I'm Sitting on a Bench for Two

in #writing7 years ago


I'm sitting on a bench for two
living words that have been
heard but never spoken

I'm sitting on a bench for two
measuring time in
cigarette butts

I'm sitting on a bench for two
looking for salvation in the
form of bottled amnesia

I'm sitting on a bench for two
looking for inspiration like the
last drop of wine in a
glass I'm too scared to refill
you see

I was sitting on a bench for two
smoking cigarettes
dipped in just enough
kisses to remind me
why I started
smoking in the first place
when I came to the sudden realization

that you are the last ray of light
emitted by a sun that is setting
possibly for the last time
only to give way to a night sky
that laughs at my misery

I was sitting on a bench for two
asking myself questions I could
only answer with more questions

when in a moment of brilliant clarity
I understood that I don't know much
but I know that I miss you,
and that there is a bench for two
crafted by a God,
I don't believe in-
that fits us perfectly.

Last Seven Days Poems :

Image Source : Pixabay




@mindfreak Excellent... Motivating and it will make me joyful to check out effort and resolve prevail. Adore it. Upvoted.

Thank you so much 😊

@mindfreak We need remain informed and concentrate on things that are hidden from the majority.
Thanks for the right publish! Followed.

Thank you so much 😊

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