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RE: Who Is #BrittaniSpeaks? | SAHM, Entrepreneur, Goofball, & Lover of Life!

in #introducemyself8 years ago

Dang, you're a regular whirlwind! Lol! Pleased to meetcha and looking forward to reading your stuff. Favorite food is anything with bacon - which I'm not supposed to have. Sigh...

Answers: Only one four legged furkid, married, run my own pet sitting biz, and prefer reggae (Bob Marley tune was 1st dance at my wedding reception) and blues (Albert Collins my fav) over mainstream noise.

Welcome aboard!


I love that! Whirlwind is an accurate description of me. Haha! And Thanks for the warm welcome! Oh, and bacon.. yes to bacon. It's not the best for you but I had my helping this morning for breakfast! lol

And I love furkids! Can't wait to have my own soon enough but I want my girls to get a bit bigger. I see you have a love for pets! What types of pets do you sit? Only dogs or others? And love a little reggae and blues here and there! Beautiful music with such passion and soul.

We will get along just fine! ;)

I had a stroke the end of June, so I have to be a cholesterol nazi with my diet. Miss bacon the most. Might splurge for a Xmas breakfast. None of the bad stuff counts then, right....? LOL!

How old are your girls? You might be able to start them off small - like a mini fish tank - to get used to the idea of feeding schedules, etc. Just a thought. My clients are mainly dogs, some cats, have a farm with 29 chickens (fresh eggs I can't eat... life is cruel), and a pair of crickets once. I've versatile!

I think you're going to find a boatload of really cool folks here. It's never boring!

@aunt-deb Oh nooo!! I'm so sorry to hear that! And yeah, no bacon for you then! It's not even worth it!!!

And my girls are just 2 and 4. Little girls with teenage brains! Haha! I am definitely starting with a fish for them. Gotta start small just like you said!

And wow!!!! 29 chickens! Oh my goodness.. I hope you sell the eggs then! Make it not so cruel I hope? lol! That's the entrepreneur in me. ;)

I'm honestly loving it here already. It's been really cool getting to see all of the different people and speak to some even cooler folks like YOU! :)

Thanks! I was lucky - stroke only zapped my speech and that's steadily coming back. Was back to work within 2 weeks. Am a tough ol' bird. Oh, and hubby snarfed the eggs. My main goal is to avoid daily meds. I keep the cholesterol in line, then I can stray occasionally & not end up feeling deprived.

Your girls sound like they keep you on your toes. Good luck in staying a few steps ahead of them! I wish you unending energy and good humor. You're gonna need 'em. ;-P

@aunt-deb I love your fighter spirit! I don't know if you've heard of this book.. but the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by JJ Smith is AMAZING! Could be some help to you as well in helping avoid those daily meds and keep you feeling good! It's not a diet or some fad junk.. just check it out and I think you'll see it as helpful! :)

And OH YES! My girls keep me crazy! lol I appreciate and embrace the good luck!!!

Ran out of reply room... Have never heard that smoothie regimen. Will have to check it out. I just did a hearty soup binge and avoided meat & dairy for a few weeks. Wasn't that hard. (Quitting smoking was the hard part. Still pissed about that. I liked it.) Dropped 40 points on the cholesterol in 5 weeks. Only 2 points over the 'max'. Freaked out doctor, but he said I didn't have to take meds. (Lipitor - nasty stuff.) HA! Also satisfying to screw pharma out of a paying customer.

Enough 'bout that, tho.... I'm looking forward to reading about y'all!! Settle in, relax, & let 'em rip... You'll do awesome here based on your interactions so far. This place is perfect for you!

@aunt-deb I'd be pissed if I had to quit what I loved too! I have never been into cigarettes but I have enjoyed cannabis in the past. Although I don't smoke much at all, I'm waiting for the day that they FINALLY legalize it here in my state!

And yeah, you would do well on the smoothie cleanse if you endured the soup binge. You'd get a ton of health benefits out of it! Well worth the try.

Oh and please don't get me started on Big Pharma.. Can you guess which finger I have sticking up as I type this? LOL!

I appreciate you chatting with me and helping me settle in. I'm loving it so far and hoping I can make it and grow my following with some interesting stuff to talk about! :)

We had a lot of reggae at our wedding!

Awesome! Sounds like it was a blast.

Reggae just makes me happy. It's impossible to be bummed out and listen to that distinctive sound. Blues does the same thing to me. Albert Collins is my fav for his sense of humor. Plus he could make his Telecaster talk. Good times!

Deb, look at the links I provided Brit here for some hip hop if you want, even just that one song, it is SUPER and you will like it!!

Thanks! Will check it out.

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