I’m a shitty liar – Truths Revealed

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Shitty Liar - Truths Revealed

OK, I really am a shitty liar, as its only five days in and so many of you have guessed the correct lie that I am going to draw a line in the sand and reveal it to you all, save myself the shame of letting my boring lie outshine my awesome truths. I had to laugh as some of you were shocked to find out there is only one lie in there, in truth I could probably give you another ten truths about my life that would shock you just as easily. It's the lie I struggle with, clearly by the overwhelming amount of right answers, I also think that some of you that choose other options only did so to help a girl out and throw some diversity in there lol...


While not being a good liar is not a bad thing, my problem lies Like my pun... in that I didn't think my prize giveaway through very clearly...

I will split 50% of the SBD with all the people who correctly guess the lie and explain why they believe it is a lie. I will reveal the answer after payout to keep the fun going for as long as possible. Be creative with as to why you think it’s not true, all guesses will get an upvote from me, the more creative the high % upvote regardless of if you guess right.

With the interest in my truths along with the price of Steem dropping it looks like unless someone swings by and saves us, I will be splitting a whopping 0.75 SBD with my winners, which I think is a little sad, to say the least... So instead of splitting the pot, I will be running a mini "Truth or Lie" below for the seven that picked correctly. The first to visit my post and correctly choose will win the full prize from the original post. I hope they have @ginabot or some other notification tool to help you win this one.

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Let the reveal begin…

Yes ten were in fact true, my life has been that interesting, funny when you look back on it like this.


I spent a year of my life being home-schooled while travelling around Australia in an old school bus that had been fitted out for a family of five and a dog. We saw all things BIG, the BIG Pineapple, the BIG Ram, the Big Banana, the Big Lobster, I could go on, but you get the point.


Unfortunatly i don't have any images of the bus we lived in but think this one but orange and deceked out like a caravan.

We actually lived in this bus while building the mud brick house, I missed all of grade one but remember having the time of my life, my favourite memory was picking grapes in Mildura eating them until we felt sick.


Besides my year home-schooled on a bus, I led a rather boring school life, moving with all my friends from primary to high school forging some great friendships along the way, I still talk with many of them regularly even 20 years on, now that’s telling my age.

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This was one of my primary schools, there were a total of 45 kids from prep to year six when I started here

I found lying to be very hard, as you can tell by my pathetic attempt here, after I was home-schooled for a year I flipped between a tiny rural school and a huge city one in Victoria before heading to WA to start high school, I left at 15 to look after my little brother while my mother was ill and then went back to finish year 11 & 12 in Queensland. I do have a best friend in most states and I still talk to them all regularly.


I built a house out of mud bricks with my family and helped another family build theirs out of stone. It took years but the best parties can be had when it’s ok to throw mud.

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This is the house we built.

We did indeed build both of these houses. When we were last in Victoria I took my husband @shai-hulud to visit the house we built, even the outhouse was still standing. If I ever was to build my own home again it would be out of this material, it was cool in summer and warm in winter.


The outhouse was also still standing.


I have two sisters and two brothers, which belong to two mothers and three fathers, all of the fathers have passed away.


My sister Shada, the only one to live in the same state as me.

My family is an interesting one, my father passed away before I was two, leaving behind not only me but an unborn baby girl to another woman. My parents were separated at the time so no real scandal. My mother remarried and had the next two siblings, first a boy and then a girl. We are all within two years of each other. Enter Jac, my youngest brother and dad number three who happens to be a best friend of dad number two, I was 13 when he was conceived, so he was a surprise to us all. No scandal again as they were also separated... Except dad number two committed suicide in the driveway of dad three soon after. Dad number three made it until Jac was about 13 before passing, although he was only living with us for about a year and by this time mum was married to Dad number four and he is still alive and going strong.


My youngest brother, he recently became a father, god help us all...


I have a lowered dog called Pia, she is now fifteen years old and recently had surgery to remove eight teeth and a hysterectomy due to endometriosis.


This is her just after surgery still in puppy hospital, they wouldn't let us take her home for two days, she was miserable

I thought I was going to lose her, this was a terrible week for me, she is not back to normal..ish… And that is wonderful!


I travelled to the UK when I was 19 leaving behind, my university degree, my boyfriend and my apartment with 50 pounds in my pocket and the promise of a job at the other end.

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I was hoping to get a phot from back in the day but they are packed in a super safe place...

I wasn’t happy with where my life was going and one night while working as a waitress A university students got to eat. in a hotel, an English couple were talking about their daughter needing a nanny, I said I could do that and within a month I had a job and had given up everything to start fresh in a new country.


I am an accountant, graduating with a double degree in Accounting and Finance, I worked for large corporate companies for ten years before switching to not for profit roles to explore my ability to give back more. I also cut my hours down to part-time so I could volunteer my time more freely.


I got my CPA in the middle of all my surgeries, I was skin and bones under that dress with a fat head from steroids.

I came home from the UK for my sisters 18th and fell in love and never left. So I went back to university and finished my degree, then going on to complete my CPA. I do work part-time now but am also the president for a huge not for profit company that supplies medical products to over 3500 ostomates.


