Prologue from my book - 'Mama, Mama Are You There?' ~ A Spiritual Journey.

in #writing6 years ago

Little One.jpg

I posted this the other week and it made like a lone tumbleweed traversing a deserted street! Thought I'd try again and, if it again falls upon deaf eyes I may well be obliged to crawl under my duvet and sulk monumentally. :)


In the early summer of 2010 peculiar things started to happen.

We had found a lucrative side-line to help boost our coffers. Living in a small town, near Lille, in Northern France we noticed that French caravans were significantly more expensive and generally of a lesser quality than the caravans available in the UK. We realised that we could purchase, import and triple our investment with very little effort.

We parked the first caravan on the front drive of the house in Orchies and, like two excited fleas, decided to take a vacation in the garden. We carried the pots, pans and bedlinen from the house to the van and happily played holiday.

As the light started to fade Rick busied himself grilling the bacon for our suppertime sandwiches. Rusty, our ginger tomcat, was a fiend for bacon and soon popped his head in the open doorway. A confident and pliable cat he was visibly disturbed and defiantly refused to enter despite a tempting morsel of bacon offered to him on the entrance doormat.

The caravan was a pretty standard affair with a lounge at one end and a seating area that made up to a double bed with a sliding door at the other. We were cosily tucked up in bed with the door pulled closed. As I idly chatted Rick suddenly told me to;


Asking me if I had heard that.

“Heard what?”

I replied.

“A voice”.

Having apparently recognised the voice Rick sprang up and opened the door.


Rick shared a special bond with his Nana who had died in 1989 aged 69. He had often popped by her house to visit and enjoy quality time together.

One day he arrived to find her poorly and called the doctor who, following a home visit, immediately called for an ambulance and had her admitted to the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary. She never came home.

It was December and Rick’s sister was told by their Mum to go to Rick’s flat that evening as she would be visiting her mother in hospital with their stepdad. Early evening found Rick walking his sister the 2 miles home. It was a dark, damp and cold night and finding the house in darkness they had to turn around and retrace their steps. Rick realised something was wrong and whilst his sister cussed and cursed he explained to her that he had a bad feeling that Nana had taken a turn for the worse. Never close to her Nana she angrily cursed;

“I don’t fucking care, I hope she fucking dies”.

That night, riddled with Cancer, Nana passed.


I propped myself up in bed and watched amazed as Rick, in several strides crossed the caravan, and greeted an entity that I could not see or hear with the address;


He appeared visibly shaken and sat down reaching his arm across the table as if to grasp a hand. I then witnessed, what appeared to me, a one sided conversation which lasted for about an hour and was thoroughly convinced that Rick was, indeed, chatting to his beloved Nana. I felt no presence, no chill in the air, no peculiar energy or cold but intuitively I knew that I was witnessing something of great significance as the physical and spiritual realms merged.

I watched quietly understanding the general gist of the discourse and was intrigued as Rick, obviously moved and tearful, looked upwards and slowly turned his head, left to right, perceiving something other than the plastic fantastic interior cupboards of the caravan that I saw. He quietly uttered the words;

“It’s beautiful, it’s so beautiful”.

And then it was over.

That night we lay chatting side by side in the bed and slept very little as Rick elaborated on his Nana’s visit. She told him she knew what his sister had said the night that she had died and said that his sister had a manipulative black soul. She explained how Rick was to reach out to his Mother, her daughter, and try and save her from herself. She warned Rick of imminent danger to my son and she showed Rick the realm in which she existed.

Rick explained that Nana had shown him the spirit world landscape; that it was vast yet gave the impression of being within reach. He saw a dark sky populated with constellations of stars and swirling nebula’s which looked close enough to touch. Whilst the sky was dark the land was illuminated as if in daylight. It was beyond beautiful and invoked feelings of peace and comfort as if safely wrapped in a soft, luxurious blanket. He saw his Nana inhabiting this world and experienced the emotion of bliss.


And so, for me, it began as Rick’s ability to talk to spirits was revealed to me. A reluctant psychic he has, over time, come to trust me enough to show his hand and share his regular visitors with me.

Through him I became acquainted with Nana, Little One and Kerry.


With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :

My particular brand of no nonsense spirituality HERE.

A piece in which I cobble together a whole lotta wisdom! HERE.

A controversial piece about some of the Art contests I see here on Steemit ~ ART DEGREES HERE.

What is a Lightworker, and are you one? HERE.

My Entry for Jerry Banfield's Supernatural Writing Contest HERE. (Well worth a read even though I do say so myself!)

Essays on Love HERE.

My Life as a Vintage Dealer HERE.

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Reading this gave me goosebumps! I've never directly spoken to spirits but have felt their guiding hands while walking my path. I do believe that there are myriad infinite dimensions, layered upon each other that exist beyond what by consensus we call reality, and Rick is one of the few people who can peel them back and peer through the veil. It's quite amazing he could share that with you. People might call you crazy, but it's the flipside of enlightenment.

Since this time the spirits have made themselves known to me too although my abilities are still feeble in comparison to Ricks.

I believe you are right with what you say about myriad infinite dimensions and I also think that the invisible energies reveal themselves to people in different ways depending upon personal beliefs, inclinations and preference ~ a friend of mine sees fairies.

Accusations of craziness and general disbelief comes hand in hand with all this spiritual malarkey!

Rick is quite sensitive to this but I really don't care what others think of me and stand tall in my own truth.

I am glad to have met you here; I was reading some of your posts today and looking at your art. You are very talented and it seems we are very similar.

Happy days!


Ahhhh so this is your story, the one you hinted at in the chat. Is this book a fictionized version or is it all a straightforward account?

Completely factual and, as the time passes, more and more extraordinary!

To be honest I couldn't make it up.

Hope you are feeling cheerier today...


Wow if I'm the 9 yards., Rick is the full 10. What a connection I have made here & all thanks to this wonderful platform. Why I ever sit here wondering what I'm doing on here, I only have to look at your blog to see that it was meant to be. We were definitely meant to connect in this life. Are you on discord? I managed to sign up yesterday, it's a chat room for us we can send private messages, I can open up a lot more privately. :)


Rick truly is the full 10 on so many levels.

Of all the great folks I have virtually met here I vibe most with you Sir!

I am on Discord although not often live. Please friend request me and we can talk, that would be great.


Look forward to digging deeper ;)


Not often live either, Have sent you request we can send private messages :)

it's cool , I give you my vote if you want to give me your upvote, thank you in advance...

You have been scouted by @promo-mentors. We are always on the look out for promising authors.

I would like to invite you to our discord group

When you are there send me a message if you get lost! (My Discord name is the same as the one here)

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