LOL. He lived about 3 mins from me or so, when he dropped his first album. I have a handwritten thanks note somewhere from him for some minor stuff before he was even close to the star he became - like years before lol.

Be well. Following you now

Yes I sure will!! He sounds awesome! And forgive me but I'm not familiar with K-OS.. probably because I'm in the states. LOL! But how awesome! It's always a fun thing to know someone famous before they were famous! ;)

K-OS has been quiet the last while but he is pretty mainstream. Some big tunes and albums. You are younger though also but if you look him up, you will know what I mean. (: I remember us driving once in 97 to Costco a few cities over at the time in his beat up old VW. I had to help him get it started once LOL. #GoodTimes !!

BOOM DONE! I support local talent. And in the USA if you want some truth based stuff, look up #SteveGrant online anywhere, or #RealSteveGrant


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