I used to ride my motorbike with my parachute strapped to my back to the drop zone to skydive every weekend for about a year. We slept in swags on the hanger floors and jumped many a morning hungover. It’s the best cure if you can survive the flight up.


One of my 80 jumps, my parents had come to see me jump for the first time.

Oh to be young! This is true, stupid but true, if my parachute had ever opened I would have flown off the back, hindsight. It was a super fun year of my life, I jumped a total of 80 times before getting ill and having to sell both my bike and parachute.


I have no large intestine, appendix, or rectum, they were removed from the age of 26 to 29. I have died twice in my life and am not ready for a third. One of those times as I was dying I was sure I saw my fathers, they promised me they would look after me and I told my mother to let me go, she didn't have to worry as they had promised to keep me safe.


Yes that is my butt...

I got sick, real sick, I got diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and went from being a healthy active 26 year old to death in just under a year. I was left skin, bones and an ostomy bag, I had 12 surgeries over three years and am now the proud owner of my own Barbie butt.


I married the most amazing man on Koh Samui Island five years ago, the day before Songkran, it rained all day, stopped just before our ceremony and then poured down as the last song was finishing playing, bringing in the new year and the water festival.


The day after our wedding as part of the Songkran festival.

He is amazing and it did rain a lot, did you know it’s supposed to be good luck if it rains on your wedding? I don’t know if it’s true or not but I am one lucky woman.


I won two awards last year, one which took us to the US to participate in a Health World Congress Event. I had to fly home to fly over to the US as I found out I had won the award at 2:30am while at another event where I was being recognised for youth advocacy and awareness work.


I was selected as one of the final five from 2500 other blogs. Talk about cray cray!

This is true and the main reason I started my health advocacy role, I really just needed to get my story off my chest and I won an award for sharing that, then I decided to start my own blog and it won “Rookie of the Year” less than six months after I started it. This took us back to the US, the second time in 2017, yes @erodedthroughs the first was for a nude cruise.

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This is how everyone faired. I did tell you I was a shitty liar...

Mini SBD Tie Breaker

  1. I didn't eat salad until I was 19 and forced too by another adult that laughed at me for never trying it.
  2. I hated vegemite until I was an adult, now I am a huge fan, having it almost daily.
  3. I used to swallow cheese like mini pills as I knew calcium was good for but hated the texture.
  4. I love meat as a child I often swapped with my brother who oddly liked veggies.
  5. I love beetroot, which my niece calls feet-a-root.

Start guessing now @lynncoyle1, @phelimin, @keciah, @ibile, @poetrybyjeremy, @magicalmoonlight @mandelsage!

Thanks to @brayias, @frankabelle @mineopoly, @simplymike, @ byn, @ dreemsteem, @dawnsheree, @pathforger, @olesia & @erodedthoughts for having a read and taking a guess.

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Wow @insideoutlet you took this challenge super serious. I just finished writing mine. Honestly when I read the other comments I knew I was wrong. I was glad I didn't change my answer. I'm sick of lying. I have my own eleven up now. Take a guess.

I will check them out now :) thanks for playing along, its been great getting to know some more about the people I interact with.

I'm a terrible liar too! It's funny that the lie was the most "ordinary" one on the list :) I guess you're just an extraordinary person! It was fun learning all these things about you and I'm looking forward to finding out the results of your mini tie-breaker :)

Thanks @helenoftroy. Looking at my life I think I may have had a more interesting life than I originally believed. Funny thing is i have no doubt I could find another 10 things that would be just as odd. Lol.

I for one love that you're a terrible liar :)

I'm going with #4 for this one!

AND WE HAVE A WINNER @lynncoyle1!!!

My brother hated his vegetables and often fell asleep at the dinner table or got reserved them for breakfast, so I started swapping my meat for his veggies to save him the pain and me the discomfort of watching him. I loved my veggies and probably why I never missed salads. I will transfer the winnings after payout :)

haha awesome!! I had a feeling! I was always forced to eat everything growing up and swore I'd never to it to my kids. My youngest never touched a vegetable for most of his young life, but now eats everything. He did it all on his own...imagine? Although once as a little guy about 3 years old, I heard him say, 'mumma, I ate all my corn', very pleased with himself. I turned to see a big, greasy grinning mouth, but he'd only licked all of the butter and salt off of his corn on the cob; the corn was fully intact lol

Good for for trying to save your brother and yourself some grief!

Thanks for the contest! Hooray, I won!! :)

Yes I hated that rule. I think that rule contributed to my sister's obesity issues. Crazy things parents think are best at the time.

Side note we became parents yesterday so life is about to get interesting. Our adoption came through. Get to pick up our little minion in june/july.

Hooray!!!!!! That is sooo wonderful; I'm beyond excited for you guys ;) Boy or girl? Not that it matters in the least!

