#walkwithme: A day in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Street art, trees, the ocean and chickens ;)

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

Come enjoy my wanderings today in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. First I want to share another beautiful mural!! The size alone is simply amazing to me.

My amigo said it was ok to take his picture having a little siesta ;)

I needed to take a photo of this tree, on a main street. Look at the size of it compared to the VW bug!!

And this one...why bother chopping them down when you can simply work around it?!!

Then I spotted these guys! What's a walk around town without seeing chickens? :)

This guy's going to buy some eggs ;) There were more in the store too!!

Check out the banana tree!!

Up close...

Then I saw these...duckins? Don't they look like a cross between a duck and a chicken? If anyone knows what they are, please let me know!

And to get close to the fence, I ended up stepping in a huge pile of duckin poop...please don't focus on my obvious need of a pedicure haha I stepped in poop for you guys ;)

I met and fed this cute little guy! Notice he has a collar, but it's torn and frayed. He was a little skittish, but he ate nonetheless ;)

And then I stopped at my buddy @deancarter's place and had a great visit with him and his parents who are visiting from out of town. He has an amazing view and rooftop pool :) Lucky guy right??

I'm always shocked at the amount of huge construction projects that come to a stand still here, then are simply abandoned!

It was getting late, so I made a quick pit-stop at the beach before heading home :)

And managed to get a shot of this spectacular sunset!! Nothing soothes the soul like it ;)

I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me today! This post comes to you compliments of @lindsaybowes and her #walkwithme tag; so clever!! Cheers :)

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Thank you for warming me up with these beautiful photos! When I look at the snow outside my window, I wish I was there, in Playa del Carmen.

hahaha @lymepoet, that's the least I can do for you! I grew up in Ontario, Canada and lived out west for most of my life, so I know snow and feel your pain. Consider me sending you extra rays of sunshine today! :)

That mural is huge. It must have taken a long time to make. That's a lot of skill needed to do that.

I like that they left the tree in the middle of the street. It looks really cool, and it provides shade when it's scorching hot.

Duckiin poop, yuck. And you're braver than me regarding the dog. I would have just left it. There's something about getting bit by one out of the blue to make you not trust them.

I'm pretty sure that I saw that rooftop pool on an episode of househunters international. Maybe not though.

That sunset looks great! Thanks for taking us along for the walk.

Thanks for all the comments!!

I envy artists who are capable of that. I'm a stick-man-girl myself.

I think I'm going to do a post on just trees...all the trees where we least expect them. At the end of our street, there's one so big that cars can barely get around it. I love it though.

Ya the poop was gross. And hot. And I must be a bit of a dog whisperer, because they all trust me and I've never been bit, or even growled at. I absolutely love dogs and cats though. Like, crazy-love.

My buddy pays for that view, let me tell you! As a visitor, I don't :)

And every single night, the sunset looks like that...it truly is an amazing place to be! Remember, beer's always cold here for my friends too! ;)

I'm right there with you and the stick-person drawings. My art could be sold as the "before" picture for an art class.

I think your "trees in funny places" series will be interesting.

I can imagine the view is not cheap. It's nice to have friends with places. :) Thanks, we have some constraints that are keeping us put for now, but if things change and we could come down, I'll let you know! :)

My art could be sold as the "before" picture for an art class.

We could together make a killing!!

Our door is always open buddy ;)

Lovely day! I love everything about it. Except the poop and the abandoned structures (what a waste of space). Love the beach shot. I can see gold touch on the palm leaves. Also, I would like to cut the banana heart and cook it :)
It's great that the trees are preserve. It just shows how they are given importance.
Your friend's pool is to die for, at least for the view that you can see from there.
I hope there's a better way to take photo of the mural. But I think imagination is enough :D

haha yes, the poop was my least favourite part as well ;)

Right?? the abandoned buildings are such a waste! The ocean, trees, and my friend's pool...so beautiful ;)

Tell me, what's the banana heart and how do you cook it?

