“D” – Vocab-ability – A More Powerful Vocabulary (This post includes all entries beginning with the letter “D" (Revised and Updated)

in #writing7 years ago

This updated and reformatted post comprises all the “D” entries of the Vocab-ability series. It includes many English words whose etymology can be traced to Greek and Latin roots.   

If you learn these roots, you can learn, understand, and use each and every English word derived from them. Vocab-ability is an easy-to-use resource guide to help you understand those roots.    

In total, this Vocab-ability post features 12 entries that begins with the letter “D."

(This is an Updated and Revised post, featuring coloured text boxes.)

Free Use: 

Please feel free to download the following material, copy it, print it out, and distribute it for any and all educational purposes. If it helps you or your students increase your English vocabulary, it will have served its purpose. And I will know that my efforts have proven beneficial. (Please see my additional comments and notes below the entries.)

 Vocab-ability–53 (dat, dit = give)

 Vocab-ability–54 (deb = owe)

 Vocab-ability–55 (dem = people)

 Vocab-ability–56 (dent, dont = tooth)

 Vocab-ability–57 (derm = skin)

 Vocab-ability–58 (di, diurn = day)

 Vocab-ability–59 (dic, dict = say)

 Vocab-ability–60 (doc, doct = teach)

 Vocab-ability–61 (dom, domin = rule, govern)

 Vocab-ability–62 (duc, duct = lead, bring)

 Vocab-ability–63 (dur = hard, lasting)

 Vocab-ability–64 (dynam = strength, power)

Note re Copyright / Free Use: 

I hold the copyright to the original Vocab-ability guide, which was published in 2002. I hereby grant free use to all the material contained in this post and all other Vocab-ability posts on Steemit.    

Note re Copying each Screenshot: 

Each separate entry (including those in this and other Vocab-ability posts) consists of one screenshot (since making screenshots was the only way I could properly format the individual entries for uploading to Steemit). To use these entries for your personal study or in any classroom, you can download any or all screenshots by clicking and dragging the screenshots that you want to use, and then print them out.   

Note re Passing on the Vocab-ability Links:  

Alternatively, you can simply pass on one or more of the following links to the Vocab-ability posts:

Vocab-ability – Introduction to Vocab-ability.

Vocab-ability – Guide to Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “A” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “B” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “C” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “E” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “F” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “G” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “H” Entries.

Vocab-ability – The Single “I” Entry.

Vocab-ability – All “J” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “L” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “M” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “N” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “O” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “P” Entries.

Vocab-ability – The Single “Q” Entry.

Vocab-ability – All “R” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “S” Entries.

Vocab-ability – All “T” Entries.

Vocab-ability – The single “U” Entry.

Vocab-ability – All “V” Entries.


I thought "Demo" was the word meaning people and not "Dem" without the last O.

It's been long time since I last checked your Voca-bility posts... It seems you even reached "V"... I'll check them all when I have time.

You're correct in a sense, as the actual Greek root is "demos." However, with most of these roots, Vocab-ability presents them as they are currently used in English.

Since this root is used in words ranging from "democracy" to "epidemic" to "demagogue," I presented only the "dem" version.

(Also, I've uploaded all the A-V (there are no stems starting with W, X, Y, or Z.) But I'm reposting A-F, since the original post did not have the specially formatted, colored boxes.)

Oh~ Thanks for clarification.

this is truly helpful @majes.tytyty , especially with the sentence sample for better understanding ;))

Thanks for this. You "Vocab-ability rubrica" is one of my favourite to follow =)

Thanks for following. And I keep an eye out for your words of wit and wisdom too.

Super cool! Thanks for such an informative post @majes.tytyty!

Thank you for continuing your regular column. I really liked it. As always, I found many new things for myself. Good luck to you

Спасибо за продолжения Вашей постоянной рубрики. Мне очень понравилось. Как всегда, я нашел для себья много нового.

thanks for your effort for teaching us vocabulary i appriciated it Friend 😊

great writting friend i appreciate it 😍

i love your post u teach mny valuable thing thanks bro😚

thanks for your education i appreciate it friend 🙂

thanks for your education i love your post😉

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