Oh ya, interesting is right. I always thought I was the best parent when I didn't have any of my own, but had a lot to say in my head about how other's parented haha Get ready for all kinds of unsolicited advice too ;) Parenting was the most rewarding, beautiful, loving, frustrating, heart-breaking, heart-full, funny, maddening and totally indescribable-until-you-have-your-own, kind of thing I have ever done in my life. And like you, I've done plenty ;)

...and geez, about your sister. Yes, we parents can screw up our kids all in the name of what we think is right. My parents weren't perfect by any means, and I spent part of my 20's being resentful because of it, but then I hit a point in my life where I made a choice to believe that they'd done the best they could, with the knowledge they had. Was it good enough, probably not, but it was all they knew. I guess it all comes down to intentions; were their's good? Yes, definitely. In the end, that's all we can really ask.

See??? Without knowing it, I just barfed up all kinds of unsolicited advice!! wow, good one Lynn ;)

Congratulations again!!

Haha, i do know what you mean though.

I spent part of my 20's being resentful because of it, but then I hit a point in my life where I made a choice to believe that they'd done the best they could, with the knowledge they had.

I did the same and then had a similar realisation. That without them first of all I wouldn't exist, second I didn't turn out that bad so they must have done something right and if I changed what happened in my life that would make me a different person with a different life. I don't want that. This one is just about to get extra interesting. Lol...

And he's a 1 year old boy. Shoukd ve able to meet him in 12-20 weeks.

That's a really good way to look at it all. I have a twin sister who still complains about it all; I'll have to give her your words next time she does, because now I just say to her, "oh for f*#'s sakes, can you just get over it already" haha

Awww a 1 year old boy!! I had two boys, so I'm totally partial to them <3

Plus all my friends are and were always boys; I'm not sure what I would have done with a girl!

Where is he from? Again...not that it matters, I'm just curious!

I seriously am soooo excited for you guys!! "extra interesting" is pretty bang on!

His from Thailand. Eeekkkk

I love your posts!!! For some reason your posts do not come up in my feed :( I have been missing your posts. So now I am going to just go straight to your name in my followers :)

You have a great, adventures life and I am extremely jealous :) You are an inspiration, as most people would not have persevered as you have. I completely understand why you won the awards :)

Well im glad you have found them now lol.. i rarely go to my feed these days. Never enough time lol. And im sure thats not going to get easier now we have bubba on the way. I do check out my favs when ever i get a moment. You guys are clearly on that list. Lol.

And thank you for your kind words. Im jelly you have the amaze balls family you have add I'm sure you have some stories to tell. Im sure I'll be asking for advice soon. Lol.

Haha, you were just too interesting to live a boring life! The tie breaker was harder though, I was going to guess #3! :)

Haha my mini pills. No I used to do that and believe it was good for me lol. Life certaintly has been interesting.

With referral to the amount of SBD shared. The SBD would be the same the same anyway and should not be any discouragement. The reward is the same though the value may have dropped. This value can also increase again to a higher level. Being at a lower level of value at the moment, It can be viewed as an investment reward with great potential to rise in value.

A great way to think about it. I just wpuld have liked to give away more but anything you win is a bonus i guess. 😁

Firstly, you said lie so many times at the start of this that my head almost exploded. I had to reread that portion like 3 times to make sure I was following. I'm still not really sure...

Secondly, you have certainly led an interesting life.

The mud brick house interests me. was it cob or some other process? why doesn't it dissolve in rain? Are the bricks fired?

Haha, I will have to reread that to see just how many times I said lie lol...

Thanks, the bricks weren't fired, just rendered, there is straw in the bricks, I have no idea why it didn't was away lol, I was only 10 I think when we finished it, the details mattered little back then.

I am glad others were inspired by my answer and chose to answer similarly ;)

As for this one, I will go with 3. Cheese is not good for you! I mean, sure we were all told about calcium but that's a little BS with dairy. It just doesn't make sense for me.

I mean, sure we were all told about calcium but that's a little BS with dairy.

Really I never knew this was the case, although it does make sense lol... Good work on being the first to answer but sadly it's the wrong answer... If the others don't respond within 24 hours come back for another guess, there is still two days before payout :)

haha, really?? I never heard people eating cheese for calcium. At most, even though it's not truly healthy, most people tend to drink glasses of milk for calcium. We were always told cheese is too fatty and milk is healthier hahaha. Interesting.

It may have just been my mother. What was worse was it was plastic cheese, so I am sure there was no nutritional value now. But I was forced to eat it, so like a pill it was. taught me some skills I would need later in life lol.

Haha! Seeing the good in the 'bad'. Yeah, things like this all depend on cultural and societal educational/knowledge. It depends what our parents are taught as well, including media. That what makes this even harder, because some may seem unrealistic.

I think I missed your first post about this, but I really enjoyed reading all your facts. I am also a terrible liar and have the hardest time coming up with something I could lie about. I never have a clue what would sound like a good lie!

Haha im glad im not the only one that finds lying hard lol. I think im doing better with my food lies amd truths as they are so basic any could be right or wrong.

Your high spirits when it comes to your health issues really makes me happy. That booty picture made me laugh out loud. At first I thought number 1 but @mandelsage beat me to it so now i'm thinking number 2 is the lie anyway!

You were both wrong :) I hated vegemite as a child and only started eating it as an adult. I have it on toast and crumpets all the time. Best is vegemite with cheese under the grill.

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