It's that dark violet thing hanging down from the banana. What we do is chop it and rub it in salt to remove the bitterness and sap(?). Saute chopped onions, garlic and ginger. Then add the chopped banana heart. Add salt to taste. That's the basic way of cooking it. We can also add that to beans and other vegetables.

That's so cool to know, and it sounds delicious! Where are you by the way?

I'm from the beautiful islands of the Philippines :D

Nice! I feel like I want to walk by there and see if they're using it, otherwise I'll take it and try to cook it! I love cooking, especially learning something new like this! Thanks ;)

You stepped in poop for us. Awww. Now that is love. That rooftop pool is amazing! Puts mine to shame. I would love to swap with your friend. That pool with that ocean view?! Simply stunning. Thanks for the tour Lynn. Mural is very cool!

Thanks @beeyou! I'm do glad you liked it. Yes that view is something for sure! You just need to put up a wall behind your pool and get a local artist to to paint an amazing ocean view for you ;)

What can I say more about Mexico? We all know that Mexico is well known for their delicacies especially tacos, but there's also another side of beauty waiting for us to discover. I am glad that you brought up these street arts for us to witness the other side of Mexico :)

Thank you @explorenations! There really are so many beautiful things here that you of course never see in the tourist brochures ;)

Your Duckins—best guess, Muscovy Ducks. It's hard to tell in the picture if the beaks are right, but they do have that rather angry looking red skin on their heads/faces.

Of course you know @glenalbrethsen!! How should their beaks look if they are Muscovy Ducks?

And I went back to the previous mural where you researched about, and took a few more pics. There's a military figure with a gun shooting at a person who appears to be screaming, but I got the sense it was more about screaming out the truth for all to hear, especially after your explanation. I still get shivers about that one.

There's a military figure with a gun shooting at a person who appears to be screaming

Okay. So, that sounds like the first part of the tale, where the police and other start shooting at the buses the teachers-in-training were on.

I've been working on the Mexica Zulu as well as the Rank, XMD, and Maintain from the mural above. Mexica Zulu, I believe, is some kind of youth program in Mexico that has some kind of hip hop flare to it. They have their own Facebook and Twitter pages. The others may or may not be related, as hip hop bands, or some other kind of groups. XMD has a Facebook page, and it all seems to be dedicated to stylized graffiti art.

Which doesn't really explain the main part of the mural, but to me, the male and female look like stars from an older movie poster. That wouldn't explain the doves flying in between.

How should their beaks look if they are Muscovy Ducks?

As far as the Muscovy Ducks are concerned, in some of the online images, they look like have duck beaks, and in others, they look like they have something similar to a chicken beak—so maybe it varies? The red skin growth that looks like an infection is the only thing that seems to tie them together, so I could be wrong on what they are. Maybe they actually bred ducks and chickens and created Duckins. :)

Thank you for doing the research; your guess to me is pretty accurate. The "man" pic always reminds me of Frida Kahlo haha

...around here, you never know ;) I'm going with Duckins because I can imagine a really funny story behind that one !

The mural is really beautiful and I enjoyed this walk with you a lot. <3

Thank you so much @sharoonyasir!! And thank you for stopping by; you are a wonderful gentle reminder that I haven't seen you in a while and need to make my way to your side of the world ;)

:) Yeah visits to my blog by different people does the same for me :) Thank you.

That view is amazing from the pool!!!

Must say the chickens everywhere still gets me when you post. Shouldn't surprise me anymore, but in and out of a store...lol.

And seriously the tree in the middle of the road is to funny. That would be a great way to keep people on their side of the street. Forget stripping the road, just plant a row of trees every 40 feet give or take.

The view is spectacular!! And trust me, he pays for it haha

Right!! The chickens lol I'm still not used to it. I am however used to cats and dogs running or being inside restaurants, or outside at restaurant patios. It's interesting because most people take terrible care of their pets here, but they seem to be allowed to roam wherever they want. I haven't quite figured it all out yet!

There are trees like that all over the place. The one at the end of our street, a car can barely get around. It is right smack in the middle, parallel with the stop sign. (I should do a post just on trees in the streets haha) I think the tree 'thing' is mostly due to the "good enough" attitude I see with construction here. I was at a new restaurant the other day, went to the washroom, and the tap fixtures were merely set in the pre-drilled holes in the sink, but there were no fittings securing it all. Good enough ;)

"Good Enough for government work" is always what I like to say when I see half ass work. Do part of the job and everyone should be happy that something got done.

You should do the post with the trees for sure. Know I'd like to see it.

The view is spectacular!! And trust me, he pays for it haha

I'm guessing he doesn't pay anything near what it would cost in the States to have a view like that. But costs are all relative. And at least you get to enjoy it! I have multiple friends with lake houses...we get to visit and enjoy them without having the expenses of the house, boats, wave runners and so forth. Sure we pitch in for gas and cover food & booze while we visit, but that is nothing compared to the overhead of a place like that.

haha "Good Enough for government work" is awesome!

I started taking more photos of the trees today; it's amazing to me just how many there are when I started looking!

So true..way easier just to pitch in, then move on...all the fun, none of the responsibility! :)

..all the fun, none of the responsibility! :)

That sounds like how Grandparents feel...lmao. My kids are staying over at "Grumpa's" tonight, that is my Wife's Father. Gave him the nickname Grumpa since he is the Grumpy Grandpa. But he is also the one that will let the kids get away with staying up way to late and run them ragged tomorrow to then return them exhausted and pissy. He got the fun and then dump the responsibility on us.

BTW, if you didn't see my most recent post I'm trying to move along the contest idea. Know we hadn't chatted, but wanted to get something out today and happened to hit 300 followers as I was logging in trying to think about what to post. Really leaning towards making this a weekly contest with 2 winners each week to give it a chance to grow over that time vs being a one and done. Anyways take a look at the ideas people have given so far when you get a chance.

Oh shoot! I just saw this and will make my way there now!

haha grumpy! Of course, they can do what they want...they've already gone through all the bs of parenting. I think it's a bit of payback ;)

your photos make me want to go travelling :)

I know right?? Whenever I see photos here of far-off places, the urge hits me as well!!

I don't think you and I have officially met @lil-mich, but it's nice to meet you! I've seen you around, but of course right now, can't place exactly where haha

It's nice to meet you too @lynncoyle1 :) I think we wander in the same circles, I hang out a lot around the newbieresteemday area, so I've seen you around as well. :) Incidentally, I have noticed you especially, as you share the name with a member of my extended family - it used to give me jolt when I saw it, but I have realised it's another lynncoyle, in another part of the world. :)

Ahh @newbie I guess it is then.

What?? where is that Lynn Coyle?

Scotland 😁

I knew a Scottish lady in the Vancouver, Canada area called Lynn Coyle!! Seriously :)

haha so there's a whole bunch of you :)

hahaha who knew??:)

Some real wonderful pictures, I am amazed at the size of those trees, They must have deep roots, because it did not seem like any buckling of the road around them. And the mural to start with, huge, Loved the different mandala motifs going on in it. Chicken, duck, at least not dog caca. Poor pooch looked a little bit skinny and hungry, at least he got a meal from you.

I miss being able to soak in a big outdoor tub/swimming pool, maybe one day again in the future. Looks like you had a very nice enjoyable walk. Thanks for the share.

Thank you so much @bashadow! That one tree in particular, with the VW bug, had a plaque beside it that I half translated, but apparently it has one of the widest spanning trunks of any in all of Mexico. And right??? The mural was incredible! And my foot did feel very disgusting walking home! The pooch... there are so many hungry dogs around here; I'm forever feeding them...I fall in love with all of them!

The soak was pretty nice I have to say...hey, if you ever plan a tropical vacation, make sure you make it to this one ;)

Thank you for sharing my day ;)

It looked like you had a nice day, and those trees, I still can't believe the roads are not all buckled and broken by the roots, and the trees actually looked pretty healthy in the pictures at any rate.

I'm not quite sure how it's all possible, but yes, the trees are old and healthy!!

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